DP Geography Questionbank

Option D: Hazards and disasters—risk assessment and response
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.2.bp.8c: Examine the effectiveness of short- and long-term responses to one recent disaster caused by a...
- 18M.2.bp.8b.ii: Briefly explain the occurrence of either volcanoes or earthquakes at destructive plate margins.
- 18M.2.bp.8b.i: Briefly explain the occurrence of either volcanoes or earthquakes at constructive plate margins.
- 18M.2.bp.8a: Outline two factors that can influence the vulnerability of a community to the impacts of a...
- 18M.2.bp.7c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas affected by frequent earthquake or...
- 18M.2.bp.7b.ii: Suggest one short-term strategy that the local community could use to help overcome the problem...
- 18M.2.bp.7b.i: Explain two possible human impacts that could occur as a result of a long-term drought in the...
- 17N.2.sl.08c: Discuss the reasons why some low-income countries may be more vulnerable than others to the...
- 17N.2.sl.08b: Suggest two reasons why individuals and communities may underestimate the probability of a severe...
- 17N.2.sl.08a.ii: Briefly describe one physical cause of a located severe drought.
- 17N.2.sl.08a.i: Outline what is meant by the term “drought”.
- 17N.2.sl.07c: Examine the factors that affect the choice of adjustments before, and responses after, tectonic...
- 17N.2.sl.07b.ii: Suggest reasons for the changes you identified in (a) for economic losses.
- 17N.2.sl.07b.i: Suggest reasons for the changes you identified in (a) for number of deaths.
- 17N.2.sl.07a.ii: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in economic losses.
- 17N.2.sl.07a.i: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in number of deaths
- 17M.2.bp.8d: “Poorer communities are more vulnerable to the impacts of hazard events than richer communities.”...
- 17M.2.bp.8c: Explain three conditions necessary for the formation of tropical hurricanes.
- 17M.2.bp.7c: “Hazard prediction is ineffective in reducing the impact of hazard events on people’s lives and...
- 17M.2.bp.7b: Suggest three factors that might affect an individual’s perception of the risk posed by tectonic...
- 17M.2.bp.7a: Describe the global distribution of either volcanoes or earthquakes.
- 16M.2.bp.8c: Referring to two or more types of hazard, examine why the highest magnitude hazard events are not...
- 16M.2.bp.8b: Suggest why the distinction between a hazard event and a disaster is not always completely clear.
- 16M.2.bp.8a: (i) Using map evidence, determine which state was worst affected and outline why. (ii) Using...
- 16M.2.bp.7c: Using located examples, examine why the intensity of hurricanes varies over time.
- 16M.2.bp.7b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, explain three reasons why fewer deaths are caused...
- 16M.2.bp.7a: (i) Describe what is meant by the term “drought”. (ii) Outline one climatic reason for the...
- 12N.2.bp.8c: Examine the different types of responses that occurred during and after a named disaster. (Do not...
- 12N.2.bp.8b: Explain the reasons for the changes shown in the graph.
- 12N.2.bp.8a: Describe the changes shown in the graph.
- 12N.2.bp.7c: “Rich countries experience hazard events while poor countries experience disasters.” Discuss this...
- 12N.2.bp.7b: Explain the conditions needed for the occurrence of a hurricane hazard event.
- 12N.2.bp.7a: Describe the atmospheric conditions in the eye and the eyewall of a typical hurricane.
- 12M.2.bp.8c: Examine the impact of a recent human-induced (technological) hazard event.
- 12M.2.bp.8b: Explain three factors that affect the way that people perceive hazards.
- 12M.2.bp.8aii: Define hazard probability.
- 12M.2.bp.8ai: Define hazard risk.
- 12M.2.bp.7c: “Hazard preparedness is more important than hazard prediction.” Discuss this statement with...
- 12M.2.bp.7b: Analyse three ways in which communities can reduce the impact of drought.
- 12M.2.bp.7a: Describe the distribution of areas in the northern hemisphere that have been affected by five or...
- 11N.2.bp.8c: “Economic factors and not physical factors determine the severity of the impacts of hurricanes...
- 11N.2.bp.8b: Suggest three reasons why some people continue to live in places with a known hazard risk.
- 11N.2.bp.8a: Outline the methods used to describe the magnitude (strength) of two hazard types.
- 11N.2.bp.7c: Using examples, evaluate the success of adjustment and response strategies for a named hazard type.
- 11N.2.bp.7b: Analyse the global distribution of one of the hazards you identified in part (a).
- 11N.2.bp.7a: Identify two of the hazards shown and explain your choice.
