Welcome to InThinking Revision Site: IBDP Chemistry!
The Stoichiometry section is free to view, so check it out first if you are new to the site.
Who is this site for?
This is a revision site for International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme chemistry students. It is written specifically for the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) chemistry specifications for the IBDP. It may also be useful for any students studying chemistry.
All the core topics of the chemistry course for both SL and HL are now covered in the relevant sections, but new material will be added all the time.
Please note that Past Paper style questions and worked answers are now available!
Although this is a revision site, we hope that students in both DP1 and DP2 will find it useful.
P.s. The Virtual tutor section is under development.
What do you get?
- Flashcard sets of key terms, including highlighted definitions that need to be learned.
- Revision cards containing all of the content you need in concise note form.
- Video tutorials explaining key concepts.
- Instant feedback multiple choice questions covering all of the concepts in a topic.
- Feedback from the questions is extensive and will help you learn!
- Exam style questions for both Paper 1 and Paper 2.
How is it structured?
Each topic has a number of sub-topics that are 'children' of the topic page. These sub-topic pages are labelled according to the specification/syllabus and contain the chemistry.
There is a pop-up periodic table on the left-hand menu bar.
You will find these sections below on each of the sub-topic pages:
This section contains flash cards that you should use to ensure that you understand the key vocabulary of the topic. Asterixed (*) definitions are those that you must learn to recall - you may be expected to define the term as part of an answer.
This section also contains video tutorials on particularly challenging or important concepts/tasks within the topic.
This section contains concise revision notes on a gallery of revision cards completely covering the sub-topic.
This section contains a multiple choice quiz that covers all of the key understandings/concepts/tasks required for this sub-topic. Many of the questions are written in the style of an IB examination paper, but because the questions seek to cover all of the key understandings/concepts/skills, some questions are more challenging or constructed differently than those that you will find on a multiple choice IB examination paper and some will require the use of a calculator (a calculator is not allowed in the IB multiple choice examination - paper 1).
More questions are available in the Question Bank where you can create a random or custom quiz.
Paper 1 and Paper 2 exam style questions are also available in separate sections.
This section contains a link to the exam style questions of the particular topic.