It is tempting to see your English language and literature course as somewhat independent units of study leading to discrete exams. There is some truth to this, but it isn't entirely accurate. It is better to see your studies in language and literature as one course with a range of assessment components that test overlapping skills and understandings. Here are some resources that will help you, not only in this course, but also in some of your other IB subjects, including your Extended Essay (EE) and Theory of Knowledge (TOK).
The IB Diploma is the global benchmark for pre-university, post-16, High School education. Being an inquiry-driven programme, the articulation of essential questions at the forefront of any study is a prerequisite. Below you find kinds of questions that will be answered within this section of the site:
This section will:
- Give you access to the marking criteria for the Language & Literature course;
- Help you to understand command terms, that will be useful in all academic learning;
- Give you a glossary of terms that could be useful across subjects.
Glossary of Terms
In your Paper 1 exam, it won't be enough to identify an example of onamatopoeia. Or, in Paper 2, it won't be adequate to suggest the novel you are writing about is rich in metaphor. Both examples tell your reader very little of any significance....
Understanding Command Terms
The IB uses a range of command terms in all subjects. Command terms are the key words that are used in the construction of questions and prompts. For example, in the prompt, Discuss the ways the writer builds a persuasive argument in this...
Marking Criteria
As a student, it is essential that you know how you are assessed and what the criteria are in each assessed component of the course