- 11M.2.bp.8c: Compare the effectiveness of the methods used to predict the occurrence of two different natural...
- 11M.2.bp.8b: Explain why some sections of a community are more vulnerable to hazards than others.
- 11M.2.bp.8a: Describe the difference between a hazard and a disaster.
- .2.bp.8d: For one or more hazards of your choice, examine how estimates are made for the probability and...
- .2.bp.8c: Analyse why communities may underestimate the probability of a hazard event occurring.
- .2.bp.8b: Explain how two of the other factors (other than factor A) shown on the diagram affect...
- .2.bp.8a: Suggest what factor A on the diagram might be.
- .2.bp.7c: Referring to examples, examine why the geographic impacts of disasters vary in space and time.
- .2.bp.7b: Explain the reasons for the occurrence and severity of a specific drought event that you have...
- .2.bp.7a: Briefly describe any two distinct patterns shown by the data on the graph.
- 13M.2.bp.7b: Suggest three reasons why communities often underestimate the probability of a tectonic hazard...
- 13M.2.bp.8a(i): Identify a scale used to measure the magnitude of one hazard type.
- 13M.2.bp.8a(ii): Describe the main features of the scale you identified in (a)(i).
- 13M.2.bp.7a: Describe the pattern of high population exposure to tectonic hazards shown on the map.
- 13M.2.bp.7c: Examine the ways in which vulnerability to either earthquake or volcanic hazards can be reduced.
- 13M.2.bp.8b: Explain the occurrence of hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons) in a named area.
- 13M.2.bp.8c: “The economic impact of disasters is increasing while related deaths are decreasing.” Discuss...
- 14N.2.hl.7b: (i) Outline the essential characteristics of drought. (ii) Explain the cause(s) of one named...
- 14N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.hl.7a: Describe the trends shown on the graph.
- 14N.2.hl.8a: Describe two ways in which land-use planning (zoning) can reduce hazard risk for a named hazard...
- 14N.2.hl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 14N.2.hl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.sl.7a: Describe the trends shown on the graph.
- 14N.2.sl.7b: (i) Outline the essential characteristics of drought. (ii) Explain the cause(s) of one named...
- 14N.2.sl.8a: Describe two ways in which land-use planning (zoning) can reduce hazard risk for a named hazard...
- 14N.2.sl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.2.sl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 14M.2.hl.7b: Explain two factors that affect the formation and development of hurricanes.
- 14M.2.sl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14M.2.sl.8a: With reference to either earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, describe two ways in which people’s...
- 14M.2.sl.7a: Describe the changes shown from 12 August to 14 August in: (i) storm intensity; (ii) storm...
- 14M.2.hl.8a: With reference to either earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, describe two ways in which people’s...
- 14M.2.hl.7a: Describe the changes shown from 12 August to 14 August in: (i) storm intensity; (ii) storm...
- 14M.2.sl.7b: Explain two factors that affect the formation and development of hurricanes.
- 14M.2.hl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14M.2.hl.8b: With reference to either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, distinguish between the types of...
- 14M.2.sl.8b: With reference to either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, distinguish between the types of...
- 13N.2.hl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.hl.8b: Explain how building design and land-use planning can limit the potential damage from one named...
- 13N.2.hl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 13N.2.hl.7a: (i) State the height in metres of the highest point west of gridline 35. (ii) State the...
- 13N.2.hl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 13N.2.sl.7a: (i) State the height in metres of the highest point west of gridline 35. (ii) State the...
- 13N.2.sl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 13N.2.sl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8b: Explain how building design and land-use planning can limit the potential damage from one named...
- 15N.2.hl.8b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly explain their occurrence: (i) at a...
- 15N.2.sl.8b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly explain their occurrence: (i) at a...
- 15N.2.hl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 15N.2.hl.7a: Using data from the diagram, describe three trends shown.
- 15N.2.hl.7b: Suggest how a community’s vulnerability to hazards is affected by: (i) the demographic...
- 15N.2.hl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 15N.2.hl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.sl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.sl.7a: Using data from the diagram, describe three trends shown.
- 15N.2.sl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 15M.2.sl.7c: Explain what is meant by the: (i) rehabilitation response to a hazard event; (ii)...
- 15M.2.hl.8b: Explain the causes of one named human-induced hazard event.
- 15M.2.sl.8b: Explain the causes of one named human-induced hazard event.
- 15M.2.sl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15M.2.sl.7a: Identify which hazard: (i) affected the least number of people in 2012; (ii) affected the...
