DP History Questionbank

10. Nationalist and independence movements (Southern and West Africa)
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This is an important section that deals with the efforts at decolonization in Southern and West Africa. It is different from sections 4 and 5 on the responses to colonialism, in that it focuses on the later attempts to regain political freedom. It requires a comparative analysis of the factors that led some countries to achieve independence earlier or later than others, and of the relative contributions of internal and external factors, the role of nationalist movements and political parties and leadership, and the response of colonial powers. Students should have an in-depth knowledge of the reasons why independence was sometimes achieved through peaceful negotiations and sometimes through armed struggle.
Angola: liberation war; MPLA and UNITA to independence in 1975
South-west Africa: SWAPO to independence for Namibia in 1990
French West Africa: Sekou Toure in Guinea to independence in 1958
French West Africa: nationalism, political parties and independence in Senegal in 1960
Gold Coast to Ghana: Nkrumah and the CPP to independence in 1957
Nigeria: political parties; ethnic and regional rivalries; independence in 1960