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COVID-19 and Student Access

Thursday 27 February 2020

Student access was set up to enable teachers to set assignments, including questions from qBank on all the topics in the core. AHL and options, and to give students access to selected pages on the site etc. etc. In addition ‘The complete course for students' is included as part of this chemistry site specifically for students to access directly so that they can learn, revise/review and explore the whole of the subject for themselves. Recently I have learned that ‘Student Access’ is is being used extensively by schools that have been forced to close temporarily due to the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus, Covid-19. This includes one in Vietnam that has now been closed for four weeks. These schools have needed to engage their students in distance learning and the website is proving invaluable for this. With it now being reported that the virus can be passed on by infected people who show no symptoms the likelihood of a pandemic is increasing. Whether or not your school is closed now or maybe closed in the future or whether you have individual students who have been asked to stay at home after potentially coming into contact with the virus, I strongly recommend that as the May examination session is rapidly approaching you and your students take full advantage of what ‘Student Access’ has to offer.


Since writing this blog just a few days ago, schools in several more countries have been closed so I have now published a full page on School closures and distance learning giving detaied information on how you can use this website to support distance learning.


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