- 15M.2.sl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.hl.7c: Explain what is meant by the: (i) rehabilitation response to a hazard event; (ii)...
- 15M.2.sl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.hl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15M.2.hl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.hl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.hl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15M.2.hl.7a: Identify which hazard: (i) affected the least number of people in 2012; (ii) affected the...
- 15M.2.sl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15N.2.sl.7b: Suggest how a community’s vulnerability to hazards is affected by: (i) the demographic...
- 15N.2.sl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 16N.2.bp.7b: Briefly explain two geographical consequences of a recent human-induced (technological) hazard.
- 16N.2.bp.7a: Describe the distribution and tracks of hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons) affecting...
- 16N.2.bp.7c: Using one or more recent examples, discuss the relative importance of short-term and long-term...
- 16N.2.bp.8b: Explain three reasons why communities may underestimate the probability of a major hazard event...
- 16N.2.bp.8a: (i) Describe the change in the total number of reported disasters between 1971 and 2010. (ii)...
- 16N.2.bp.8c: Discuss the view that human vulnerability to natural hazards (excluding river flooding) is...
Sub sections and their related questions
Characteristics of hazards
- .2.bp.7a: Briefly describe any two distinct patterns shown by the data on the graph.
- .2.bp.7b: Explain the reasons for the occurrence and severity of a specific drought event that you have...
- 11N.2.bp.7a: Identify two of the hazards shown and explain your choice.
- 11N.2.bp.7b: Analyse the global distribution of one of the hazards you identified in part (a).
- 11N.2.bp.8a: Outline the methods used to describe the magnitude (strength) of two hazard types.
- 11N.2.bp.8c: “Economic factors and not physical factors determine the severity of the impacts of hurricanes...
- 12M.2.bp.7a: Describe the distribution of areas in the northern hemisphere that have been affected by five or...
- 12M.2.bp.8aii: Define hazard probability.
- 12N.2.bp.7a: Describe the atmospheric conditions in the eye and the eyewall of a typical hurricane.
- 12N.2.bp.7b: Explain the conditions needed for the occurrence of a hurricane hazard event.
- 12N.2.bp.8a: Describe the changes shown in the graph.
- 12N.2.bp.8b: Explain the reasons for the changes shown in the graph.
- 13M.2.bp.8a(i): Identify a scale used to measure the magnitude of one hazard type.
- 13M.2.bp.8a(ii): Describe the main features of the scale you identified in (a)(i).
- 13M.2.bp.8b: Explain the occurrence of hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons) in a named area.
- 13N.2.hl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.hl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 14M.2.hl.7a: Describe the changes shown from 12 August to 14 August in: (i) storm intensity; (ii) storm...
- 14M.2.sl.7a: Describe the changes shown from 12 August to 14 August in: (i) storm intensity; (ii) storm...
- 14M.2.hl.7b: Explain two factors that affect the formation and development of hurricanes.
- 14M.2.sl.7b: Explain two factors that affect the formation and development of hurricanes.
- 14M.2.hl.8a: With reference to either earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, describe two ways in which people’s...
- 14M.2.sl.8a: With reference to either earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, describe two ways in which people’s...
- 14N.2.hl.7a: Describe the trends shown on the graph.
- 14N.2.sl.7a: Describe the trends shown on the graph.
- 14N.2.hl.7b: (i) Outline the essential characteristics of drought. (ii) Explain the cause(s) of one named...
- 14N.2.sl.7b: (i) Outline the essential characteristics of drought. (ii) Explain the cause(s) of one named...
- 13N.2.sl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 15M.2.hl.7a: Identify which hazard: (i) affected the least number of people in 2012; (ii) affected the...
- 15M.2.sl.7a: Identify which hazard: (i) affected the least number of people in 2012; (ii) affected the...
- 15M.2.hl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.sl.7b: Suggest two reasons why the number of people affected by storms in 2012 is lower than in previous...
- 15M.2.hl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.sl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15N.2.hl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.sl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.hl.8b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly explain their occurrence: (i) at a...
- 15N.2.sl.8b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly explain their occurrence: (i) at a...
- 15N.2.hl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 15N.2.sl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 16M.2.bp.7a: (i) Describe what is meant by the term “drought”. (ii) Outline one climatic reason for the...
- 16M.2.bp.7c: Using located examples, examine why the intensity of hurricanes varies over time.
- 16N.2.bp.7a: Describe the distribution and tracks of hurricanes (tropical cyclones, typhoons) affecting...
- 17M.2.bp.7a: Describe the global distribution of either volcanoes or earthquakes.
