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Prescribed subjects: last exams 2016
Prescribed subject 1: Peacemaking, peacekeeping—international relations 1918‑36
Aims of the participants and peacemakers: Wilson and the Fourteen Points
Terms of the Paris Peace Treaties 1919-20: Versailles, St Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sèvres/Lausanne 1923
The geopolitical and economic impact of the treaties on Europe; the establishment and impact of the mandate system
Enforcement of the provisions of the treaties: US isolationism–the retreat from the Anglo-American Guarantee; disarmament-Washington, London, Geneva conferences
The League of Nations: effects of the absence of major powers; the principle of collective security and early attempts at peacekeeping (1920-5)
The Ruhr Crisis (1923); Locarno and the "Locarno Spring" (1925)
Depression and threats to international peace and collective security; Manchuria (1931‑3) and Abyssinia (1935‑6)
Prescribed subject 2: The Arab–Israeli conflict 1945‑79
Last years of the British Mandate; UNSCOP partition plan and the outbreak of civil war
British withdrawal; establishment of Israel; Arab response and 1948/49 war
Demographic shifts: the Palestinian diaspora 1947 onwards; Jewish immigration and the economic development of the Israeli state
Suez Crisis of 1956: role of Britain, France, the United States, the USSR, Israel and the UNO
Arabism and Zionism; emergence of the PLO
Six Day War of 1967 and the October War of 1973: causes, course and consequences
Role of the United States, USSR and UNO
Camp David and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Agreement
Prescribed subject 3: Communism in crisis 1976‑89
The struggle for power following the death of Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), Hua Guofeng (Hua Kuo‑feng), the re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-p’ing) and the defeat of the Gang of Four
China under Deng Xiaoping: economic policies and the Four Modernizations
China under Deng Xiaoping: political changes, and their limits, culminating in Tiananmen Square (1989)
Domestic and foreign problems of the Brezhnev era: economic and political stagnation; Afghanistan
Gorbachev and his aims/policies (glasnost and perestroika) and consequences for the Soviet state
Consequences of Gorbachev’s policies for Eastern European reform movements: Poland—the role of Solidarity; Czechoslovakia—the Velvet Revolution; fall of the Berlin Wall
Topics: last exams 2016
Topic 1: Causes, practices and effects of wars
Different types and nature of 20th century warfare
Limited war, total war
Origins and causes of wars
Long-term, short-term and immediate causes
Economic, ideological, political, religious causes
Nature of 20th century wars
Technological developments, tactics and strategies, air, land and sea
Home front: economic and social impact (including changes in the role and status of women)
Resistance and revolutionary movements
Effects and results of wars
Peace settlements and wars ending without treaties
Attempts at collective security pre- and post-Second World War
Political repercussions and territorial changes
Post-war economic problems
Topic 2: Democratic states—challenges and responses
Nature and structure of democratic (multiparty) states
Constitutions (written and unwritten)
Electoral systems, proportional representation, coalition governments
Role of political parties: role of an opposition
Role of pressure (interest/lobby) groups
Economic and social policies
Health, education
Social welfare
Political, social and economic challenges
Political extremism
Ethnicity, religion, gender
Movements for the attainment of civil rights
Inequitable distribution of wealth/resources
Topic 3: Origins and development of authoritarian and single-party states
Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states
Conditions that produced authoritarian and single-party states
Emergence of leaders: aims, ideology, support
Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved
Establishment of authoritarian and single-party states
Methods: force, legal
Form of government, (left- and right-wing) ideology
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition
Domestic policies and impact
Structure and organization of government and administration
Political, economic, social and religious policies
Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda
Status of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities
Topic 4: Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and Eastern European states
Origins and rise of nationalist/independence movements in Africa and Asia
Anti-colonialism (opposition to Belgian, British, Dutch, French and Portuguese colonial rule)
Nationalism, political ideology, religion
Impact of the two world wars and the Cold War
Other factors fostering growth of nationalist and independence movements
Methods of achieving independence in Africa and Asia
Armed struggle
Non-violent movements, elite and mass movements
Role and importance of leaders of nationalist/independence movements
Political organization
Challenges to Soviet or centralized control in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans
Origins and growth of movements challenging Soviet or centralized control
Role and importance of leaders, organizations and institutions
Methods of achieving independence from Soviet or centralized control
Formation of, and challenges to, post-colonial governments/new states
Colonial legacy, neo-colonialism and Cold War
Conflict with neighbours
Lack of political experience
Economic issues
Social, religious and cultural issues
Ethnic, racial and separatist movements
Topic 5: The Cold War
Origins of the Cold War
Ideological differences
Mutual suspicion and fear
From wartime allies to post-war enemies
Nature of the Cold War
Ideological opposition
Superpowers and spheres of influence
Alliances and diplomacy in the Cold War
Development and impact of the Cold War
Global spread of the Cold War from its European origins
Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente
Role of the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement
Role and significance of leaders
Arms race, proliferation and limitation
Social, cultural and economic impact
End of the Cold War
Break-up of Soviet Union: internal problems and external pressures
Breakdown of Soviet control over Central and Eastern Europe
HL options: last exams 2016
HL option 2: Aspects of the history of Africa
1. Pre-colonial African states (Eastern and Central Africa) 1840‑1900
Rise of Buganda Kingdom under Kabaka Suuna and Kabaka Mutesa to 1884
Rise of Unyamwezi under Mirambo and the Hehe under Mkwawa
Ethiopian reunification and expansion under Tewodros II (1855‑1868), Johannes/Yohannis IV, Menelik II
Rise of the Mahdist state in Sudan (1881‑1898): political, social and economic organization
Rise of the Lozi under Lewanika: political, social and economic organization
Rise of the Ndebele under Mzilikazi and Lobengula: political, social and economic organization
2. Pre-colonial African states (Southern and West Africa) 1800‑1900
Rise of the Zulu kingdom under Shaku Zulu: political, social and economic organization
The Mfecane: political, social and economic causes and effects
The Sotho Kingdom under Mosheshwe: political, social and economic organization
Rise of the Mandinka Empire under Samori Toure: political, social and economic organization
The Sokoto caliphate under Usman Dan Fodio: factors for rise of the caliphate and effects
Rise and fall of the Asante Empire under Osei Tutu: cause of decline and effects
Niger Delta trading states: the rise and rule of Nana and JaJa
3. European imperialism and annexation of Africa 1850‑1900
Growth of European activity in Africa: traders and explorers
European background to partition: national rivalry; strategic factors; economic and humanitarian factors
African background to partition: military, technological and administrative weaknesses; political and cultural disunity
Activities of King Leopold II of Belgium and de Brazza in the Congo region
The Egyptian question: French and British rivalry and British occupation
German annexation, the Berlin West Africa Conference and its impact
4. Response to European imperialism (Eastern and Central Africa) 1880‑1915
Resistance and collaboration: Buganda under Kabaka Mwanga and Apolo Kagwa (1884‑1900)
Ethiopian resistance under Menelik II: reasons for success
Nandi resistance under Koitalel arap Samoei (1895‑1906): causes, nature and effects
Resistance to German rule: causes, course and effects of Maji Maji Rising (1905)
Lewanika and Lobengula: relations with the British
Ndebele–Shona rising: causes, course and effects of the first Chimurenga War (1896‑7)
John Chilembwe’s rising in Malawi (1915): causes, course and effects
5. Response to European imperialism (Southern and West Africa) 1870‑1920
Conquest and resistance in Namibia; the Herero, the Nama, the Germans; causes and results of resistance
Khama’s rule and relations with British to 1923: a case study of collaboration
Conquest and destruction of the Zulu Kingdom; deposition of Cetshwayo
Asante: British intervention (1901); causes and results of Anglo–Asante wars
Mandinka resistance to French rule: French intervention and the destruction of the Mandinka Empire (1880‑98)
6. Developments in South Africa 1880‑1994
Discovery of diamonds and gold: political, social and economic consequences
South African War (1899‑1902): causes, consequences and Act of Union
Policies of Smuts and Hertzog 1910‑48; segregation, discrimination and protest
Nationalist Party: Malan’s policies (1948); Verwoerd’s apartheid policies and their impact; the Bantustans and their impact (1948‑60)
Resistance to apartheid: the ANC, Sharpeville, Steve Biko and Black Consciousness; Soweto massacres
Political, social and economic development; international opposition to apartheid
De Klerk’s lifting of the ban on the ANC; release of Mandela; CODESA; constitutional agreement; the 1994 elections
7. Africa under colonialism 1890‑1980
British rule in Kenya: colonial administration; settler pressure; economic and social development to 1963
Tanganyika under German and British rule to 1961
Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia under British rule; economic and social development to 1964
Angola/Mozambique under Portuguese rule; economic and social development to 1975
Nigeria: indirect rule; direct rule; factors that promoted choice of administrative system in Nigeria, advantages and disadvantages; impact to 1960
Gold Coast: colonial administration; economic, social and political development to 1957
Senegal: French colonial administration; economic, social and political development to 1960
8. Social and economic developments in the 19th and 20th centuries 1800‑1960
Slave economies; abolition of slave trade and expansion of legitimate commerce
Political and religious impact of the spread of Islam
Changing role of women
Spread of Christianity: factors that promoted Christianity; impact on society and culture
The Africa Independent Church movement
Tradition and change in education, art and culture
9. Nationalist and independence movements (Eastern and Central Africa)
Tanganyika: Tanganyika African National Union; Julius Nyerere to 1961
Uganda: political parties, ethnic and religious rivalries; independence in 1962
Kenya: trade unions; Mau Mau; Jomo Kenyatta and KANU to 1963
Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Ian Smith; UDI; Liberation War; Robert Mugabe (1963‑80)
Collapse of Central African Federation; Kamuzu Banda in Malawi; Kenneth Kaunda in Zambia to 1964
Mozambique, Frelimo and Liberation War to 1975
10. Nationalist and independence movements (Southern and West Africa)
Angola: liberation war; MPLA and UNITA to independence in 1975
South-west Africa: SWAPO to independence for Namibia in 1990
French West Africa: Sekou Toure in Guinea to independence in 1958
French West Africa: nationalism, political parties and independence in Senegal in 1960
Gold Coast to Ghana: Nkrumah and the CPP to independence in 1957
Nigeria: political parties; ethnic and regional rivalries; independence in 1960
