DP History Questionbank

Resistance to apartheid: radicalization of resistance; the African National Congress (ANC); Sharpeville and the decision to adopt armed struggle; Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness movement; Soweto massacre; township unrest in the 1980s
[N/A]Directly related questions
Evaluate the reasons why the African National Congress (ANC) adopted armed struggle.
- 21M.3op1.HL.TZ0.30: Evaluate the contribution of the Black Consciousness movement to resisting apartheid.
- 21N.3op1.HL.TZ0.30: Evaluate the contribution of township unrest in the 1980s to the end of the apartheid system.
- 18N.3op1.HL.TZ0.30: Evaluate the importance of Sharpeville to the struggle against apartheid.
Examine the reasons for, and the impact of, township unrest in the 1980s.