- 17M.2.bp.8c: Explain three conditions necessary for the formation of tropical hurricanes.
- 17N.2.sl.07a.i: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in number of deaths
- 17N.2.sl.07a.ii: With reference to the diagram, describe the changes in economic losses.
- 17N.2.sl.07b.i: Suggest reasons for the changes you identified in (a) for number of deaths.
- 17N.2.sl.07b.ii: Suggest reasons for the changes you identified in (a) for economic losses.
- 17N.2.sl.08a.i: Outline what is meant by the term “drought”.
- 17N.2.sl.08a.ii: Briefly describe one physical cause of a located severe drought.
- 18M.2.bp.7b.i: Explain two possible human impacts that could occur as a result of a long-term drought in the...
- 18M.2.bp.8b.i: Briefly explain the occurrence of either volcanoes or earthquakes at constructive plate margins.
- 18M.2.bp.8b.ii: Briefly explain the occurrence of either volcanoes or earthquakes at destructive plate margins.
- .2.bp.8a: Suggest what factor A on the diagram might be.
- .2.bp.8b: Explain how two of the other factors (other than factor A) shown on the diagram affect...
- 11M.2.bp.8b: Explain why some sections of a community are more vulnerable to hazards than others.
- 11N.2.bp.8b: Suggest three reasons why some people continue to live in places with a known hazard risk.
- 13M.2.bp.7a: Describe the pattern of high population exposure to tectonic hazards shown on the map.
- 13N.2.hl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.hl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 14M.2.hl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14M.2.sl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.hl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 14N.2.sl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 13N.2.sl.7b: Using map evidence only, explain why the inhabitants of this area were particularly vulnerable to...
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 15M.2.hl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15M.2.sl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15N.2.hl.7a: Using data from the diagram, describe three trends shown.
- 15N.2.sl.7a: Using data from the diagram, describe three trends shown.
- 15N.2.hl.7b: Suggest how a community’s vulnerability to hazards is affected by: (i) the demographic...
- 15N.2.sl.7b: Suggest how a community’s vulnerability to hazards is affected by: (i) the demographic...
- 16M.2.bp.7b: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, explain three reasons why fewer deaths are caused...
- 16M.2.bp.8a: (i) Using map evidence, determine which state was worst affected and outline why. (ii) Using...
- 16M.2.bp.8c: Referring to two or more types of hazard, examine why the highest magnitude hazard events are not...
- 16N.2.bp.8c: Discuss the view that human vulnerability to natural hazards (excluding river flooding) is...
- 17M.2.bp.8d: “Poorer communities are more vulnerable to the impacts of hazard events than richer communities.”...
- 17N.2.sl.08c: Discuss the reasons why some low-income countries may be more vulnerable than others to the...
- 18M.2.bp.7c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas affected by frequent earthquake or...
- 18M.2.bp.8a: Outline two factors that can influence the vulnerability of a community to the impacts of a...
Risk and risk assessment
- .2.bp.8c: Analyse why communities may underestimate the probability of a hazard event occurring.
- .2.bp.8d: For one or more hazards of your choice, examine how estimates are made for the probability and...
- 11M.2.bp.8c: Compare the effectiveness of the methods used to predict the occurrence of two different natural...
- 11N.2.bp.8c: “Economic factors and not physical factors determine the severity of the impacts of hurricanes...
- 12M.2.bp.7c: “Hazard preparedness is more important than hazard prediction.” Discuss this statement with...
- 12M.2.bp.8ai: Define hazard risk.
- 12M.2.bp.8b: Explain three factors that affect the way that people perceive hazards.
- 13M.2.bp.7b: Suggest three reasons why communities often underestimate the probability of a tectonic hazard...
- 13N.2.hl.7a: (i) State the height in metres of the highest point west of gridline 35. (ii) State the...
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.hl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 13N.2.hl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 14N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.hl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 14N.2.sl.8b: Explain three reasons why people continue to reside in areas that are known to be affected by...
- 14N.2.hl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.2.sl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 13N.2.sl.7a: (i) State the height in metres of the highest point west of gridline 35. (ii) State the...
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8a: (i) Describe what is meant by hazard risk. (ii) Describe what is meant by vulnerability to hazards.
- 13N.2.sl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 15M.2.hl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.sl.7d: Examine why some areas of the world have a high hazard risk for either earthquakes or volcanoes
- 15M.2.hl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15M.2.sl.8c: Examine the reasons why people continue to live in areas that have been affected by severe...
- 15N.2.hl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 15N.2.hl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 15N.2.sl.8c: Discuss why some hazard events are easier to predict than others.
