¡Bienvenidos a la página web de Español B para alumnos!
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Who is this site for?
This is a self-study & revision site for International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Spanish B students. It provides an online learning environment for higher and standard level students who want to consolidate their language skills, have a deeper understanding of assessment requirements and improve their grades.
The learning resources here encourage continuous progression and provide a clear path for students to reach their full potential by building confidence and increasing motivation. New material is added all the time and we hope that students in both DP1 and DP2 will find it useful.
What do you get?

How is it structured?
The structure is consistent and easy to follow. Its sections on Paper 1: Writing; Paper 2: Reading; Paper 2: Listening and Individual Oral provide a practical and effective step by step guide for students to work on their own needs. These sections are supported by the Grammar, Vocabulary and Functions and Pronunciation and Intonation sections.
The site offers four extensive sections: Exam list of text types, Exam tips, Test yourself and Mock exams. They include a detailed guidance on all aspects of assessment and tons of exam style questions (with answers).
It is written in Spanish, but it also ensures that users understand key explanations, guidance, strategies or exam-tips making use of English through videos, hidden boxes or essential clarifications.
The Question bank & Flashcards
The Question bank ...
The course at a glance
Los cursos de Lengua B se ofrecen en dos niveles: Nivel medio (NM) y Nivel superior (NS). Los cursos van dirigidos a alumnos con conocimiento previo de la lengua, en este caso del español, y el objetivo es la adquisición de la lengua meta...