DP Geography Questionbank

The physical characteristics of extreme environments
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.2.bp.6a.ii: Briefly outline two physical factors that influence the occurrence of flash floods in hot, arid...
- 18M.2.bp.5c: Compare the importance of water and wind in the development of landform features in hot, arid areas.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.iii: Suggest why a short-term increase in glacial ice (positive balance) begins around 1950.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.ii: State the year when the glacier began a continuous decline lasting to 2010.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.i: Estimate the volume of ice lost between 1850 and 1950.
- 17N.2.sl.05b: Explain the formation of one feature or landform of glacial deposition.
- 17N.2.sl.05a.v: Using map evidence, explain one reason, other than climate, why mining in this extreme...
- 17N.2.sl.05a.iv: State the height gained from the spot height in square 3315 to the triangulation pillar in square...
- 17N.2.sl.05a.iii: Estimate the length in kilometres of the walking track between the start of the walking track...
- 17N.2.sl.05a.ii: State the name of one U-shaped valley/trough shown on the map.
- 17N.2.sl.05a.i: Identify one landform of glacial erosion in square 3415.
- 17M.2.bp.6b.i: Outline how the seasonal changes taking place in the active layer differ between 50°N and 60°N.
- 17M.2.bp.6a: Describe how the characteristics of permafrost vary with latitude.
- 17M.2.bp.5b.ii: Explain two reasons why many glaciers are retreating.
- 17M.2.bp.5b.i: Distinguish between the terms “accumulation” and “ablation” in the glacial environment.
- 17M.2.bp.6b.ii: Explain two ways in which the active layer creates challenges for settlement and/or...
- 16N.2.bp.6b: Explain two processes of weathering commonly found in hot, arid environments.
- 16N.2.bp.5b: Explain the characteristics and formation in periglacial environments of: (i) patterned...
- 16M.2.bp.5b: Explain two processes of weathering or erosion that operate in hot, arid areas.
- 12N.2.bp.6b: Explain the importance of freeze-thaw cycles and solifluction processes for the development of...
- 12N.2.bp.6aii: Describe the seasonal variations in the number of freeze-thaw days.
- 12N.2.bp.6ai: Define the term freeze-thaw.
- 12N.2.bp.5c: Examine the importance of water in the development of the landforms in any one extreme...
- 12M.2.bp.6b: Explain two landforms associated with deposition by glaciers.
- 12M.2.bp.5a: The photograph shows a periglacial landscape in southern Iceland. [Source: Copyright Bruce...
- 11N.2.bp.6b: Explain how and why glaciers retreat.
- 11N.2.bp.5b: Explain the occurrence of flash floods in areas like the one shown in the photograph.
- 11N.2.bp.5ai+aii+aiii: (i) Name the landform in the background of the photograph. (ii) State two processes of wind...
- 11M.2.bp.6b: Explain how and why glaciers and ice masses have sometimes advanced.
- 11M.2.bp.5bii: Explain the formation of pingos.
- 11M.2.bp.5bi: Explain the process of solifluction.
- 11M.2.bp.5a: Name and describe two landforms shown on the photograph.
- .2.bp.5b: Explain the processes involved in the advance and retreat of glaciers.
- .2.bp.5a: Referring to the graph, describe the changes in the terminus of the Santa Rosa glacier from...
- 13M.2.bp.5b: Briefly explain two weathering processes likely to operate in area C on the map.
- 14N.2.hl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 14N.2.sl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 14M.2.hl.5a: (i) Identify and describe a landform of glacial erosion in area A on the map. (ii) Identify and...
- 14M.2.sl.5a: (i) Identify and describe a landform of glacial erosion in area A on the map. (ii) Identify and...
- 14M.2.hl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 14M.2.sl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 13N.2.hl.5c: Contrast the landforms that result from erosional and depositional glacial processes.
- 13N.2.sl.5c: Contrast the landforms that result from erosional and depositional glacial processes.
- 15N.2.hl.5a: Describe two changes in the landscape shown by the two photographs that demonstrate glacial retreat.
- 15N.2.sl.5a: Describe two changes in the landscape shown by the two photographs that demonstrate glacial retreat.
- 15N.2.sl.5b: Explain the formation of two features resulting from the processes of glacial...
- 15N.2.hl.5b: Explain the formation of two features resulting from the processes of glacial...
- 15M.2.hl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...
- 15M.2.sl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...
Sub sections and their related questions
Glacial environment
- .2.bp.5a: Referring to the graph, describe the changes in the terminus of the Santa Rosa glacier from...