- 15N.2.sl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 16M.2.bp.8c: Referring to two or more types of hazard, examine why the highest magnitude hazard events are not...
- 16N.2.bp.8b: Explain three reasons why communities may underestimate the probability of a major hazard event...
- 17M.2.bp.7b: Suggest three factors that might affect an individual’s perception of the risk posed by tectonic...
- 17M.2.bp.7c: “Hazard prediction is ineffective in reducing the impact of hazard events on people’s lives and...
- 17N.2.sl.08b: Suggest two reasons why individuals and communities may underestimate the probability of a severe...
- .2.bp.7c: Referring to examples, examine why the geographic impacts of disasters vary in space and time.
- 11M.2.bp.8a: Describe the difference between a hazard and a disaster.
- 12M.2.bp.8c: Examine the impact of a recent human-induced (technological) hazard event.
- 12N.2.bp.7c: “Rich countries experience hazard events while poor countries experience disasters.” Discuss this...
- 12N.2.bp.8c: Examine the different types of responses that occurred during and after a named disaster. (Do not...
- 13M.2.bp.8c: “The economic impact of disasters is increasing while related deaths are decreasing.” Discuss...
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.hl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 14N.2.hl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.2.sl.8c: “Hazard events are predictable, disasters are not.” Discuss this statement.
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8c: “The faster the speed of onset, the greater the impact of the hazard event.” Discuss this...
- 15M.2.hl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15M.2.sl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15M.2.hl.8b: Explain the causes of one named human-induced hazard event.
- 15M.2.sl.8b: Explain the causes of one named human-induced hazard event.
- 15N.2.hl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 15N.2.sl.8a: Referring to either earthquakes or volcanoes, briefly outline: (i) one scale used to measure the...
- 16M.2.bp.8b: Suggest why the distinction between a hazard event and a disaster is not always completely clear.
- 16N.2.bp.7b: Briefly explain two geographical consequences of a recent human-induced (technological) hazard.
- 16N.2.bp.8a: (i) Describe the change in the total number of reported disasters between 1971 and 2010. (ii)...
Adjustments and responses to hazards and disasters
- .2.bp.7c: Referring to examples, examine why the geographic impacts of disasters vary in space and time.
- 11N.2.bp.7c: Using examples, evaluate the success of adjustment and response strategies for a named hazard type.
- 11N.2.bp.8c: “Economic factors and not physical factors determine the severity of the impacts of hurricanes...
- 12M.2.bp.7b: Analyse three ways in which communities can reduce the impact of drought.
- 13M.2.bp.7c: Examine the ways in which vulnerability to either earthquake or volcanic hazards can be reduced.
- 13N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.hl.8b: Explain how building design and land-use planning can limit the potential damage from one named...
- 14M.2.hl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14M.2.sl.7c: Using examples, examine the demographic and socio-economic factors that affect the vulnerability...
- 14M.2.hl.8b: With reference to either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, distinguish between the types of...
- 14M.2.sl.8b: With reference to either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, distinguish between the types of...
- 14N.2.hl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is the most important factor that influences the vulnerability...
- 14N.2.hl.8a: Describe two ways in which land-use planning (zoning) can reduce hazard risk for a named hazard...
- 14N.2.sl.8a: Describe two ways in which land-use planning (zoning) can reduce hazard risk for a named hazard...
- 13N.2.sl.7c: “The level of economic development is not the main factor affecting the impact of a tectonic...
- 13N.2.sl.8b: Explain how building design and land-use planning can limit the potential damage from one named...
- 15M.2.hl.7c: Explain what is meant by the: (i) rehabilitation response to a hazard event; (ii)...
- 15M.2.sl.7c: Explain what is meant by the: (i) rehabilitation response to a hazard event; (ii)...
- 15M.2.hl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15M.2.sl.8a: (i) Define the term disaster. (ii) Outline two long-term actions a community can take to reduce...
- 15N.2.hl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 15N.2.sl.7c: Using examples, contrast the strategies adopted to minimize the risk from future droughts and...
- 16M.2.bp.8c: Referring to two or more types of hazard, examine why the highest magnitude hazard events are not...
- 16N.2.bp.7c: Using one or more recent examples, discuss the relative importance of short-term and long-term...
- 17N.2.sl.07c: Examine the factors that affect the choice of adjustments before, and responses after, tectonic...
- 18M.2.bp.7b.ii: Suggest one short-term strategy that the local community could use to help overcome the problem...
- 18M.2.bp.8c: Examine the effectiveness of short- and long-term responses to one recent disaster caused by a...