
This section looks at the processes involved in the types of research you will need to undertake. Your supervisor will give you advice on how to go about gathering your research by suggesting resources and discussing you choice of topic with you. Your supervisor will also help you to frame a precisely worded research question. It will obviously vary but you can expect your supervisor to spend about 3-5 hours discussing the progress of your Essay with you. This includes the time spent on the three mandatory reflection sessions. Some of this will involve your supervisor giving you specific advice, such as how to construct a bibliography or suggestions for improving or extending any practical work you undertake.
Choosing the research topic
Once you have decided on a general area of chemistry that you wish to study this page details how to go about researching this area to come up with a specific topic that is worthy of study and how to...
Framing the Research Question
A sharply focused research question is the key to a successful Extended Essay. This page advises you how to go about framing your research question and gives examples of good and bad research questions.
Researching your Essay
Whether you obtain your own data through practical work or whether you rely on secondary data all Extended Essays require you to put your own work into context through research. This page looks at different...
Reflections on planning and progress
You should record and reflect on the whole of your research process in your Researchers Reflection space. This page details exactly what is required for the reflection process including the three mandatory...