11. Post-independence politics to 2000
Ethnic conflict and civil war
Military intervention and rule
Social and economic challenges: disease, illiteracy, poverty, famine, economic development, changing social and cultural values
Corruption and neocolonialism in Africa: origin, causes and impact
Reasons for the establishment of one-party states
Return to multiparty democracy in the 1980s and 1990s
12. Africa, international organizations and the international community
League of Nations: Abyssinian Crisis (1935‑6)
Organization of African Unity: objectives, successes and failures
OAU to AU: objectives, structure, successes and failures
Regional organizations: East African Community to East African cooperation; Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); South Africa Development Cooperation Conference (SADCC)
Africa and the United Nations movement: Congo, Mozambique, Rwanda and Somalia
UN specialized agencies: a case study of the impact of any two agencies
Cold War and its impact on Africa: a case study of two countries
HL option 3: Aspects of the history of the Americas
1. Independence movements
Independence movements in the Americas: political, economic, social, intellectual and religious causes; the role of foreign intervention; conflicts and issues leading to war
Political and intellectual contributions of leaders to the process of independence: Washington, Bolivar (suitable choices could be Adams, Jefferson, San Martín, O’Higgins)
United States Declaration of Independence; processes leading to the declaration; influence of ideas; nature of the declaration; military campaigns and their impact on the outcome (suitable examples could be Saratoga and Yorktown)
Independence movements in Latin America: characteristics of the independence processes; reasons for the similarities and/or differences in two countries in the region; military campaigns and their impact on the outcome (suitable examples could be Chacabuco, Maipú, Ayacucho, Boyacá and Carabobo)
United States’ position towards Latin American independence; events and reasons for the emergence of the Monroe Doctrine
Impact of independence on the economies and societies of the Americas: economic and social issues; new perspectives on economic development; impact on different social groups: Native Americans, African Americans, Creoles
2. Nation-building and challenges
United States: Articles of Confederation; the Constitution of 1787: philosophical underpinnings; major compromises and changes in the US political system
Latin America: challenges to the establishment of political systems; conditions for the rise of and impact of the caudillo rule in two countries (suitable examples could be Rosas, Gomez, Artigas)
War of 1812: causes and impact on British North America and the United States
Mexican–American War 1846‑8: causes and effects on the region
Canada: causes and effects of 1837 rebellions; the Durham Report and its implications; challenges to the Confederation; the British North America Act of 1867: compromises, unresolved issues, regionalism, effects
Changes in the conditions of social groups such as Native Americans, mestizos, immigrants in the new nations
3. United States Civil War: causes, course and effects 1840‑77
Cotton economy and slavery; conditions of enslavement; adaptation and resistance such as the Underground Railroad
Origins of the Civil War: political issues, states’ rights, modernization, sectionalism, the nullification crisis, economic differences between North and South
Abolitionist debate: ideologies and arguments for and against slavery and their impact
Reasons for, and effects of, westward expansion and the sectional debates; the crisis of the 1850s; the Kansas–Nebraska problem; the Ostend Manifesto; the Lincoln–Douglas debates; the impact of the election of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation; Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy
Union versus Confederate: strengths and weaknesses; economic resources; significance of leaders during the US Civil War (suitable examples could be Grant and Lee, Sherman and Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson)
Major battles of the Civil War and their impact on the conflict: Antietam and Gettysburg; the role of foreign powers
Reconstruction: economic, social and political successes and failures; economic expansion
African Americans in the Civil War and in the New South: legal issues; the Black Codes; Jim Crow Laws
4. The development of modern nations 1865‑1929
Causes and consequences of railroad construction; industrial growth and economic modernization; the development of international and inter-American trade; neocolonialism and dependency
Causes and consequences of immigration; emigration and internal migration, including the impact upon, and experience of, indigenous peoples
Development and impact of ideological currents including Progressivism, Manifest Destiny, liberalism, nationalism, positivism, Social Darwinism, “indigenismo” and nativism
Social and cultural changes: the arts; the role of women
Influence of leaders in the transition to the modern era: political and economic aims; assessment of the successes and failures of Theodore Roosevelt, Wilfrid Laurier and a Latin American leader of the student’s choice
Social, economic and legal conditions of African Americans between 1865 and 1929; the Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance; the search for civil rights and the ideas, aims and tactics of Booker T Washington, WEB Dubois and Marcus Garvey
5. Emergence of the Americas in global affairs 1880‑1929
United States’ expansionist foreign policies: political, economic, social and ideological reasons
Spanish–American War: causes and effects (1898)
United States’ foreign policies: the Big Stick; Dollar Diplomacy; Moral Diplomacy; applications and impact on the region
United States and the First World War: from neutrality to involvement; reasons for US entry into the First World War; Wilson’s peace ideals and the struggle for ratification of the Versailles Treaty in the United States; significance of the war for the United States’ hemispheric status
Involvement and participation of either Canada or one Latin American country in the First World War: reasons for and/or against participation; nature of participation
Impact of the First World War on two countries of the Americas: economic, political, social, and foreign policies
6. The Mexican Revolution 1910‑40
Causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political; the role of the Porfiriato regime
The revolution and its leaders (1910‑17): ideologies, aims and methods of Madero, Villa, Zapata, Carranza; achievements and failures; Constitution of 1917: nature and application
Construction of the post-revolutionary state (1920‑38): Obregón, Calles and the Maximato; challenges; assessment of their impact in the post-revolutionary state
Lázaro Cárdenas and the renewal of the revolution (1939‑40): aims, methods and achievements
The role of foreign powers (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution; motivations, methods of intervention and contributions
Impact of the revolution on the arts, education and music (suitable examples could be Siqueiros, Rivera, Orozco); the impact of Vasconcelos’ educational reforms; the development of popular music; literary works on the revolution
7. The Great Depression and the Americas 1929‑39
The Great Depression: political and economic causes in the Americas
Nature and efficacy of solutions in the United States: Hoover; Franklin D Roosevelt and the New Deal; critics of the New Deal
Canada: Mackenzie King and RB Bennett
Latin America’s responses to the Depression: either G Vargas or the Concordancia in Argentina; Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) or any relevant case study of a Latin American country
Impact of the Great Depression on society: African Americans, women, minorities
The Great Depression and the arts: photography, the movie industry, the radio, literary currents
8. The Second World War and the Americas 1933‑45
Hemispheric reactions to the events in Europe: inter-American diplomacy; cooperation and neutrality; Franklin D Roosevelt’s Good Neighbour policy, its application and effects
The diplomatic and/or military role of two countries in the Second World War
Social impact of the Second World War on: African Americans, Native Americans, women and minorities; conscription
Treatment of Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians
Reaction to the Holocaust in the Americas
Impact of technological developments and the beginning of the atomic age
Economic and diplomatic effects of the Second World War in one country of the Americas
9. Political developments in the Americas after the Second World War 1945‑79
United States: domestic policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
Johnson and “the Great Society”; Nixon’s domestic reforms
Canada: domestic policies from Diefenbaker to Clark and Trudeau (both were prime ministers in 1979)
Causes and effects of the Silent (or Quiet) Revolution
Populist leaders in Latin America: rise to power; characteristics of populist regimes; social, economic and political policies; the treatment of opposition; successes and failures (suitable examples could be Perón, Vargas or any relevant Latin American leader)
The Cuban Revolution: political, social, economic causes; impact on the region
Rule of Fidel Castro: political, economic, social and cultural policies; treatment of minorities; successes and failures
Military regimes in Latin America: rationale for intervention; challenges; policies; successes and failures
10. The Cold War and the Americas 1945‑1981
Truman: containment and its implications for the Americas; the rise of McCarthyism and its effects on domestic and foreign policies of the United States; the Cold War and its impact on society and culture
Korean War and the United States and the Americas: reasons for participation; military developments; diplomatic and political outcomes
Eisenhower and Dulles: New Look and its application; characteristics and reasons for the policy; repercussions for the region
United States’ involvement in Vietnam: the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement at different stages; domestic effects and the end of the war
United States’ foreign policies from Kennedy to Carter: the characteristics of, and reasons for, policies; implications for the region: Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress; Nixon’s covert operations and Chile; Carter’s quest for human rights and the Panama Canal Treaty
Cold War in either Canada or one Latin American country: reasons for foreign and domestic policies and their implementation
11. Civil rights and social movements in the Americas
Native Americans and civil rights: Latin America, the United States and Canada
African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement: origins, tactics and organizations; the US Supreme court and legal challenges to segregation in education; ending of the segregation in the South (1955‑65)
Role of Dr Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights Movement; the rise of radical African American activism (1965‑8): Black Panthers; Black Muslims; Black Power and Malcolm X
Role of governments in civil rights movements in the Americas
Youth culture and protests of the 1960s and 1970s: characteristics and manifestation of a counterculture
Feminist movements in the Americas
12. Into the 21st century—from the 1980s to 2000
The United States, from bipolar to unilateral power: domestic and foreign policies of presidents such as Reagan, Bush, Clinton; challenges; effects on the United States; impact upon the hemisphere
Restoration of democracy in Latin America: political, social and economic challenges (suitable examples could be Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay)
Globalization and its effects: social, political and economic
Revolution in technology: social, political and economic impact such as the role of the media and the Internet
Popular culture: new manifestations and trends in literature, films, music and entertainment
