DP History Questionbank

Conflicts and challenges
Path: |
- Methods of maintaining power; treatment of opposition
- Support and opposition; challenges to power and how successfully those challenges were overcome
- Challenges to colonial rule: resistance, rebellions and their impact; the colonial race—competition and conflict
- Rivalries and tensions; issues of succession
Directly related questions
- 17M.2.BP.TZ0.10: Discuss the methods used to maintain power in two colonial states.
- 20N.2.BP.TZ0.10: “Resistance and rebellion had a significant impact on colonial rule.” With reference to two...
- 21M.2.BP.TZ1.10: With reference to one Early Modern state, discuss the challenges to its power and how...
- 21M.2.BP.TZ2.10: With reference to one Early Modern state, discuss the challenges to its power and how...
- 18M.2.BP.TZ2.10: To what extent were issues of succession the main cause of conflict in two early modern states?
- 18N.2.BP.TZ0.10: Compare and contrast the treatment of opposition by two rulers, each from a different region.
- 22M.2.BP.TZ1.10: “Issues of succession were the main cause of internal conflict.” With reference to two states, to...
Compare and contrast the treatment of internal opposition in two states.
- 19M.2.BP.TZ1.10: With reference to two colonial empires, evaluate the role of competitions and conflict during the...
- 19M.2.BP.TZ2.10: “The most important challenge to colonial rule was resistance and rebellion in the colony.”...
- 19N.2.BP.TZ0.10: Evaluate the effectiveness of methods used to deal with opposition in two states, each from a...
Sub sections and their related questions
Methods of maintaining power; treatment of opposition
- 17M.2.BP.TZ0.10: Discuss the methods used to maintain power in two colonial states.
- 18N.2.BP.TZ0.10: Compare and contrast the treatment of opposition by two rulers, each from a different region.
Compare and contrast the treatment of internal opposition in two states.
Support and opposition; challenges to power and how successfully those challenges were overcome
- 19N.2.BP.TZ0.10: Evaluate the effectiveness of methods used to deal with opposition in two states, each from a...
- 21M.2.BP.TZ1.10: With reference to one Early Modern state, discuss the challenges to its power and how...
- 21M.2.BP.TZ2.10: With reference to one Early Modern state, discuss the challenges to its power and how...
Challenges to colonial rule: resistance, rebellions and their impact; the colonial race—competition and conflict
- 19M.2.BP.TZ1.10: With reference to two colonial empires, evaluate the role of competitions and conflict during the...
- 19M.2.BP.TZ2.10: “The most important challenge to colonial rule was resistance and rebellion in the colony.”...
- 20N.2.BP.TZ0.10: “Resistance and rebellion had a significant impact on colonial rule.” With reference to two...