A list of quizzes to practise your reading skills.
Remember to check Writing: Exam tips for more help.

Identifying text types & purpose
You will find here a list of quizzes to practise these particular points. Tips:
Identifying main ideas and true sentences
These quizzes will help you to identify main ideas and true sentences. Tips:
Matching vocabulary exercises
These quizzes will help you to revise vocabulary and practice the frequent questions about how you are asked vocabulary in this part of the Paper 2. Tips:
Identifying to what or who refer the words
These quizzes will help you to identify these cohesive devices. Tips:
Matching two halves of a sentence
These quizzes will help you to link two parts of a sentence. This is one of the most frequent questions asked in the exam. Tips:
Specific questions about the literature text
One of the three texts at this level is an extract from a literary work. These quizzes will help you to manage these types of texts. Tips:
How much of Nivel superior (HL) have you understood?