DP Physics Questionbank

D.1 – Stellar quantities
Nature of science:
Reality: The systematic measurement of distance and brightness of stars and galaxies has led to an understanding of the universe on a scale that is difficult to imagine and comprehend. (1.1)
- Objects in the universe
- The nature of stars
- Astronomical distances
- Stellar parallax and its limitations
- Luminosity and apparent brightness
Applications and skills:
- Identifying objects in the universe
- Qualitatively describing the equilibrium between pressure and gravitation in stars
- Using the astronomical unit (AU), light year (ly) and parsec (pc)
- Describing the method to determine distance to stars through stellar parallax
- Solving problems involving luminosity, apparent brightness and distance
- For this course, objects in the universe include planets, comets, stars (single and binary), planetary systems, constellations, stellar clusters (open and globular), nebulae, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and super clusters of galaxies
- Students are expected to have an awareness of the vast changes in distance scale from planetary systems through to super clusters of galaxies and the universe as a whole
Data booklet reference:
Theory of knowledge:
- The vast distances between stars and galaxies are difficult to comprehend or imagine. Are other ways of knowing more useful than imagination for gaining knowledge in astronomy?
- Similar parallax techniques can be used to accurately measure distances here on Earth
- Aim 1: creativity is required to analyse objects that are such vast distances from us
- Aim 6: local amateur or professional astronomical organizations can be useful for arranging viewing evenings
- Aim 9: as we are able to observe further into the universe, we reach the limits of our current technology to make accurate measurements
Directly related questions
(i) Calculate .
(ii) The luminosity of the Sun is 3.8 × 1026 W. Calculate the radius of Alpha Centauri A.
- 16N.3.SL.TZ0.15a: State what is meant by a binary star system.
Determine the distance of Theta 1 Orionis in AU.
State what is meant by a main sequence star.
Discuss how Theta 1 Orionis does not collapse under its own weight.
The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6000 K. Estimate the surface temperature of Theta 1 Orionis.
The radius of a typical neutron star is 20 km and its surface temperature is 106 K. Determine the luminosity of this neutron star.
State the most abundant element in the core and the most abundant element in the outer layer.
- 20N.3.SL.TZ0.14b(i): Comets develop a tail as they approach the Sun. Identify one other characteristic of comets.
Show that the apparent brightness , where is the distance of the object from Earth, is the surface temperature of the object and is the surface area of the object.
The astronomical unit () and light year () are convenient measures of distance in astrophysics. Define each unit.
Two of the brightest objects in the night sky seen from Earth are the planet Venus and the star Sirius. Explain why the equation is applicable to Sirius but not to Venus.
Estimate, in , the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the parallax angle in the table.
- 20N.3.SL.TZ0.14b(ii): Identify one object visible in the image that is outside our Solar System.
Estimate, in , the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the luminosity in the table, given that .
Estimate, in , the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the luminosity in the table, given that .
Estimate, in , the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the parallax angle in the table.
The luminosity of the Sun L is 3.85 × 1026 W. Determine the luminosity of Gacrux relative to the Sun.
The distance to Gacrux can be determined using stellar parallax. Outline why this method is not suitable for all stars.
Main sequence stars are in equilibrium under the action of forces. Outline how this equilibrium is achieved.
A main sequence star P, is 1.3 times the mass of the Sun. Calculate the luminosity of P relative to the Sun.
Distinguish between the solar system and a galaxy.
Distinguish between a planet and a comet.
- 21N.1.SL.TZ0.30: Which is correct for a black-body radiator? A. The power it emits from a unit surface area...
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.11a: Distinguish between a constellation and an open cluster.
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.11b.ii: State why there is a maximum distance that astronomers can measure using stellar parallax.
The following data are available for the Sun.
Surface temperature = 5800 K
Luminosity =
Mass =
Radius =
Epsilon Indi has a radius of 0.73 . Show that the luminosity of Epsilon Indi is 0.2 .
- 18N.3.SL.TZ0.11b.i: The parallax angle of Mintaka measured from Earth is 3.64 × 10–3 arc-second. Calculate, in...
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.17b.ii: State why there is a maximum distance that astronomers can measure using stellar parallax.
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.17b.i: The parallax angle of Mintaka measured from Earth is 3.64 × 10–3 arc-second. Calculate, in...
- 18N.3.HL.TZ0.17a: Distinguish between a constellation and an open cluster.
The following data are available for the Sun.
Surface temperature = 5800 K
Luminosity =
Mass =
Radius =
Epsilon Indi has a radius of 0.73 . Show that the luminosity of Epsilon Indi is 0.2 .
Determine the peak apparent brightness of δ-Cephei as observed from Earth.
During its evolution, the Sun is likely to be a red giant of surface temperature 3000 K and luminosity 104 L☉. Later it is likely to be a white dwarf of surface temperature 10 000 K and luminosity 10-4 L☉. Calculate the .
The surface temperature of Eta Cassiopeiae B is 4100 K. Determine the ratio .
- 19N.3.SL.TZ0.10 a: Distinguish between a constellation and a stellar cluster.
The distance of the Eta Cassiopeiae system from the Earth is 1.8 × 1017 m. Calculate, in terms of , the luminosity of Eta Cassiopeiae A.
- 19N.3.SL.TZ0.10a: Distinguish between a constellation and a stellar cluster.