New concerns: threats to the environment; health
HL option 4: Aspects of the history of Asia and Oceania
1. Colonialism in South and Southeast Asia and Oceania—late 18th to the mid 19th century
The political structure and the effects of the British colonial system in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
The political structure and the effects of the British colonial system in South Asia; the rule of the British East India company
The political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the Dutch colonial system in Indonesia
The political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the French colonial system in Indo-China
The political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the Spanish colonial system in the Philippines
Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny) of 1857: causes, course and consequences
Revolts and opposition to colonial rule in Southeast Asia
2. Traditional East Asian societies—late 18th to the mid 19th century
Imperial rule; Confucianism and challenges to traditional society under the Qing (Ch’ing) Dynasty
The Chinese tribute system and Western trade missions
Gunboat diplomacy: the First and Second Opium Wars; the unequal treaties
Taiping (Taip’ing) Rebellion: causes and consequences
Tokugawa Shogunate’s rule in Japan and challenges to it
Tokugawa economic and social structure; social changes and discontent
Commodore Perry’s expedition and the crisis of the Bakumatsu period, 1853‑1868
3. Developing identities—mid 19th to early 20th century
Government of India Act 1858, the partition of Bengal 1905, the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 and their impact on the political organizations in British India
Development of constitutional groups: Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League
Growth of modern nationalism: Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos (French Indo-China)
Siamese monarchy: Rama IV (Mongkut), Rama V (Chulalongkorn); independence and nationalism
Burmese monarchy: Kings Mindon and Thibaw; loss of independence and rise of modern nationalism
Philippines and the United States: Rizal, Bonifacio, Aguinaldo
Growth of national identity: Australia or New Zealand
4. Early modernization and imperial decline in East Asia—mid 19th to the early 20th century
Tongzhi (T’ung-chih) Restoration and Self-Strengthening Movement (1861‑94)
Impact of defeat in the Sino–Japanese War (1894‑5); Guangxu (Kuang-hsu) and the Hundred Days Reform (1898)
Boxer Rebellion (1900‑01); the late Qing (Ch’ing) reforms
Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) and the 1911 “Double Ten” Nationalist Revolution
Meiji Restoration (1868) in Japan; the 1889 Constitution
Social, cultural and economic developments in Meiji Japan
Commitment to military power; victory in the Sino–Japanese War (1894‑5) and in the Russo–Japanese War (1904‑5)
Korean isolation: opening (1876); rebellions; annexation (1910)
5. Impact of the World Wars on South and Southeast Asia to the mid 20th century
Government of India Acts 1919 and 1935 and the response of nationalists
Gandhi, Nehru and Indian nationalism: non-cooperation, civil disobedience and Quit India
Jinnah: the growth of Muslim separatism
Factors contributing to independence and partition of the South Asian subcontinent: 1947 Independence Act and its effects in India and Pakistan; Sri Lanka 1948
Legacy of Japanese occupation in Southeast Asia
Growth of modern nationalism: Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos (French Indo-China)
Case study on one country in South or Southeast Asia (other than one already named in this section): political, social and economic effects of the First World War and/or the Second World War
6. The Republic of China 1912‑49 and the rise of Communism
The 21 Demands (1915); New Culture Movement; the Treaty of Versailles (1919); the May Fourth Movement (1919)
Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai); warlordism; the Northern Expedition; the Jiangsi (Kiangsi) Soviet; the Long March (1934‑5)
Guomindang, GMD (Kuomintang, KMT): leadership, ideology and policies
Chinese Communist Party (CCP): leadership, ideology and policies
The First United Front (1924‑7); Second United Front (1936‑45)
The Fifteen-Year War (1931‑45) between China and Japan
Chinese Civil War and the Communist victory (1946‑9)
7. Imperial Japan: empire and aftermath 1912‑1952
First World War and the post-war conferences in Paris, Washington and London
Taisho Democracy: the growth of liberal values and the two-party system
Rise of militarism and the influence of the army in politics
Invasions of Manchuria (1931) and China (1937) and impact on relations with the West
Pearl Harbor and the Pacific war (1941‑5)
Defeat and the US Occupation: political and military changes
Social, economic and cultural reforms under the Occupation 1945‑52
8. Developments in Australia and New Zealand, and in the Pacific Islands 1941‑2000
Society, culture and the growth of national identity
Immigration to Australia or New Zealand after the war and the effects on society
Curtin, Chifley, Menzies, Whitlam, Hawke/Keating and Howard governments in Australia
Struggle between the Labour party and the National party in New Zealand
Attitudes and policies with regard to aboriginals in Australia and towards the Maori and other minorities in New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand: foreign policy and international alignments
Economic policies and realignment including effects of Britain joining the EU; the economic rise of Japan, Southeast Asia and China; the emergence of independent Pacific Island states
Cultural developments—impact of European, Asian and American culture and development of multicultural societies
9. Developments in South and Southeast Asia from mid 20th century to 2000
India: domestic policies and achievements of Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi
Indo-Pakistani relations (including Kashmir); Indian foreign policy (including non-alignment); Sino-Indian relations
Pakistan: domestic policies and achievements of Jinnah, Ayub Khan, Zulfikar Bhutto, Zia
Religious issues in India and Pakistan
Social and economic developments in India and Pakistan
Developments in Indo-China: Vietnam 1955‑75, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Laos
Case study of political, social and economic developments of two of the following: the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Burma, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
10. China: the regional superpower from mid 20th century to 2000
Establishment of the Communist state 1949‑1961; the role of Mao
Transition to socialism; successes and failures in social and economic developments 1949‑61
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: causes and effects, political, social and cultural impact
Foreign affairs 1949‑76: Sino-American relations; establishment and breakdown of Sino–Soviet relations/conflicts; China as a global power
China after Mao: the struggle for power, “Gang of Four” and leadership of Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-p’ing) 1976‑97; political and economic developments; Jiang Zemin (Chiang T’se-min)
China’s impact on the region: relations with other states; Hong Kong and its return to China; economic, political and social developments in Nationalist China (Taiwan)
11. Global impact of the region in the second half of the 20th century
Korean War: causes, course and consequences
Political and economic developments in Japan
Economic miracles in Taiwan and South Korea
Development of Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand and the South Asian subcontinent
Religion as an influence on regional relations and world affairs
Globalization as an economic, cultural and social force
Pacific Rim and the Pacific Islands: economic and political changes
12. Social and economic developments 1945‑2000
Social structure and attitudes: health reforms, welfare state, gender issues, suffrage
Role and impact of religion(s), conflict and tensions
Developments in education, expansion and diversity
Developments in the arts: visual arts, music, theatre, film and literature, media, propaganda, leisure and sport
Immigration/emigration: causes and effects; demographic changes; urbanization
Industrial revolution; impact of technology on society; the computer age
HL option 5: Aspects of the history of Europe and the Middle East
1. The French Revolution and Napoleon—mid 18th century to 1815
Crisis of the ancien régime: role of the monarchy especially Louis XVI; intellectual, political, social, financial and economic challenges
Stages in, and radicalization of, the revolution: urban and rural revolt; Constitution of 1791; the fate of the monarchy; the Terror; Robespierre; Thermidorean Reaction; Directory
Revolutionary wars to promote and defend revolutionary ideals 1792‑96
Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies pre- and post-1804; Napoleonic wars
Collapse of the Napoleonic Empire and Bourbon restoration; Congress of Vienna
2. Unification and consolidation of Germany and Italy 1815‑90
Revolutions in Italy and the significance of Rome; Austrian Empire and the German states between 1815 and 1848
Unification of Italy: growth of power of Piedmont-Sardinia; Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi; foreign involvement and its effects
The rise of Prussia 1815‑62: political and economic factors including the German Confederation, the Zollverein; Prussian–Austrian relations to 1866
Decline of Austrian influence: Crimean War; Italy; Austro–Prussian War 1866; Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary; challenge of nationalism
Bismarck, Prussia and unification: diplomatic, economic, military reorganization; wars of unification; 1871 Constitution
Comparison of Italian and German unification
Bismarck’s Germany: domestic and foreign policy
3. Ottoman Empire from the early 19th to the early 20th century
Problems in the early 19th century: Greek War of Independence
Muhammad Ali in Egypt: establishment and maintenance of power; impact; Ottoman and European responses
Attempts at internal modernization: causes, aims and effects of Tanzimat reforms; Abdul Hamid: reaction and reform
Crimean War (1854‑6): causes and consequences
The Eastern Question; European challenges and Ottoman responses (mid 19th century to 1913); decline of the Ottoman Empire
Lebanon: levels of Ottoman control; communal tensions and Civil War 1860; extent of autonomy after 1861
Growth of the Committee of Union and Progress to 1908/09; reforms of the Young Turks; Balkan Wars
4. Western and Northern Europe 1848‑1914
France: 1848 Revolution, Empire and Republic
Napoleon III: domestic and foreign policies
Collapse of Empire; Paris Commune
Third French Republic 1875‑1914: crises and policies; Boulanger; financial problems; Dreyfus; left‑wing movements; establishment of a secular state
Britain 1867‑1914: extension of the franchise; social reforms; development of political parties
Disraeli and Gladstone: domestic, including Irish, policies; foreign and imperial policies
Case study of political developments in one Western or Northern European state (suitable examples could be Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland but all relevant states are valid)
5. Imperial Russia, revolutions, emergence of Soviet State 1853‑1924
Alexander II (1855‑81): emancipation of the serfs; military, legal, educational, local government reforms; later reaction
Policies of Alexander III (1881‑94) and Nicholas II (1895‑1917): backwardness and attempts at modernization; nature of tsardom; growth of opposition movements
Significance of the Russo-Japanese War; 1905 Revolution; Stolypin and the Duma; the impact of the First World War (1914‑18) on Russia
1917 Revolutions: February/March Revolution; Provisional Government and Dual Power (Soviets); October/November Bolshevik Revolution; Lenin and Trotsky
Lenin’s Russia (1917‑24): consolidation of new Soviet state; Civil War; War Communism; NEP; terror and coercion; foreign relations
6. European diplomacy and the First World War 1870‑1923
European diplomacy and the changing balance of power after 1870
