DP Geography Questionbank

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Explain the characteristics and spatial distribution of the following hazards.
- Either earthquakes or volcanoes
- Hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons)
- Droughts
- Any one recent human‑induced (technological) hazard (explosion or escape of hazardous material)
Distinguish between the chosen hazards in terms of their spatial extent, predictability, frequency, magnitude, duration, speed of onset and effects.
Directly related questions
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- 17N.2.sl.08a.ii: Briefly describe one physical cause of a located severe drought.
- 17N.2.sl.08a.i: Outline what is meant by the term “drought”.
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- 17N.2.sl.07b.i: Suggest reasons for the changes you identified in (a) for number of deaths.
- 17N.2.sl.07a.ii: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in economic losses.
- 17N.2.sl.07a.i: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in number of deaths
- 17M.2.bp.8c: Explain three conditions necessary for the formation of tropical hurricanes.
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- 16M.2.bp.7c: Using located examples, examine why the intensity of hurricanes varies over time.
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- .2.bp.7b: Explain the reasons for the occurrence and severity of a specific drought event that you have...
- 11N.2.bp.7a: Identify two of the hazards shown and explain your choice.
- 11N.2.bp.7b: Analyse the global distribution of one of the hazards you identified in part (a).
- 11N.2.bp.8a: Outline the methods used to describe the magnitude (strength) of two hazard types.
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- 12M.2.bp.8aii: Define hazard probability.
- 12N.2.bp.7a: Describe the atmospheric conditions in the eye and the eyewall of a typical hurricane.
- 12N.2.bp.7b: Explain the conditions needed for the occurrence of a hurricane hazard event.
- 12N.2.bp.8a: Describe the changes shown in the graph.
- 12N.2.bp.8b: Explain the reasons for the changes shown in the graph.
- 13M.2.bp.8a(i): Identify a scale used to measure the magnitude of one hazard type.
- 13M.2.bp.8a(ii): Describe the main features of the scale you identified in (a)(i).
- 13M.2.bp.8b: Explain the occurrence of hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons) in a named area.
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- 13N.2.sl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 13N.2.sl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
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- 15N.2.sl.8b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly explain their occurrence: (i) at a...
- 15N.2.hl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
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- 15N.2.sl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.sl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
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- 15M.2.sl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.sl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.hl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.hl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.hl.7a: Identify which hazard: (i) affected the least number of people in 2012; (ii) affected the...