- .2.bp.5b: Explain the processes involved in the advance and retreat of glaciers.
- 11M.2.bp.6b: Explain how and why glaciers and ice masses have sometimes advanced.
- 11N.2.bp.6b: Explain how and why glaciers retreat.
- 12M.2.bp.5a: The photograph shows a periglacial landscape in southern Iceland. [Source: Copyright Bruce...
- 12M.2.bp.6b: Explain two landforms associated with deposition by glaciers.
- 12N.2.bp.5c: Examine the importance of water in the development of the landforms in any one extreme...
- 13N.2.hl.5c: Contrast the landforms that result from erosional and depositional glacial processes.
- 14M.2.hl.5a: (i) Identify and describe a landform of glacial erosion in area A on the map. (ii) Identify and...
- 14M.2.sl.5a: (i) Identify and describe a landform of glacial erosion in area A on the map. (ii) Identify and...
- 13N.2.sl.5c: Contrast the landforms that result from erosional and depositional glacial processes.
- 15N.2.hl.5a: Describe two changes in the landscape shown by the two photographs that demonstrate glacial retreat.
- 15N.2.sl.5a: Describe two changes in the landscape shown by the two photographs that demonstrate glacial retreat.
- 15N.2.hl.5b: Explain the formation of two features resulting from the processes of glacial...
- 15N.2.sl.5b: Explain the formation of two features resulting from the processes of glacial...
- 17M.2.bp.5b.i: Distinguish between the terms “accumulation” and “ablation” in the glacial environment.
- 17M.2.bp.5b.ii: Explain two reasons why many glaciers are retreating.
- 17N.2.sl.05a.i: Identify one landform of glacial erosion in square 3415.
- 17N.2.sl.05a.ii: State the name of one U-shaped valley/trough shown on the map.
- 17N.2.sl.05a.iii: Estimate the length in kilometres of the walking track between the start of the walking track...
- 17N.2.sl.05a.iv: State the height gained from the spot height in square 3315 to the triangulation pillar in square...
- 17N.2.sl.05a.v: Using map evidence, explain one reason, other than climate, why mining in this extreme...
- 17N.2.sl.05b: Explain the formation of one feature or landform of glacial deposition.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.i: Estimate the volume of ice lost between 1850 and 1950.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.ii: State the year when the glacier began a continuous decline lasting to 2010.
- 17N.2.sl.06a.iii: Suggest why a short-term increase in glacial ice (positive balance) begins around 1950.
Periglacial environment
- 11M.2.bp.5a: Name and describe two landforms shown on the photograph.
- 11M.2.bp.5bi: Explain the process of solifluction.
- 11M.2.bp.5bii: Explain the formation of pingos.
- 12N.2.bp.6ai: Define the term freeze-thaw.
- 12N.2.bp.6aii: Describe the seasonal variations in the number of freeze-thaw days.
- 12N.2.bp.6b: Explain the importance of freeze-thaw cycles and solifluction processes for the development of...
- 16N.2.bp.5b: Explain the characteristics and formation in periglacial environments of: (i) patterned...
- 17M.2.bp.6a: Describe how the characteristics of permafrost vary with latitude.
- 17M.2.bp.6b.i: Outline how the seasonal changes taking place in the active layer differ between 50°N and 60°N.
- 17M.2.bp.6b.ii: Explain two ways in which the active layer creates challenges for settlement and/or...
Hot, arid environments (hot deserts and semi‑arid areas)
- 11N.2.bp.5ai+aii+aiii: (i) Name the landform in the background of the photograph. (ii) State two processes of wind...
- 11N.2.bp.5b: Explain the occurrence of flash floods in areas like the one shown in the photograph.
- 13M.2.bp.5b: Briefly explain two weathering processes likely to operate in area C on the map.
- 14M.2.hl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 14M.2.sl.6b: Suggest three reasons why some rainstorms in hot, arid environments result in flash floods.
- 14N.2.hl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 14N.2.sl.5a: (i) Identify any one landform shown in area A on the photograph. (ii) Suggest how landform B in...
- 15M.2.hl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...
- 15M.2.sl.5a: (i) Outline the main erosional process that accounts for the feature shown in the...
- 16M.2.bp.5b: Explain two processes of weathering or erosion that operate in hot, arid areas.
- 16N.2.bp.6b: Explain two processes of weathering commonly found in hot, arid environments.
- 18M.2.bp.5c: Compare the importance of water and wind in the development of landform features in hot, arid areas.
- 18M.2.bp.6a.ii: Briefly outline two physical factors that influence the occurrence of flash floods in hot, arid...