DP Biology Questionbank

9.2 Transport in the phloem of plants
Nature of science: Developments in scientific research follow improvements in apparatus—experimental methods for measuring phloem transport rates using aphid stylets and radioactively-labelled carbon dioxide were only possible when radioisotopes became available. (1.8) |
Utilization: Syllabus and cross-curricular links: Biology Topic 1.4 Membrane transport |
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[Source: E R DEGGINGER/Getty Images]
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[Source: Courtesy of Kelly Cude, PhD, Professor Biological Sciences, College of the Canyons.]
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[Source: Wendy Paul]
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The image shows part of a section through the stem of a non-woody plant.
[Source: © Ross Koning. Image used with the kind permission of the author. http://plantphys.info.]
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B. In II, products of photosynthesis are transported.
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