DP History Questionbank

16: The Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia (1924–2000)
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- Soviet Union (1924–1941): Stalin and the struggle for power (1924–1929); defeat of Trotsky; Stalin’s policies of collectivization and the Five-Year Plans; government and propaganda under Stalin; the purges and the Great Terror
- The impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945); post-war Soviet Union (1945–1953): political and economic developments
- Khrushchev and Brezhnev: domestic policies and foreign relations
- Transformation of the Soviet Union (1985–1991): Gorbachev (aims, policies and extent of success); political developments and change
- Collapse of the Soviet Union; post-Soviet Russia to 2000; role and policies of Yeltsin; political and economic developments to 2000
Directly related questions
Evaluate the significance of propaganda to the maintenance of Stalin’s power between 1929 and 1945.
To what extent did Yeltsin establish democracy in Russia between 1991 and 1999?
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: “Propaganda was not a major factor in Stalin’s maintenance of power between 1929 and 1953.” Discuss.
Evaluate the impact of political and economic developments in post-Soviet Russia between 1991 and 2000.
“Stalin’s Five-Year Plans and the policy of collectivization failed to improve the Soviet economy by 1941.” Discuss.
“Khrushchev’s foreign policy caused confusion and uncertainty.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Evaluate the impact of Gorbachev’s policies on the Soviet Union.
Discuss the political and economic impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) in the Soviet Union.
Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: Discuss the causes and consequences of Stalin’s purges up to 1953.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.32: “The failure of his domestic policies was the main reason for Khrushchev’s removal from power in...
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: “The defeat of Trotsky was the most significant factor in Stalin’s rise to power up to 1929.”...
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: Discuss political and economic developments in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1953.
“By 1991, Gorbachev’s policies had achieved his aims.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Discuss the reasons why Stalin was able to become leader of the Soviet Union by 1929.
- 22M.3op4.HL.TZ0.32: “Post-Soviet Russia experienced more economic change than political change up to 2000.” Discuss.
“Stalin’s control of the Communist Party was the main reason for his victory in the struggle for power (1924–1929).” Discuss.
To what extent were Gorbachev’s policies responsible for improved East-West relations between 1985 and 1991?
“Brezhnev’s foreign policy was successful in reducing Cold War tensions in Europe.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Evaluate the impact of Stalin’s economic and political policies in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1953.
Sub sections and their related questions
Soviet Union (1924–1941): Stalin and the struggle for power (1924–1929); defeat of Trotsky; Stalin’s policies of collectivization and the Five-Year Plans; government and propaganda under Stalin; the purges and the Great Terror
Evaluate the significance of propaganda to the maintenance of Stalin’s power between 1929 and 1945.
“Stalin’s Five-Year Plans and the policy of collectivization failed to improve the Soviet economy by 1941.” Discuss.
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: Discuss the causes and consequences of Stalin’s purges up to 1953.
“Stalin’s control of the Communist Party was the main reason for his victory in the struggle for power (1924–1929).” Discuss.
- 20N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: “Propaganda was not a major factor in Stalin’s maintenance of power between 1929 and 1953.” Discuss.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: “The defeat of Trotsky was the most significant factor in Stalin’s rise to power up to 1929.”...
Discuss the reasons why Stalin was able to become leader of the Soviet Union by 1929.
The impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945); post-war Soviet Union (1945–1953): political and economic developments
- 18N.3op4.HL.TZ0.31: Discuss political and economic developments in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1953.
Evaluate the impact of Stalin’s economic and political policies in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1953.
Discuss the political and economic impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) in the Soviet Union.
Khrushchev and Brezhnev: domestic policies and foreign relations
“Khrushchev’s foreign policy caused confusion and uncertainty.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
“Brezhnev’s foreign policy was successful in reducing Cold War tensions in Europe.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.32: “The failure of his domestic policies was the main reason for Khrushchev’s removal from power in...
Transformation of the Soviet Union (1985–1991): Gorbachev (aims, policies and extent of success); political developments and change
“By 1991, Gorbachev’s policies had achieved his aims.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
To what extent were Gorbachev’s policies responsible for improved East-West relations between 1985 and 1991?
Evaluate the impact of Gorbachev’s policies on the Soviet Union.
Collapse of the Soviet Union; post-Soviet Russia to 2000; role and policies of Yeltsin; political and economic developments to 2000
To what extent did Yeltsin establish democracy in Russia between 1991 and 1999?
Evaluate the impact of political and economic developments in post-Soviet Russia between 1991 and 2000.
- 22M.3op4.HL.TZ0.32: “Post-Soviet Russia experienced more economic change than political change up to 2000.” Discuss.