DP Geography Questionbank

Hot, arid environments (hot deserts and semi‑arid areas)
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Explain weathering and the processes involved in wind- and water‑formed features. Explain the occurrence of flash floods.Directly related questions
- 18M.2.bp.6a.ii: Briefly outline two physical factors that influence the occurrence of flash floods in hot, arid...
- 18M.2.bp.5c: Compare the importance of water and wind in the development of landform features in hot, arid areas.
- 16N.2.bp.6b: Explain two processes of weathering commonly found in hot, arid environments.
- 16M.2.bp.5b: Explain two processes of weathering or erosion that operate in hot, arid areas.
- 11N.2.bp.5ai+aii+aiii: (i) Name the landform in the background of the photograph. (ii) State two processes of wind...
- 11N.2.bp.5b: Explain the occurrence of flash floods in areas like the one shown in the photograph.
- 13M.2.bp.5b: Briefly explain two weathering processes likely to operate in area C on the map.
- 14N.2.hl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 14N.2.sl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 14M.2.hl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 14M.2.sl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 15M.2.hl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...
- 15M.2.sl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...