Aims, methods, continuity and change in German foreign policy to 1914; global colonial rivalry
Relative importance of: the Alliance System; decline of the Ottoman Empire; Austria Hungary and Balkan nationalism; arms race; international and diplomatic crises
Effects on civilian population; impact of war on women socially and politically
Factors leading to the defeat of Germany and the other Central Powers (Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria); strategic errors; economic factors; the entry and role of the United States
Post-war peace treaties and their territorial, political and economic effects on Europe: Versailles (St Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sèvres/Lausanne)
7. War and change in the Middle East 1914‑49
Allied diplomacy and its impact in the Middle East; MacMahon–Hussein Correspondence; Sykes–Picot Agreement 1916; Arab Revolt 1916; Balfour Declaration 1917
Paris Peace Settlement: territorial and political impact on the region; the mandate system: British and French administration in Iraq, Transjordan, Syria and Lebanon
Establishment and operation of the Palestine Mandate until 1948: economic, social and political developments; increased Jewish immigration; agreements/policies: Hope Simpson Report, Peel Commission, White Papers
Post-Second World War tensions: UNSCOP; creation of the state of Israel; War of Independence 1948‑9
Atatürk and the Turkish Republic: aims and policies 1919‑38; impact on Turkish society; successes and failures
Iran and Reza Khan 1924‑41: establishment and nature of the regime; attempts to modernize; Western influences
Saudi Arabia and Ibn Saud 1932‑1949: establishment and nature of the regime; role of religion in the state; economic and social policies
8. Interwar years: conflict and cooperation 1919‑39
Germany 1919‑33: political, constitutional, economic, financial and social problems
Italy 1919‑39: Mussolini’s domestic and foreign policies
The impact of the Great Depression (case study of its effect on one country in Europe)
Spanish Civil War: background to the outbreak of the Civil War; causes and consequences; foreign involvement; reasons for Nationalist victory
Hitler’s domestic and foreign policy (1933‑39)
Search for collective security; appeasement in the interwar years; the failure of international diplomacy; the outbreak of war in 1939
9. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1924‑2000
Stalin (1924‑53): power struggle; collectivization and industrialization; Five Year Plans; constitution; cult of personality; purges; impact on society; foreign relations to 1941
The Great Patriotic War: breakdown of wartime alliance; Cold War; policies towards Germany: Berlin; Eastern European satellite states; Warsaw Pact
Khrushchev (1955‑64): struggle for power after Stalin’s death; destalinization; peaceful coexistence; domestic policies: economic and agricultural; foreign relations: Hungary, Berlin, Cuba, China
Brezhnev: domestic and foreign policies
Case study of one Sovietized/satellite state: establishment of Soviet control; the nature of the single-party state; domestic policies; opposition and dissent (suitable examples could be East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland but all relevant states are valid)
Transformation of Soviet Union: political developments and change (1982‑2000)
10. The Second World War and post-war Western Europe 1939‑2000
Second World War in Europe; Cold War: impact on Germany, NATO and military cooperation
Post-war problems and political and economic recovery in Western Europe: devastation; debt 1945‑9
Establishment and consolidation of the Federal Republic of Germany to German reunification
Moves towards political and economic integration, cooperation and enlargement post-1945: EEC, EC, EU
Spain: Franco’s regime and the transition to, and establishment of, democracy under Juan Carlos
Case study of one Western European state between 1945 and 2000 (excluding Germany and Spain): the nature of the government; domestic policies; opposition and dissent
11. Post-war developments in the Middle East 1945‑2000
Egypt under Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak: nature of the state; political developments; economic and social policies
Modernization and Westernization under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in Iran: impact of Western influence; White Revolution; nature of society; 1979 Revolution
Lebanon: civil wars, outside interference and reconstruction; confessional state; economic tensions; growth of militias and PLO
Pan-Arabism: the UAR and the search for Arab leadership and unity; short-lived nature of UAR; longer-term impact on Islamic unity
The Arab world and Israel: uneasy relations and conflicts; attempts at peacemaking; tensions caused by consequences of conflict (Occupied Territories, Intifada)
Case study of one Middle Eastern state (excluding Egypt): the nature of the government; domestic policies; opposition and dissent (suitable examples could be Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria or any other relevant state)
12. Social and economic developments in Europe and the Middle East in the 19th or 20th century
Social structure and attitudes: health reforms, welfare state; gender issues; suffrage
Role and impact of religion(s), conflict and tensions
Developments in education; expansion and diversity
Developments in the arts: visual arts, music, theatre, film and literature, media, propaganda, leisure and sport
Immigration/emigration: causes and effects; demographic changes; urbanization
Industrial revolution; impact of technology on society; the computer age
Prescribed subjects: first exams 2017
1. Military leaders
Case study 1: Genghis Khan c1200–1227
Rise to power; uniting of rival tribes
Motives and objectives; success in achieving those objectives
Reputation: military prowess; naming as Genghis Khan (1206)
Importance of Genghis Khan’s leadership to Mongol success
Mongol invasion of China: attacks on the Jin dynasty; capture of Beijing (1215)
Mongol invasion of Central Asia and Iran; Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia (1219–1221)
Mongol military technology, organization, strategy and tactics
Political impact: administration; overthrowing of existing ruling systems; establishment of Mongol law/Yassa; move towards meritocracy
Economic impact: establishment, enhancement and protection of trade routes
Social, cultural and religious impact: population displacement; terror, looting and murdering; raiding and destruction of settlements; religious, cultural and technological exchange; religious freedom under the Mongols
Case study 2: Richard I of England (1173–1199)
Rise to power: revolt of Richard I and his brothers against Henry II (1173–1174)
Reputation: military prowess; chivalry; “Richard the Lionheart”
Motives and objectives: defence and recovery of the French lands; defence of the crusader states and recovery of lost territory; success in achieving those objectives
Occupation of Sicily (1190–1191); conquest of Cyprus (1191)
Involvement in the Third Crusade (1191–1192)
The course, outcome and effects of Richard I’s campaigns in France, the Mediterranean and the Middle East
Political impact in England: absence of the king; political instability; revolt of John and Philip in Richard’s absence
Political impact in France: growth in prestige and strength of the Capetian monarchy; expansion of royal control
Economic impact: raising money for campaigns; taxation of clergy; raising of the ransom after his capture and imprisonment by Leopold V, Duke of Austria and Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor (1193)
Social, cultural and religious impact: anti-Jewish violence; treatment of Muslim prisoners during the Third Crusade
2. Conquest and its impact
Case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain
Context and motives
Political context in Iberia and Al-Andalus in the late 15th century; internal conflicts and alliances in Granada in the late 15th century
Social and economic context in Iberia and Al-Andalus in the late 15th century; coexistence of population; intercultural exchange; economic decline; heavy taxation
Motives: political motives; religious motives and the role of the church
Key events and actors
The Granada War and the conquest of Granada (1482–1492)
Treaty of Granada (1491); Alhambra decree (1492)
Key actors: Fernando de Aragón and Isabel de Castilla; Abu Abdallah, last king of Granada; Tomás de Torquemada
Social and demographic changes; persecution, enslavement and emigration; new institutions: encomienda, fueros
Forced conversions and expulsions; Marranos, Mudéjars
The Spanish Inquisition
Case study 2: The conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551)
Context and motives
Political and economic motives for exploration and conquest
Religious arguments for the conquest
Key events and actors
Hernán Cortés and the campaign against the Aztec Empire; alliances with indigenous populations
Francisco Pizarro and the campaign against the Incas; alliances with indigenous populations
Key actors: Diego de Almagro, Malinche, Atahualpa, Moctezuma II; Bartolomé de las Casas; Juan Gines Sepúlveda
Social and economic (including trade) impact on indigenous populations; the encomienda and Mita systems
Causes and effects of demographic change; spread of disease
Cultural interaction and exchange
3. The move to global war
Case study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)
Causes of expansion
The impact of Japanese nationalism and militarism on foreign policy
Japanese domestic issues: political and economic issues, and their impact on foreign relations
Political instability in China
Japanese invasion of Manchuria and northern China (1931)
Sino-Japanese War (1937–1941)
The Three Power/Tripartite Pact; the outbreak of war; Pearl Harbor (1941)
League of Nations and the Lytton report
Political developments within China—the Second United Front
International response, including US initiatives and increasing tensions between the US and Japan
Case study 2: German and Italian expansion (1933–1940)
Causes of expansion
Impact of fascism and Nazism on the foreign policies of Italy and Germany
Impact of domestic economic issues on the foreign policies of Italy and Germany
Changing diplomatic alignments in Europe; the end of collective security; appeasement
German challenges to the post-war settlements (1933–1938)
Italian expansion: Abyssinia (1935–1936); Albania; entry into the Second World War
German expansion (1938–1939); Pact of Steel, Nazi–Soviet Pact and the outbreak of war
International response to German aggression (1933–1938)
International response to Italian aggression (1935–1936)
International response to German and Italian aggression (1940)
4. Rights and protest
Case study 1: Civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965)
Nature and characteristics of discrimination
Racism and violence against African Americans; the Ku Klux Klan; disenfranchisement
Segregation and education; Brown versus Board of Education decision (1954); Little Rock (1957)
Economic and social discrimination; legacy of the Jim Crow laws; impact on individuals
Protests and action
Non-violent protests; Montgomery bus boycott (1955–1956); Freedom Rides (1961); Freedom Summer (1964)
Legislative changes: Civil Rights Act (1964); Voting Rights Act (1965)
The role and significance of key actors/groups
Key actors: Martin Luther King Jr; Malcolm X; Lyndon B Johnson
Key groups: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)
Case study 2: Apartheid South Africa (1948–1964)
Nature and characteristics of discrimination
“Petty Apartheid” and “Grand Apartheid” legislation
Division and “classification”; segregation of populations and amenities; creation of townships/forced removals; segregation of education; Bantustan system; impact on individuals
Protests and action
Non-violent protests: bus boycotts; defiance campaign, Freedom Charter
Increasing violence: the Sharpeville massacre (1960) and the decision to adopt the armed struggle
Official response: the Rivonia trial (1963–1964) and the imprisonment of the ANC leadership
The role and significance of key actors/groups
