DP History Questionbank

2. Conquest and its impact
Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
Case study 2: The conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551)
Directly related questions
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source F for an historian studying the final years of the Muslim kingdom of Granada.
How, according to Source F, did the Treaty of Granada affect the relationship between the Granadans and the queen and king of Castile and Aragon?
What does Source H suggest about the political relations between Muslim and Christian rulers?
- 17M.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources E and G reveal about the obligations of the Muslims to the...
Using the sources and your own knowledge, examine the contribution of financial issues to the fall of Granada.
What does Source H suggest about the impact of the conquest on the indigenous populations in Mexico?
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the social and economic impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous populations between 1519 and 1551.
- 20N.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources E and F reveal about the impact of the encomiendas.
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the impact of the conquest on indigenous populations.
What, according to Source G, was the impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous populations?
What, according to Source F, were the effects of the abandonment of the pluralist [diverse] society in Spain?
What does Source H suggest about changes in the life of the Jewish population of Spain under the Catholic monarchs?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the expulsions of the late 15th century.
- 17N.1.BP.TZ0.07: Compare and contrast what Sources E and F reveal about the treatment of Jews and Mudéjars in the...
“The expulsion of the Jews from Spain was carried out for religious motives” (Source F). Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this claim?
What does Source F suggest about the actions of the Spanish conquerors towards the indigenous population?
“Spanish expansion beyond Iberia was primarily economic in motivation” (Source E). Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
What, according to Source E, were the causes of the Spanish expansion?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source H for an historian studying the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
What does Source F suggest about the situation of the Jewish population of Spain in the late 15th century?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the situation of Jews and conversos during the Inquisition.
What, according to Source E, were the customs that enabled the Inquisition to identify Jews?
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources G and H reveal about Atahualpa and the conquest of Peru.
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.8: Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the significance of Atahualpa’s fall to the...
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source E for an historian studying the reactions to Atahualpa’s imprisonment.
What, according to Source G, were the consequences of Atahualpa’s encounter with Francisco Pizarro?
What does Source F suggest about the payment of Atahualpa’s ransom?
What, according to Source E, was the political situation in the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century?
What does Source F suggest about the Iberian Peninsula up to 1492?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the unification of the Iberian Peninsula.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that the unification of the Iberian Peninsula was politically motivated?
What does Source G suggest about the conquest of Granada?
Compare and contrast what Sources E and H reveal about the Christian war against Granada.
- 19M.1.BP.TZ0.8: Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that the fall of Granada...
What, according to Source F, were the consequences for the Moors of the war and conquest of Granada?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source F for an historian studying the Christian war against Granada.
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source E for an historian studying cultural interaction between the Spanish and the Aztecs during the conquest of Mexico.
What, according to Source E, happened during the meeting between Moctezuma II [Motecusuma] and Hernán Cortés?
Sub sections and their related questions
Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
How, according to Source F, did the Treaty of Granada affect the relationship between the Granadans and the queen and king of Castile and Aragon?
What does Source H suggest about the political relations between Muslim and Christian rulers?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source F for an historian studying the final years of the Muslim kingdom of Granada.
- 17M.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources E and G reveal about the obligations of the Muslims to the...
Using the sources and your own knowledge, examine the contribution of financial issues to the fall of Granada.
What, according to Source F, were the effects of the abandonment of the pluralist [diverse] society in Spain?
What does Source H suggest about changes in the life of the Jewish population of Spain under the Catholic monarchs?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the expulsions of the late 15th century.
- 17N.1.BP.TZ0.07: Compare and contrast what Sources E and F reveal about the treatment of Jews and Mudéjars in the...
“The expulsion of the Jews from Spain was carried out for religious motives” (Source F). Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this claim?
What, according to Source E, were the customs that enabled the Inquisition to identify Jews?
What does Source F suggest about the situation of the Jewish population of Spain in the late 15th century?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the situation of Jews and conversos during the Inquisition.
What, according to Source F, were the consequences for the Moors of the war and conquest of Granada?
What does Source G suggest about the conquest of Granada?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source F for an historian studying the Christian war against Granada.
Compare and contrast what Sources E and H reveal about the Christian war against Granada.
- 19M.1.BP.TZ0.8: Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that the fall of Granada...
What, according to Source E, was the political situation in the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century?
What does Source F suggest about the Iberian Peninsula up to 1492?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the unification of the Iberian Peninsula.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that the unification of the Iberian Peninsula was politically motivated?
Case study 2: The conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551)
What, according to Source E, happened during the meeting between Moctezuma II [Motecusuma] and Hernán Cortés?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source E for an historian studying cultural interaction between the Spanish and the Aztecs during the conquest of Mexico.
What, according to Source G, was the impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous populations?
What does Source H suggest about the impact of the conquest on the indigenous populations in Mexico?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source G for an historian studying the impact of the conquest on indigenous populations.
- 20N.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources E and F reveal about the impact of the encomiendas.
Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the social and economic impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous populations between 1519 and 1551.
What, according to Source E, were the causes of the Spanish expansion?
What does Source F suggest about the actions of the Spanish conquerors towards the indigenous population?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source H for an historian studying the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
“Spanish expansion beyond Iberia was primarily economic in motivation” (Source E). Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
What, according to Source G, were the consequences of Atahualpa’s encounter with Francisco Pizarro?
What does Source F suggest about the payment of Atahualpa’s ransom?
With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of Source E for an historian studying the reactions to Atahualpa’s imprisonment.
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.7: Compare and contrast what Sources G and H reveal about Atahualpa and the conquest of Peru.
- 21N.1.BP.TZ0.8: Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the significance of Atahualpa’s fall to the...