Exposure, practice, revision & consolidation are keys to language learning. The Question bank and the Flashcards are two great assets of our website that will make self-study and self-learning effective for you and your goals. Don't miss them!
- More than 2000 questions and we will keep adding!!!
- You can practise all the sections: Choose the topics: grammar, vocabulary, reading, oral, exam tips, etc.
- You can practise in your computer or phone.
- On topic pages you can also find plenty of longer answer exam style questions with model answers and question sets we call quizzes.
- Whenever necessary there is an explanation to the answer.
- More than 600 and we will keep adding!!!
- A tool to revise the vocabulary you need in the subject.
- Words and phrases are given in English and Spanish.
With our mobile app you can access thousands of Question bank questions specially designed for IBDP Spanish B students. Filter them by topic or sub-topic or to practise in a test you customize yourself or choose random quizzes.
Alternatively train yourself using our flashcards particularly created to revise vocabulary.
You can track your progress to see how you are doing: History.
Revision in the palm of your hand so you can practice anywhere!
Find our InThinking Revision App in
Google play store and Apple app store.
How much of The Question bank & Flashcards have you understood?