DP History Questionbank

12. Africa, international organizations and the international community
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This section deals with how Africa was affected by, and itself impacted on, international organizations in the 20th century. These include the League of Nations, the United Nations and its specialized agencies and regional organizations such as the East African Community. The Abyssinian Crisis was a death blow to the League of Nations, while the United Nations made a notable contribution to the stabilization of Mozambique. Africa did not escape the impact of the global conflict of the Cold War. Some countries remained neutral, while others sided with the United States or the Soviet Union and this had significant consequences for the history of those countries.
League of Nations: Abyssinian Crisis (1935‑6)
Organization of African Unity: objectives, successes and failures
OAU to AU: objectives, structure, successes and failures
Regional organizations: East African Community to East African cooperation; Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); South Africa Development Cooperation Conference (SADCC)
Africa and the United Nations movement: Congo, Mozambique, Rwanda and Somalia
UN specialized agencies: a case study of the impact of any two agencies
Cold War and its impact on Africa: a case study of two countries