DP History Questionbank

3. The move to global war
Case study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)
Case study 2: German and Italian expansion (1933–1940)
Directly related questions
What, according to Source K, were the factors contributing to tensions between Japan and the US?
What does Source L suggest about Japanese expansion?
- 17M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and J reveal about the increasing tensions between the US and...
“Mutual fear led to increasing tensions between the US and Japan.” Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source K for an historian studying the tensions between the US and Japan.
- 20N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about Mussolini’s policies towards Abyssinia.
What does Source J suggest about the Italian invasion of Abyssinia?
What does Source L suggest about Sino-Japanese [Chinese-Japanese] relations in 1937?
What, according to Source I, were the challenges facing Japanese national policy?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying Japanese foreign policy in East Asia.
- 17N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources J and K reveal about Japanese foreign policy aims in East Asia.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with the suggestion that Japanese foreign policy aims up to 1937 were to be achieved through “gradual and peaceful ways” (Source J)?
What does Source J suggest about the foreign policies of Italy and Germany?
What, according to Source I, did Fascism and Nazism have in common?
- 21M.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the influence of ideology on the foreign...
- 18M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and J reveal about political instability in China up to 1941.
What, according to Source J, were the challenges faced by the Nationalist [Guomindang] government of China as a result of the outbreak of war with Japan in 1937?
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss why Germany attacked Poland in September 1939.
What does Source J suggest about the relationship between Hitler and Stalin?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the Nazi–Soviet Pact.
What, according to Source I, were the reasons for the signing of the Nazi–Soviet Pact?
What, according to Source I, were the proposals made to Japan by the United States?
Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying relations between Japan and the United States before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
- 22M.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the reasons for the Japanese attack on Pearl...
What, according to Source J, was Japan’s attitude toward Manchuria/Manchukuo and China?
What does Source L suggest about the position of Japan and the League of Nations regarding the Manchurian crisis?
- 18N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and K reveal about Japanese actions in China.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the view that the ineffectual response of the League of Nations was the main factor in encouraging Japanese expansion in China.
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source J for an historian studying Japan’s response to the Lytton Report in the early 1930s.
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the international response to German aggression.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the effectiveness of the international response to German aggression between 1933 and 1938.
- 19M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about the attitudes towards German foreign...
What, according to Source I, were the conclusions reported to the British government regarding the March 1935 meeting in Berlin?
What does Source J suggest about Anglo-German relations in 1935?
What does Source D suggest about the power of Genghis Khan by 1207?
What does Source L suggest about Japan’s expansion into China?
Why, according to Source I, would it be difficult for Japan to defeat China?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the Second United Front in China.
Sub sections and their related questions
Case study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)
What, according to Source K, were the factors contributing to tensions between Japan and the US?
What does Source L suggest about Japanese expansion?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source K for an historian studying the tensions between the US and Japan.
- 17M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and J reveal about the increasing tensions between the US and...
“Mutual fear led to increasing tensions between the US and Japan.” Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
What, according to Source I, were the challenges facing Japanese national policy?
What does Source L suggest about Sino-Japanese [Chinese-Japanese] relations in 1937?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying Japanese foreign policy in East Asia.
- 17N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources J and K reveal about Japanese foreign policy aims in East Asia.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with the suggestion that Japanese foreign policy aims up to 1937 were to be achieved through “gradual and peaceful ways” (Source J)?
What, according to Source J, were the challenges faced by the Nationalist [Guomindang] government of China as a result of the outbreak of war with Japan in 1937?
- 18M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and J reveal about political instability in China up to 1941.
What, according to Source J, was Japan’s attitude toward Manchuria/Manchukuo and China?
What does Source L suggest about the position of Japan and the League of Nations regarding the Manchurian crisis?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source J for an historian studying Japan’s response to the Lytton Report in the early 1930s.
- 18N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources I and K reveal about Japanese actions in China.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the view that the ineffectual response of the League of Nations was the main factor in encouraging Japanese expansion in China.
What does Source D suggest about the power of Genghis Khan by 1207?
Why, according to Source I, would it be difficult for Japan to defeat China?
What does Source L suggest about Japan’s expansion into China?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the Second United Front in China.
What, according to Source I, were the proposals made to Japan by the United States?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying relations between Japan and the United States before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
- 22M.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the reasons for the Japanese attack on Pearl...
Case study 2: German and Italian expansion (1933–1940)
What does Source D suggest about the power of Genghis Khan by 1207?
What, according to Source I, were the conclusions reported to the British government regarding the March 1935 meeting in Berlin?
What does Source J suggest about Anglo-German relations in 1935?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the international response to German aggression.
- 19M.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about the attitudes towards German foreign...
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the effectiveness of the international response to German aggression between 1933 and 1938.
What does Source J suggest about the Italian invasion of Abyssinia?
- 20N.1.BP.TZ0.11: Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about Mussolini’s policies towards Abyssinia.
What, according to Source I, did Fascism and Nazism have in common?
What does Source J suggest about the foreign policies of Italy and Germany?
- 21M.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the influence of ideology on the foreign...
What, according to Source I, were the reasons for the signing of the Nazi–Soviet Pact?
What does Source J suggest about the relationship between Hitler and Stalin?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source I for an historian studying the Nazi–Soviet Pact.
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.12: Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss why Germany attacked Poland in September 1939.