Key individuals: Nelson Mandela; Albert Luthuli
Key groups: the African National Congress (ANC); the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe—“Spear of the Nation”)
5. Conflict and intervention
Case study 1: Rwanda (1990– 1998)
Causes of the conflict
Ethnic tensions in Rwanda; the creation of the Hutu power movement and the Interahamwe; role of the media
Other causes: economic situation; colonial legacy
Rwandan Civil War (1990–1993); assassination of Habyarimana and Ntaryamira (1994)
Course and interventions
Actions of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and Rwandan government; role of the media
Nature of the genocide and other crimes against humanity; war rape
Response of the international community; the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR); reasons for inaction; role of France, Belgium and the US
Social impact; refugee crisis; justice and reconciliation
International impact; establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (1994)
Political and economic impact; RPF-led governments; continued warfare in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
Case study 2: Kosovo (1989–2002)
Causes of the conflict
Ethnic tensions between Serbs and Kosovar Albanians; rising Albanian nationalism
Political causes: constitutional reforms (1989–1994); repression of the Albanian independence campaign
Role and significance of Slobodan Milosevic and Ibrahim Rugova
Course and interventions
Actions of Kosovo Liberation Army, Serbian government police and military
Ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; significance of the Račak massacre
Response of the international community; response of the UN; NATO bombing campaign; Kosovo Force (KFOR)
Social and economic consequences; refugee crisis; damage to infrastructure
Political impact in Kosovo; election of Ibrahim Rugova as president (2002)
International reaction and impact; International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY); indictment of Milosevic
World history topics: first exams 2017
1. Society and economy (750–1400)
Society and economy
Changes in social structures and systems
Impact of population change; impact of famines and disease
Role and status of women in society: economic and non-economic roles
Development of trading routes and economic integration; development of different types of taxation, including the social and economic impact of taxation
Changes in travel and transportation
Cultural and intellectual developments
Role and significance of key individuals
Factors affecting the transmission of ideas and cultures
Significance and impact of artistic and cultural developments; developments in architecture
Developments in science and technology
Religion and society
Social and economic influence of religious institutions
Religious leaders: role and status of religious leaders in government and administration; disputes between rulers and religious leaders
Treatment of religious minorities; religious persecution
Spread of religion
2. Causes and effects of wars (750–1500)
Types and causes of conflicts
Dynastic, territorial and religious disputes
Economic causes, competition for resources
Political causes
Religious causes
Long-term, short-term and immediate causes
Course, practices and outcomes
Role and significance of leaders
Mobilization of human and economic resources
Logistics, tactics and organization of warfare
Role and significance of women
Conquest, boundary and dynastic changes
Successes and failures of peacemaking
Political impact: short-term and long-term
Economic, social, religious and cultural changes
Demographic changes and population movements
3. Dynasties and rulers (750–1500)
Dynasties and rulers
Individual rulers: nature of power and rule; aims and achievements
Methods used to legitimize, consolidate and maintain rule
Expansion of dynasties/kingdoms: reasons for expansion; methods used to expand power; invasion and settlement
Law, governing institutions and administration
Models and methods of government and administration
Sources of religious and secular law
Administration and interpretation of law
Role and duties of officials; role of nobility and the elite
Successes and failures of dynasties and rulers
Internal and external challenges to power; the success with which these challenges were overcome
Rebellion and/or political opposition; rivalries and issues of succession
4. Societies in transition (1400–1700)
Social and economic change
Changing social structures and systems; role of women in society
Population expansion and movements
Treatment of minorities
Economic change: development of, and changing patterns of, trade; role and impact of merchants and travellers
Cultural and intellectual change
Artistic, cultural and intellectual movements
Cross-cultural exchange
Scientific and technological developments; social and cultural impact of those developments
Role and significance of key intellectual/scientific figures
Religious change
Religion and the state: interactions and relationships; religion as a support or a challenge to the state
Religious expansion and conversion
Religious division, conflict, discrimination and persecution
5. Early Modern states (1450–1789)
Nature of power and rule
Established and new states; states in ascendancy and states in decline
Methods and models of government; reasons for changes in political structures/political organization; domestic policies; treatment of subjects
Individual rulers: ideology; nature of rule; ambition and achievements; legitimacy; successes and failures
Expansion of established states; political and economic reasons for expansion
Political organization in established states: structures of government and political structure; models and methods of government; relationship between religion and the state
Establishment and expansion of colonial empires; political and economic reasons for expansion and acquisition of territory
Political organization in colonial states: structures of government and political structure in the colonial world; models and methods of government; relationship between religion and the state
Conflicts and challenges
Methods of maintaining power; treatment of opposition
Support and opposition; challenges to power and how successfully those challenges were overcome
Challenges to colonial rule: resistance, rebellions and their impact; the colonial race—competition and conflict
Rivalries and tensions; issues of succession
6. Causes and effects of Early Modern wars (1500–1750)
Causes of conflicts
Ideological and political causes
Economic causes; competition for resources
Religious causes
Short- and long-term causes
Practices and impact on outcome
Role and significance of leaders
Raising armies: military service and mercenaries; taxation
Organization of warfare; strategies: land and/or sea
Significance of technological developments
Influence and/or involvement of foreign powers
The successes and/or failures of peacemaking
Economic, political and territorial impact
Social and religious impact
Demographic changes and population movements
7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005)
The origins of industrialization
The causes and enablers of industrialization; the availability of human and natural resources; political stability; infrastructure
Role and significance of technological developments
Role and significance of individuals
The impact and significance of key developments
Developments in transportation
Developments in energy and power
Industrial infrastructure; iron and steel
Mass production
Developments in communications
The social and political impact of industrialization
Urbanization and the growth of cities and factories
Labour conditions; organization of labour
Political representation; opposition to industrialization
Impact on standards of living; disease and life expectancy; leisure; literacy and media
8. Independence movements (1800–2000)
Origins and rise of independence movements, up to the point of independence
Development of movements: role and relative importance of nationalism and political ideology
Development of movements: role and relative importance of religion, race, social and economic factors
Wars as a cause and/or catalyst for independence movements
Other internal and external factors fostering growth of independence movements
Methods used and reasons for success
Methods of achieving independence (including violent and non-violent methods)
Role and importance of leaders of independence movements
The role and relative importance of other factors in the success of independence movements
Challenges faced in the first 10 years, and responses to the challenges
Challenges: political problems; ethnic, racial and separatist movements
Social, cultural and economic challenges
Responses to those challenges, and the effectiveness of those responses
9. Evolution and development of democratic states (1848–2000)
Emergence of democratic states
Conditions that encouraged the demand for democratic reform: aftermath of war and/or political upheaval; political, social and economic factors; external influences
The role and significance of leaders
Development of political parties, constitutions and electoral systems; the significance/impact of those developments
The development of democratic states
Factors influencing the evolution of democratic states: immigration; ideology; economic forces; foreign influences
Responses to, and impact of, domestic crises
Struggle for equality: suffrage movements; civil protests
Impact of democracy on society
Social and economic policies and reforms: education; social welfare; policies towards women and minorities; the distribution of wealth
The extent to which citizens benefit from those policies
Cultural impact; freedom of expression in the arts and media
10. Authoritarian states (20th century)
Emergence of authoritarian states
Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system
Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the use of force; propaganda
Consolidation and maintenance of power
Use of legal methods; use of force; charismatic leadership; dissemination of propaganda
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition
The impact of the success and/or failure of foreign policy on the maintenance of power
Aims and results of policies
Aims and impact of domestic economic, political, cultural and social policies
The impact of policies on women and minorities
Authoritarian control and the extent to which it was achieved
11. Causes and effects of 20th-century wars
Causes of war
Economic, ideological, political, territorial and other causes
Short- and long-term causes
Practices of war and their impact on the outcome
Types of war: civil wars; wars between states; guerrilla wars
Technological developments; theatres of war—air, land and sea
The extent of the mobilization of human and economic resources
The influence and/or involvement of foreign powers
Effects of war
The successes and failures of peacemaking
Territorial changes
Political repercussions
Economic, social and demographic impact; changes in the role and status of women
12. The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)
Rivalry, mistrust and accord
The breakdown of the grand alliance and the emergence of superpower rivalry in Europe and Asia (1943–1949): role of ideology; fear and aggression; economic interests; a comparison of the roles of the US and the USSR
The US, USSR and China—superpower relations (1947–1979): containment; peaceful co-existence; Sino-Soviet and Sino-US relations; detente
Confrontation and reconciliation; reasons for the end of the Cold War (1980– 1991): ideological challenges and dissent; economic problems; arms race
Leaders and nations
The impact of two leaders, each chosen from a different region, on the course and development of the Cold War
The impact of Cold War tensions on two countries (excluding the USSR and the US)
Cold War crises
Cold War crises case studies: detailed study of any two Cold War crises from different regions: examination and comparison of the causes, impact and significance of the two crises
HL options: first exams 2017
