DP History Questionbank

4. Western and Northern Europe 1848‑1914
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This section covers British history from 1867 to 1914 and France during the Second Empire and Third French Republic. This was a period of change and modernization, as well as war, political turmoil and social upheavals.
France: 1848 Revolution, Empire and Republic
Napoleon III: domestic and foreign policies
Collapse of Empire; Paris Commune
Third French Republic 1875‑1914: crises and policies; Boulanger; financial problems; Dreyfus; left‑wing movements; establishment of a secular state
Britain 1867‑1914: extension of the franchise; social reforms; development of political parties
Disraeli and Gladstone: domestic, including Irish, policies; foreign and imperial policies
Case study of political developments in one Western or Northern European state (suitable examples could be Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland but all relevant states are valid)
Directly related questions
Evaluate the successes and failures of Gladstone’s domestic policies between 1868 and 1894.
Evaluate the impact of the Dreyfus affair in France.