DP History Questionbank

HL option 5: Aspects of the history of Europe and the Middle East
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This option covers major trends in Europe and the Middle East in the period from the mid 18th century to the end of the 20th century. Europe and the Middle East are geographically close, and their similarities and differences have resulted in periods of cooperation and enmity. Major developments included revolutions; the decline of empires and the establishment of nation states; political, social and economic reforms; and the emergence of dictatorships and the re-emergence of democracy. Although the focus is on major countries, developments in other states can be studied through case studies.
Within the sections there will be, where appropriate, a case study approach in which students will have the opportunity to study their own or another national history of the region.
Only people and events named in the guide will be named in the examination questions.
In some bullets, suitable examples are shown in brackets. These examples will not be named in the examination questions as any appropriate examples could be used.
Three sections must be selected for in-depth study.
Directly related questions
Discuss the objectives of Bismarck’s foreign policy between 1871 and 1890.
Evaluate the nature of Reza Shah’s regime (1925–1941).
Discuss the causes of the Balkan Wars of 1912 to 1913.
Evaluate the successes and failures of Gladstone’s domestic policies between 1868 and 1894.
Evaluate the factors that led to the creation of the State of Israel.
Discuss the impact of the purges in the Soviet Union.
Discuss the causes of the Greek War of Independence.
To what extent did the Alliance System contribute to the outbreak of the First World War?
“Economic factors determined the outcome of the First World War.” Discuss.
Evaluate the economic and political impact of the domestic policies of Nicholas II between 1894 and 1914.
Examine the social and economic impact on Italy of Mussolini’s domestic policies.
“Failure to solve the political challenges of the ancien régime caused the French Revolution.” Discuss.
“Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies underwent major change after his coronation as Emperor in 1804.” Discuss.
To what extent did Mazzini’s ideology contribute to Italian unification?
Evaluate the impact of the Dreyfus affair in France.
“The political and military weaknesses of the Whites led to Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War.” Discuss.
With reference to one country of the region discuss the reasons for its changing social structure over a period of approximately fifty years.
“While there was limited political change, there was significant economic development in Spain in the period from 1939 to 1975.” Discuss.
With reference to one Western European state (excluding Germany and Spain), discuss the main aspects of domestic policy in the years from 1945 to 2000.
Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Nasser and Sadat.
With reference to one country of the region, evaluate the causes of urbanization during a period of approximately fifty years.
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
“The issue of the Occupied Territories was the major obstacle to peace in the period up to 2000.” Discuss.
“By 1929, the Weimar Republic had overcome the problems of the immediate post-war years.” Discuss.
- 961249: This is an example question for the example test. You can delete this question.
Sub sections and their related questions
1. The French Revolution and Napoleon—mid 18th century to 1815
“Failure to solve the political challenges of the ancien régime caused the French Revolution.” Discuss.
“Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies underwent major change after his coronation as Emperor in 1804.” Discuss.
3. Ottoman Empire from the early 19th to the early 20th century
Discuss the causes of the Greek War of Independence.
Discuss the causes of the Balkan Wars of 1912 to 1913.
- 961249: This is an example question for the example test. You can delete this question.
4. Western and Northern Europe 1848‑1914
Evaluate the impact of the Dreyfus affair in France.
Evaluate the successes and failures of Gladstone’s domestic policies between 1868 and 1894.
6. European diplomacy and the First World War 1870‑1923
To what extent did the Alliance System contribute to the outbreak of the First World War?
“Economic factors determined the outcome of the First World War.” Discuss.
10. The Second World War and post-war Western Europe 1939‑2000
“While there was limited political change, there was significant economic development in Spain in the period from 1939 to 1975.” Discuss.
With reference to one Western European state (excluding Germany and Spain), discuss the main aspects of domestic policy in the years from 1945 to 2000.
8. Interwar years: conflict and cooperation 1919‑39
Examine the social and economic impact on Italy of Mussolini’s domestic policies.
“By 1929, the Weimar Republic had overcome the problems of the immediate post-war years.” Discuss.
11. Post-war developments in the Middle East 1945‑2000
Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Nasser and Sadat.
“The issue of the Occupied Territories was the major obstacle to peace in the period up to 2000.” Discuss.
12. Social and economic developments in Europe and the Middle East in the 19th or 20th century
With reference to one country of the region discuss the reasons for its changing social structure over a period of approximately fifty years.
With reference to one country of the region, evaluate the causes of urbanization during a period of approximately fifty years.
7. War and change in the Middle East 1914‑49
Evaluate the factors that led to the creation of the State of Israel.
Evaluate the nature of Reza Shah’s regime (1925–1941).
2. Unification and consolidation of Germany and Italy 1815‑90
To what extent did Mazzini’s ideology contribute to Italian unification?
Discuss the objectives of Bismarck’s foreign policy between 1871 and 1890.
5. Imperial Russia, revolutions, emergence of Soviet State 1853‑1924
Evaluate the economic and political impact of the domestic policies of Nicholas II between 1894 and 1914.
“The political and military weaknesses of the Whites led to Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War.” Discuss.
9. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1924‑2000
Discuss the impact of the purges in the Soviet Union.
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.