HL option 1: History of Africa and the Middle East
1: The ‘Abbasid dynasty (750–1258)
The fall of the Umayyads and the ‘Abbasid Revolution; reasons for ‘Abbasid defeat of the Umayyads, including the role of ‘Abbasid military power; the consequences of the revolution; the shift of power from Syria to Iraq
Political, social and economic aspects of the first century of ‘Abbasid rule
Religious aspects of ‘Abbasid rule, the role of the Ulama
The impact of other civilizations on the ‘Abbasids; the Sassanian heritage
Case studies: al-Mansur; Harun al-Rashid; al-Ma’mun
Science, culture, philosophy and invention during the Golden Age of Islam
Decline of the empire; breakdown of ‘Abbasid authority; rifts and divisions; Mongol invasion
2: The Fatimids (909–1171)
Foundation of the dynasty; political, economic and social factors
Conquest of Egypt and the foundation of Cairo; reasons for, and impact of, the conquest
Fatimid claims to the caliphate: the ‘Abbasids and Umayyads of Spain
Fatimid ideology and its historical impact; religious relations (Muslims, Coptic Christians, Jews)
Economic developments including trade within the Fatimid realm of influence
Height of the Fatimid Empire; government institutions; institutions of learning (Dar al-’Ilm)
Decline of the Fatimids: internal dissolution; external challenges
Case studies of two of the following: al-Mu’izz (953–975); al-Hakim (996–1021); al-Mustansir (1036– 1094)
3: The Crusades (1095–1291)
Origins of, and motives for, the Crusades: religious and secular; the holy places; pilgrimage and preaching; theory and practice of jihad
The First Crusade (1096–1099); the Second Crusade (1145–1149), Third Crusade (1189–1192) and Fourth Crusade (1202–1204): causes; extent of success; consequences
Foundation of the crusader states: Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa and Tripoli
Role and significance of key individuals: Godfrey de Bouillon, Richard I of England, Nur al-Din, Salah ad-Din (Saladin) and Baibars
Military aspects of the Crusades: tactics, major battles and weapons; Templars, Hospitallers, Assassins
Reasons for successes and failures of both sides throughout the period of the Crusades
Impact and importance of the Crusades in the Middle East and in the Byzantine Empire
4: The Ottomans (1281–1566)
Rise of the Ottomans: Anatolia and the Balkans
Effects of the foundation of the Ottoman Empire on Europe and Muslim lands
Rise of the Safavids and contest with the Ottomans
Ottoman expansion: reasons for; the conquests of Egypt and Syria; fall of the Mamluks—impact and significance
Military and administrative nature of the Ottoman Empire; changes to the Islamic world; Ottoman contribution to Islamic culture
Ottoman invasion and capture of Byzantium; reasons for, and consequences of, the fall of Constantinople (1453); its effect on transforming the Ottoman state
Case studies of two of the following: Mehmet II (1451–1481); Selim I (1512–1520); Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–1566)
5: Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)
Types of trade: trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt—importance of different routes and control over these; impact of trade on the rise and decline of empires; Indian Ocean trade in slaves, ivory, spices and textiles
Impact of trade on the spread of religion and culture: the Islamization of East and West Africa; influence of Catholicism in the Kingdom of the Kongo
Ghana Empire (c830–1235): causes of the rise and decline of the Ghana Empire; system of government; social and economic organization; importance of trade; the Almoravid jihad
Mali Empire (c1230–1600): causes of the rise and decline of the Mali Empire; social, economic and administrative reforms; military organization; importance of Islam; trade
Rise and expansion of the Kingdom of the Kongo to 1600: political, social and economic organization
Swahili city states: importance of the Indian Ocean trade in the rise and growth of the city states; emergence of a cosmopolitan Swahili culture
6: Pre-colonial African states (1800–1900)
Rise of the Zulu under Shaka; the Mfecane/Difaqane—social, political and economic causes and effects; rise of the Sotho under Moshoeshoe
Rise of the Sokoto Caliphate under Usman Dan Fodio, and its effects
Rise of the Niger Delta trading states: Nana and Jaja
Ethiopian unification and expansion under Tewodros II, Yohannes IV, Menelik II
Rise of the Mahdist state in Sudan
Case studies of the rise of two of the following: the Mandinka Empire under Samori Toure; the Lozi kingdom under Lewanika; the Ndebele kingdom under Mziklikazi and Lobengula; the Asante empire under Osei Tutu; the Unyamwezi under Mirambo; the Hehe state under Mkwawa
7: The slave trade in Africa and the Middle East (1500–1900)
Reasons for the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade from the 16th century: technological factors and the growth of maritime commerce; impact on the slave trade of plantation agriculture; existing practice of slavery in African societies; rivalries and warfare between African states
Reasons for the expansion of the East African slave trade from the late 18th century: existing slave trade between Arabia and the Swahili coast; expansion of the Sultanate of Oman into East Africa; rising international demand resulting from the ban on the Atlantic trade
Nature of the slave trade: its social and economic impact in Africa and the Middle East; role and significance of individuals
Causes of the decline of the Atlantic slave trade: industrialization and economic changes; role of the abolitionist movement; rise of legitimate commerce
Causes of the decline of the East African slave trade: humanitarian factors and the influence of missionaries; colonial expansion and the closing of the markets; decline of slavery in the Ottoman Empire
Impact and significance of anti-slavery Acts in the 19th century; including 1807 Slave Trade Act, 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act, 1885 Berlin Act
8: European imperialism and the partition of Africa (1850–1900)
Growth of European activity in Africa: opportunities presented by the decline of the Ottoman Empire; traders, missionaries and explorers; creeping colonization
Economic causes of partition: economic weaknesses in Europe; raw materials; search for new markets; role of chartered companies
Strategic causes of the partition: the sea route to the east; British actions in Egypt and South Africa, and the responses of other European powers
Other causes: national rivalry; humanitarian factors
African background to partition: military, technological and administrative weaknesses; political and cultural disunity; collaboration
German annexation: factors facilitating the annexation; the Berlin West Africa Conference and its impact
Activities of King Leopold II of Belgium and De Brazza in the Congo region
9: Response to European imperialism (1870–1920)
Factors influencing decisions to resist: determination to preserve independence; brutality and inflexibility of the colonizing power; political structures; military strength; access to firearms
Ethiopian resistance under Menelik II: reasons for success
Mandinka resistance to French rule: reasons for success and failure
Herero and Nama resistance in Namibia: reasons for failure
Cetshwayo and the conquest and destruction of the Zulu kingdom
The Asante Wars (1873, 1896, 1900): reasons for Asante resistance and British intervention
Factors influencing decisions to collaborate: pragmatism; willingness of the colonial power to negotiate; social, political and economic gains including protection; lack of alternative
Collaboration: Lewanika and Khama with the British
Resistance and collaboration in Buganda: Kabaka Mwanga and Apolo Kagwa, reasons for failure and success
10: Africa under colonialism (1890–1980)
British rule in Kenya: colonial administration; economic and social development to 1963
Tanganyika under German and British rule to 1961
Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia under British rule: economic and social development to 1965; the creation and collapse of the Central African Federation; Ian Smith and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence
Angola/Mozambique under Portuguese rule: economic and social development to 1975
Nigeria: direct and indirect rule; factors that promoted the choice of administrative system in Nigeria; economic and social development; regional rivalries; constitutional developments to 1960
Gold Coast: colonial administration; economic, social and political development to 1957
Senegal: colonial administration; economic, social and political development to 1960
11: 20th-century nationalist and independence movements in Africa
Angola: liberation war; Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) to independence in 1975
South-West Africa: South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) to independence for Namibia in 1990
Kenya: trade unions; Mau Mau; Jomo Kenyatta and Kenya African National Union (KANU) to 1963
Gold Coast to Ghana: Nkrumah and the Convention People’s Party (CPP) to independence in 1957
French West Africa: nationalism, political parties and independence in Senegal in 1960
Tanganyika: Tanganyika African National Union; Julius Nyerere to 1961
12: The Ottoman Empire (c1800–1923)
Challenges to Ottoman power in the early 19th century: Greek War of Independence; Muhammad Ali in Egypt
The Eastern Question: European challenges and Ottoman responses; Crimean War; causes and outcomes of 19th-century crises in the Balkans
Decline of Ottoman power in the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Algeria; Lebanon
Attempts at internal reform and modernizations: causes, aims and effects of Tanzimat reforms; Abdul Hamid—reaction and reform
Growth of the Committee of Union and Progress to 1908–1909; reforms of the Young Turks; Balkan Wars (1912 and 1913)
Ottoman Empire in the First World War: reasons for entry; impact of war; rise of Ataturk and collapse of empire
13: War and change in the Middle East and North Africa 1914–1945
Allied diplomacy in the Middle East: McMahon–Hussein correspondence; Sykes–Picot; Arab Revolt; Balfour Declaration
Effects of Paris peace treaties: territorial and political impact; mandate system; British and French administration in Iraq, Transjordan, Syria and Lebanon
Egypt after the First World War: nationalism; emergence of Wafd Party; Declaration of Independence; British influence
Palestine mandate: economic, social and political developments; impact of Jewish immigration and settlement; British responses and policies
Ataturk and the Turkish Republic: aims and policies; impact on Turkish society; successes and failures
Case study on Iran, Saudi Arabia or a North African state: economic, political and social developments; western influences; attempts at modernization
14: Africa, international organizations and the international community (20th century)
League of Nations: Abyssinian Crisis (1934–1936); causes and consequences of the failure of the League of Nations to deal with Italian aggression
Organization of African Unity (OAU) and African Union (AU): objectives, structure, successes and failures
Regional organizations: East African Community (EAC) (1967–1977); Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC)/Southern African Development Community (SADC); successes and failures
Africa and the UN: Congo, Mozambique, Somalia and Rwanda: reasons for successes and failures; wider impact
UN specialized agencies: a case study of the impact of any two agencies
The Cold War and its impact on Africa: a case study of the impact on any two African countries
15: Developments in South Africa 1880–1994
Discovery of diamonds and gold: political, social and economic consequences
South African War (1899–1902): causes—economic, political, strategic; course and consequences; the Treaty of Vereeniging and developments leading to the Act of Union (1909)
Policies of Smuts and Hertzog (1910–1948); segregation, discrimination and protest
National Party: reasons for the election victory of 1948; nature and impact of apartheid policies of Malan; Verwoerd and Grand Apartheid: the Bantustan system
