Now you're familiar with the nature of the Individual Oral, this page is a quick guide into exactly what you need to do to prepare for the big assessment in the weeks building up to finalising and presenting your Individual Oral.
Preparing for the Oral
Identify a Global Issue
Identify the Work and Body of Work you wish to use to explore the Global Issue
Find an extract from each of the Work and the Body of Work
Prepare for the oral using the structure below:
Identifying a Global Issue - it is imperative that you use the definitions and guidance supplied by the IB for this in the Subject Guide:
Alternatively or additionally, consider the UN Sustainable Development Goals for inspiration:
Remember that you’ll need to be able to define your Global Issue in five to ten seconds of the oral, and will have only another 30 seconds or so to explain it (i.e. explain how it is evidenced in the world, how it is transnational, has broad significance but its impact is felt in local, everyday contexts).
Once you’ve identified your Global Issue, you must choose one of your literary works and one of your non-literary bodies of work to explore it through. Remember, this is the goal of the oral - it is how the global issue is seen in the whole work / body of work, not only through the extract (which is there to enable further exemplification). So, the selection of the work / body of work is essential. Also remember that you cannot then use that literary work or non-literary body of work for any other assessment component.
- Once you’ve identified the work / body of work, you must select an extract. This can be an image, a series of consecutive images (screenshots from a television series, for example), or a written extract of no more than 40 lines (including transcripts of podcasts, for example). This is the key part of the oral in which you must select details from the extract that also / further explore the global issue (it is not an isolated commentary of the text independent of that global issue focus), but one in which you can show your understanding and ability to analyse and evaluate features of the text type and their effects on the thematic messages (and global issue) being presented. So, make sure your extract is replete with techniques that you can quote and deconstruct.
How much of Individual Oral - Boiling it down have you understood?