DP History Questionbank

HL option 2: Aspects of the history of Africa
This option covers 200 years of African history from 1800 to 2000. This is a very large area geographically and the wide time frame makes exhaustive study of every part of the region impossible. Key areas have been selected for detailed study taking into consideration the influence of different colonial powers in the vast continent. Political, economic and social history and changes are covered under independent African states, colonial and post-colonial history.
Only people and events named in the guide will be named in the examination questions. Three sections must be selected for in-depth study.
Directly related questions
To what extent was dissatisfaction with some elements of Christianity a major cause of the emergence of Independent Churches?
Evaluate the reasons for the rise of the Niger Delta trading states in the 19th century.
“Traders rather than explorers played the dominant role in promoting European interest in Africa in the period from 1850 to 1900.” Discuss.
Evaluate the reasons why Namibia (South West Africa) achieved its independence significantly later than Ghana (Gold Coast).
To what extent do you agree that economic factors were a significant cause of John Chilembwe’s rising in 1915?
“The administrative systems used by the British in Nigeria were a success.” Discuss.
Discuss the social and economic organization of the Ndebele under Lobengula.
“Economic factors were the main cause of the Maji Maji Rising (1905).” Discuss.
“Mozambique achieved independence because of external factors rather than internal factors.” Discuss.
Examine the role of political parties and leaders in the achievement of independence in Senegal in 1960.
“Khama chose to collaborate with the British because of internal weaknesses.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Compare and contrast the regional impact of the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Evaluate the argument that the most important causes of the Mfecane were economic.
To what extent did the economic and political weaknesses of African states contribute to the European annexation of Africa?
With reference to one area of Africa, discuss the changing role of women within the period from 1800 to 1960.
Discuss the reasons why one-party states were established in any two African countries.
Discuss the factors that led to the rise of the Hehe under Mkwawa.
Compare and contrast the results of Asante resistance to British imperialism with that of the Mandinka to French imperialism.
“The segregation and discrimination policies of Smuts and Hertzog achieved their aims.” Discuss.
To what extent did growing international opposition contribute to the collapse of the apartheid system?
With reference to social and economic developments in Kenya up to 1963, to what extent was British rule more of a success than a failure?
Compare and contrast the achievement of independence in Tanganyika and Kenya.
Evaluate the political impact of ethnic conflict in any two African countries.
To what extent did the structure of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) affect the achievement of its aims?
Sub sections and their related questions
5. Response to European imperialism (Southern and West Africa) 1870‑1920
“Khama chose to collaborate with the British because of internal weaknesses.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Compare and contrast the results of Asante resistance to British imperialism with that of the Mandinka to French imperialism.
6. Developments in South Africa 1880‑1994
“The segregation and discrimination policies of Smuts and Hertzog achieved their aims.” Discuss.
To what extent did growing international opposition contribute to the collapse of the apartheid system?
10. Nationalist and independence movements (Southern and West Africa)
Examine the role of political parties and leaders in the achievement of independence in Senegal in 1960.
Evaluate the reasons why Namibia (South West Africa) achieved its independence significantly later than Ghana (Gold Coast).
11. Post-independence politics to 2000
Evaluate the political impact of ethnic conflict in any two African countries.
Discuss the reasons why one-party states were established in any two African countries.
12. Africa, international organizations and the international community
To what extent did the structure of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) affect the achievement of its aims?
Compare and contrast the regional impact of the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
3. European imperialism and annexation of Africa 1850‑1900
“Traders rather than explorers played the dominant role in promoting European interest in Africa in the period from 1850 to 1900.” Discuss.
To what extent did the economic and political weaknesses of African states contribute to the European annexation of Africa?
8. Social and economic developments in the 19th and 20th centuries 1800‑1960
With reference to one area of Africa, discuss the changing role of women within the period from 1800 to 1960.
To what extent was dissatisfaction with some elements of Christianity a major cause of the emergence of Independent Churches?
4. Response to European imperialism (Eastern and Central Africa) 1880‑1915
“Economic factors were the main cause of the Maji Maji Rising (1905).” Discuss.
To what extent do you agree that economic factors were a significant cause of John Chilembwe’s rising in 1915?
7. Africa under colonialism 1890‑1980
With reference to social and economic developments in Kenya up to 1963, to what extent was British rule more of a success than a failure?
“The administrative systems used by the British in Nigeria were a success.” Discuss.
9. Nationalist and independence movements (Eastern and Central Africa)
Compare and contrast the achievement of independence in Tanganyika and Kenya.
“Mozambique achieved independence because of external factors rather than internal factors.” Discuss.
2. Pre-colonial African states (Southern and West Africa) 1800‑1900
Evaluate the argument that the most important causes of the Mfecane were economic.
Evaluate the reasons for the rise of the Niger Delta trading states in the 19th century.
1. Pre-colonial African states (Eastern and Central Africa) 1840‑1900
Discuss the factors that led to the rise of the Hehe under Mkwawa.
Discuss the social and economic organization of the Ndebele under Lobengula.