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Memory: Biological research

The following worksheet checks your understanding of the role of various biological factors on one behaviour - in this case, memory.  Try to answer the questions first before checking the answers that are provided in the "hidden boxes." 

Checking your understanding

1. What is meant by neurogenesis and dendritic branching?

2. How does the biological theory of dendritic branching support the model of Atkinson and Shiffrin?

3. What did Draganski observe happened when people discontinued juggling, a newly acquired skill?

4. Why is the understanding of neural plasticity important in our understanding of localization of behaviour in the brain?

5. What conclusions did Meaney and others make about the role of maternal care or deprivation with regard to brain plasticity?

6. What conclusions did Maguire make about the role of the environment on the brain?

7. According to Newcomer, what role does cortisol play in memory?