Resistance to apartheid: radicalization of resistance; the African National Congress (ANC); Sharpeville and the decision to adopt armed struggle; Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness movement; Soweto massacre; township unrest in the 1980s
International opposition to apartheid: the impact of the economic boycott
The end of the apartheid system: De Klerk’s lifting of the ban on the ANC; release of Mandela and his role in the transition to democracy; the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA); the 1994 elections
16: Social and cultural developments in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
Factors promoting and inhibiting the spread of Islam and Christianity in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries
The African Independent Churches movement; reasons for the creation and growth of Africanist churches
Changing social and cultural values
Changing role of women
Social and cultural impact of technological developments
Impact of immigration and emigration
Developments in the arts: the impact of colonialism on art and culture
Developments in education
17: Post-war developments in the Middle East (1945–2000)
Origins of the state of Israel: post-war tensions and instability in the mandate; causes and effects of the 1948–1949 War
Arab–Israeli conflicts: Suez Crisis, Six Day War, 1973 War; effects of conflicts—occupied territories, intifadas, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); attempts at peacemaking up to, and including, Camp David (2000)
Post-war Egypt: Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak—political developments; economic and social policies; Pan- Arabism and the United Arab Republic (UAR)
Post-war Iran: modernization and westernization under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi; western influence; White Revolution; origins and effects of the 1979 Revolution; post-revolution Iran and effects of the Iran–Iraq War
Lebanon: civil wars; outside interference and reconstruction; Confessional state; economic, religious and social tensions; growth of militias and the PLO
18: Post-independence politics in Africa to 2005
Causes of ethnic conflict, civil war and military intervention: including ethnic tensions, economic problems, destabilization by outside forces, inefficiency of civilian governments, ideology, and personal ambition
Impact of ethnic conflict, civil war and military intervention; impact of military rule
Social and economic challenges: disease, illiteracy, poverty, famine; neo-colonial economic exploitation
Establishment of single-party states; reasons for establishment, including personal ambition, failure of democracy, and need for effective government
Return to multi-party democracy in the 1980s and 1990s: reasons for successes and failures
Economic growth and development to 2005: reasons for growth, including political stability and multi-partyism; leadership; infrastructural development; investment; economic reforms
HL option 2: History of the Americas
1: Indigenous societies and cultures in the Americas (c750–1500)
Types of political organization: non-sedentary, semi-sedentary, confederations and empires; the role of local and state authorities
The role of warfare in maintaining and expanding political organization
Economic and social structures: role and nature of the tribute; landholding; agricultural production; systems of exchange; nature of the tribute in societies without money
Religion: polytheistic beliefs; relationship between religious and political powers; relationship between man and nature
Culture: written and unwritten language; contributions to scientific development and the arts
2: European explorations and conquests in the Americas (c1492–c1600)
Exploration and conquest in North America: Columbus; conquest of the Caribbean; French and British exploration in North America
Exploration and conquest in Latin America: Cortés and the conquest of the Aztecs; reasons for Spanish success and Aztec defeat; Pizarro and the conquest of the Incas; later defeat of Manco Inca; reasons for Spanish success and Inca defeat
Economic impact of exploration and conquest: exploitation of resources; acquisition of gold and silver; fur trade; tobacco trade; the “Columbian Exchange”
Treatment of indigenous populations; Law of Burgos (1512), New Laws of the Indies (1542); assimilation; eradication; social stratification; use of indigenous labour; women; multiracial issues
European rivalries; Treaty of Tordesillas (1494); conflicting land claims based upon exploration; impact of conflicting claims
3: Colonial government in the New World (1500–1800)
Political organization in Spanish and Portuguese America: viceroyalty system, captaincy system; Habsburg and early Bourbon rule; the Braganza rule
Political organization in British and French North America: corporate, royal and proprietary; charters
Colonial American economies; encomienda, yanaconaje and Mita; plantations; organization of trade; mercantilism; role of gold, silver and sugar
Bourbon reforms and Pombaline reforms: reasons, nature and impact
Limits of state power and resistance to authority
Anglo-French rivalry in North America to 1763; Anglo-French relationships and alliances with indigenous peoples; French and Indian Wars
4: Religion in the New World (1500–1800)
The aims of the Catholic church in Spanish and Portuguese America; its influence; resistance of indigenous populations to Christianization
Jesuits, Franciscans and Dominicans in Spanish and Portuguese America: economic and political organization; relations with indigenous populations; challenges to government authority
Indigenous religions and Christianity; syncretism
Religious tolerance and intolerance in British North America: Puritans, Quakers, Anglicans and Catholics
The Great Awakening c1720–c1760; social and political impact
Religion in New France: Black Robes, Jesuits and Recollects
5: Slavery and the New World (1500–1800)
Reasons for, and origins of, slavery
Role of the colonial powers in the establishment and expansion of slavery; asiento system
Economic and social impact of slavery
Living and working conditions: the Middle Passage; social structures on plantations in the West Indies, Brazil and the southern colonies
Slave resistance and slave rebellions
Opposition to the slave trade and slavery: Quakers and other early abolitionists
6: Independence movements (1763–1830)
Independence movements in the Americas: political, economic, social and religious causes; the influence of Enlightenment ideas; the role of foreign intervention; conflicts and issues leading to war
Political, intellectual and military contributions of leaders to the process of independence: Washington, Bolivar and San Martin
United States: processes leading to the Declaration of Independence; influence of ideas; nature of the declaration; military campaigns/battles and their impact on the outcome
Latin America: characteristics of the independence processes; reasons for the similarities and differences in two Latin American countries; military campaigns/battles and their impact on the outcome
Attitude of the United States towards Latin American independence; nature of, and reasons for, the Monroe Doctrine
Impact of independence on the economies and societies of the Americas: economic cost of the wars of independence; the establishment of new trade relations; impact on different social groups— specifically indigenous peoples, African Americans, Creoles
7: Nation-building and challenges (c1780–c1870)
United States: Articles of Confederation; the 1787 Constitution: philosophical underpinnings; major compromises and changes in the US political system
Latin America: challenges to the establishment of political systems; the nature of caudillo rule, and regional conditions leading to its establishment; the policies and impact of caudillo rule in one country
War of 1812: causes and impact on British North America and the United States
Mexican–American War (1846–1848): causes and effects on the region
Canada: causes and effects of 1837 rebellions; the Durham report and its implications; challenges to the Confederation; the British North America Act of 1867—compromises, unresolved issues, regionalism, effects
8: United States’ Civil War: Causes, course and effects (1840–1877)
Slavery: cotton economy and slavery; conditions of enslavement; adaptation and resistance; abolitionist debate—ideological, legal, religious and economic arguments for and against slavery, and their impact
Origins of the Civil War: the Nullification Crisis; states’ rights; sectionalism; slavery; political issues; economic differences between the North and South
Reasons for, and effects of, westward expansion and the sectional debates; the crises of the 1850s; compromise of 1850; political developments, including the Lincoln–Douglas debates and the presidential election of 1860
Union versus Confederate: strengths and weaknesses; economic resources; role and significance of leaders during the Civil War; role of Lincoln; significant military battles/campaigns
Factors affecting the outcome of the Civil War; the role of foreign relations; the Emancipation Proclamation (1863) and participation of African Americans in the Civil War
Reconstruction: presidential and congressional plans; methods of southern resistance; economic, social and political successes and failures
African Americans in the New South: legal issues; the black codes; Jim Crow laws
9: The development of modern nations (1865–1929)
Causes and consequences of railroad construction; industrial growth, urbanization and economic modernization; the development of international and inter-American trade; neocolonialism and dependency
Causes and consequences of immigration; emigration and internal migration, including the impact upon, and experience of, indigenous peoples
Development and impact of ideological trends, including progressivism, Manifest Destiny, liberalism, nationalism, positivism, social Darwinism, “indigenismo” and nativism
Social and cultural changes: developments in the arts; changes in the role of women
Influence of leaders in the transition to the modern era: political and economic aims; the successes and failures of Theodore Roosevelt, Wilfrid Laurier and any one Latin American leader
Social, economic and legal conditions of African Americans between 1865 and 1929; Plessy versus Ferguson, the Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance; the search for civil rights and the ideas, aims and tactics of Booker T Washington, WEB Du Bois and Marcus Garvey
10: Emergence of the Americas in global affairs (1880–1929)
United States’ expansionist foreign policies: political, economic, social and ideological reasons
Spanish–American War (1898): causes and effects
Impact of United States’ foreign policies: the Big Stick; Dollar Diplomacy; moral diplomacy
United States and the First World War: from neutrality to involvement; reasons for US entry into the First World War; Wilson’s peace ideals and the struggle for ratification of the Treaty of Versailles in the United States; significance of the war for the United States’ hemispheric status
Involvement of either Canada or one Latin American country in the First World War: nature of, and reasons for, involvement
Impact of the First World War on any two countries of the Americas: economic, political, social and foreign policies
11: The Mexican Revolution (1884–1940)
Rule of Porfirio Diaz from 1884; political control; contribution to discontent
Causes of the Mexican Revolution: social, economic and political
The revolution and its leaders (1910–1917): ideologies, aims and methods of Madero, Villa, Zapata, Carranza; achievements and failures; the 1917 Constitution—nature and application
Construction of the post-revolutionary state (1920–1940): Obregón, Calles and the Maximato; challenges; assessment of their impact in the post-revolutionary state
Lázaro Cárdenas and the renewal of the revolution (1934–1940): aims, methods and achievements
The role of foreign powers (especially the United States) in the outbreak and development of the Mexican Revolution; motivations, methods of intervention and contributions
Impact of the revolution on women, the arts, education and music
12: The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939)
The Great Depression: political and economic causes in the Americas
Nature and efficacy of solutions in the United States: Hoover; Franklin D Roosevelt and the New Deal
Critics of the New Deal; impact of the New Deal on US political and economic systems
Nature and efficacy of solutions in Canada: Mackenzie King and RB Bennett
Impact of the Great Depression on Latin America; political instability and challenges to democracy; economic and social challenges
Latin American responses to the Great Depression: import substitution industrialization (ISI); social and economic policies; popular mobilization and repression
Impact of the Great Depression on society: specifically the impact on women and minorities; impact of the Great Depression on the arts and culture
13: The Second World War and the Americas (1933–1945)
Hemispheric reactions to the events in Europe and Asia: inter-American diplomacy; cooperation and neutrality; Franklin D Roosevelt’s Good Neighbour policy—its application and effects
Involvement and participation of any two countries of the Americas in the Second World War
Social impact of the Second World War; impact on women and minorities; conscription
Treatment of Japanese Americans, Japanese Latin Americans and Japanese Canadians
Reasons for, and significance of, US use of atomic weapons against Japan
Economic and diplomatic effects of the Second World War in any two countries of the Americas
14: Political developments in Latin America (1945–1980)
The Cuban Revolution: political, social and economic causes
Rule of Fidel Castro: Cuban nationalism; political, economic, social and cultural policies; treatment of opposition; successes and failures; impact on the region
Populist leaders in two countries: rise to power and legitimacy; ideology; social, economic and political policies; the treatment of opposition
Democracy in crisis: reasons for the failure of elected leaders
Rise of a military dictatorship in one country: reasons for their rise to power; economic and social policies; repression and treatment of opposition
Guerrilla movements in one country: origins, rise and consequences
Liberation theology in Latin America: origins, growth and impact
15: Political developments in the United States (1945–1980) and Canada (1945–1982)
Truman and the Fair Deal; division within Democratic Party; congressional opposition; domestic policies of Eisenhower
Kennedy and the New Frontier; Johnson and the Great Society
Nixon’s domestic policies; Watergate and possible impeachment; Ford’s domestic policies and pardon of Nixon; Carter’s domestic policies; changing composition and internal conflicts within the Democratic and Republican parties in the 1960s and 1970s, and the impact on elections
Domestic policies of Canadian prime ministers: St Laurent, Diefenbaker; political stability and nationalism; social and political change under Pearson and Trudeau
Causes and effects of the Quiet Revolution; rise of Quebec nationalism, the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) and the October Crisis of 1970
16: The Cold War and the Americas (1945–1981)
Truman: containment and its implications for the Americas; the rise of McCarthyism and its effects on domestic and foreign policies of the United States; social and cultural impact of the Cold War
Korean War, the United States and the Americas: reasons for participation; military developments; diplomatic and political outcomes
Eisenhower and Dulles: New Look and its application; characteristics and reasons for the policy; repercussions for the region
United States’ involvement in Vietnam: the reasons for, and nature of, the involvement at different stages; domestic effects and the end of the war; Canadian non-support of the war; Latin American protest against the war
United States’ foreign policies from Kennedy to Carter: the characteristics of, and reasons for, policies; implications for the region: Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress; Nixon’s covert operations and Chile; Carter’s quest for human rights and the Panama Canal Treaty (1977)
Cold War in either Canada or one Latin American country: reasons for foreign and domestic policies and their implementation
17: Civil rights and social movements in the Americas post 1945
Indigenous peoples and civil rights in the Americas
African Americans and the civil rights movement: origins, tactics and organizations; the US Supreme Court and legal challenges to segregation in education; ending of segregation in the south (1955–1980)
Role of Dr Martin Luther King Jr in the civil rights movement; the rise of radical African American activism (1965–1968): Black Panthers; Black Power and Malcolm X; role of governments in civil rights movements in the Americas
Feminist movements in the Americas; reasons for emergence; impact and significance
Hispanic American movement in the United States; Cesar Chavez; immigration reform
Youth culture and protests of the 1960s and 1970s: characteristics and manifestation of a counter-culture
18: The Americas (1980–2005)
The United States: domestic policies of presidents Reagan, GHW Bush and Clinton; challenges; effects on the United States; impact upon the hemisphere; continuities and changes in US foreign policy: Reagan, GHW Bush and Clinton; from bipolar to unilateral power; impact on the region
Canadian domestic policies: Mulroney governments (1984–1993), collapse of the Progressive Conservative Party; Chrétien in power (1993–2003), Quebec and separatism
Transition to democracy in two countries of Latin America: reasons for democratization; role of internal and external factors
Post-transition challenges in two countries of Latin America: economic challenges and debt; justice and reconciliation; political parties and the role of the military
Violent and non-violent movements in two countries of Latin America: causes, aims and impact; role of religion, including liberation theology
Economic and political cooperation in the Americas: reasons for and impact
Terrorism; 9/11 and response: domestic impact
HL option 3: History of Asia and Oceania
1: Trade and exchange: The Silk Road in the medieval world (750–1500)
The Silk Road under the Tang dynasty
Connecting west and east: interregional trade; travellers and explorers; merchants; missionaries and pilgrims; Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo
Increase in trade under the Mongol Empire: role of Mongol expansion and empire in re-establishing and increasing trade; establishment of political centres of the Mongol Empire; Tamerlane; Samarkand
Political and cultural integration: connection of previously isolated nomadic societies; political unification of zones
Cultural interaction and exchange: transmission of religious ideas and art
Decline in the 15th century: causes of decline; rise in seaborne trade; fragmentation and loosening of political, cultural and economic unity after the end of the Mongol Empire
2: Japan in the Age of the Samurai (1180–1333)
The Gempei War (1180–1185) and the establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate
The expanding role of the samurai under Minamoto; rising military and economic power; replacement of court government with the samurai; role in developing law
Struggles between samurai clans
Establishment of the first samurai-dominated government; declining power of the emperor
Samurai life: samurai ethos/ethical code or “Bushido”—the way of the warrior; focus on group loyalty and discipline; influence of Buddhism; samurai weapons and armour; the role of samurai women
Impact of the samurai on Japanese society and culture
The Mongol invasions of Japan and the kamikaze storms (1274 and 1281)
3: Exploration, trade and interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)
China “looking out”: Chinese shipbuilding programme; “treasure ships”; construction of an imperial fleet; the voyages of Zheng He (Cheng Ho); increased overseas trade
Japan “looking out”: trade links established with Portugal (1543); arrival of traders from other European countries; missionaries
The significance and impact of the beginnings of Indo-European trade: Vasco da Gama (1498); the capture of Malacca (1511); Magellan’s journey (1519)
Reasons for, and impact of, the expeditions, and nature of the settlements, of the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and British; impact of European settlements on the indigenous people; social, religious and cultural exchange; demographic and territorial changes
China “turning in”: increased Chinese isolationism; isolationist policies; restrictions on ships, including destruction of ocean-going ships (1525)
Japan “turning in”: Japanese isolationism in the 17th century; sakoku (closed country policy) restrictions on foreigners entering Japan and Japanese leaving Japan; strict regulations on trade and commerce; creation of four “gateways”
Social, political and economic impact of isolation on China and Japan
4: The rise and fall of the Mughal Empire (1526–1712)
Origins and rise of Mughal power: Babur and Humayun
Consolidation of Mughal rule in the subcontinent: domestic, military, religious, economic and cultural policies
Significance of individual rulers for the Mughal Empire: Akbar, Shah Jahan I and Aurangzeb
Impact of religious cooperation and conflict in the Mughal Empire
Reasons for, and effects of, domestic opposition
Social, cultural and economic achievements
Role of internal and external forces in the decline of the Mughal Empire
5: Colonialism and the development of nationalism in South-East Asia (c1750–1914)
Political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the Dutch colonial system in Indonesia: culture system; liberal policy; decline of the Dutch East India Company (VOC); increasing Dutch state control and the introduction of the Ethical Policy (1901)
Political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the French colonial system in Indo- China: factors that led to the formation of French Indo-China (1887)
Political structure and the economic, social and cultural effects of the Spanish colonial system in the Philippines: Philippine Revolution (1896); significance of Rizal, Bonifacio and Aguinaldo
The Philippines and the United States: Spanish-American War (1898); colonial rule by the United States
The beginnings of nationalism in Indonesia, Philippines and Indo-China
Siamese monarchy; internal and external factors that maintained independence; Rama IV (Mongkut), Rama V (Chulalongkorn)
6: India, Afghanistan and Burma (1750–1919)
Expansion of the British East India Company: Battle of Plassey (1757); Anglo-Maratha Wars; Anglo- Mysore Wars
Economic, social and cultural effects of the British colonial system in India; role of the British East India Company (1773–1857); impact of the policies of Dalhousie and Bentinck
Causes of the Great Revolt (Indian Mutiny) of 1857; political, social and economic consequences of the Great Revolt
Key developments 1858–1914: Government of India Act 1858; the partition of Bengal (1905); the Morley–Minto reforms of 1909; outbreak of the First World War; social and economic impact of the British Raj
Development and significance of constitutional groups; growth of national consciousness; Indian National Congress (1885) and the All India Muslim League (1906)
Afghanistan: Russo-British rivalry; “The Great Game”; North-West frontier; First, Second and Third Anglo-Afghan Wars; policies of the Afghan monarchy; resistance to British influence
Burma: King Mindon; King Thibaw; reasons for loss of independence; First, Second and Third Anglo- Burmese Wars; economic, social and cultural effects of the British colonial system in Burma; rise of resistance and nationalism
7: Challenges to traditional East Asian societies (1700–1868)
The nature and structure of imperial rule under the Qing dynasty; Qianlong
Causes and effects of internal challenges; White Lotus Rebellion
The Chinese tribute system and western trade missions
Causes and consequences of the First and Second Opium Wars; the unequal treaties
Taiping Rebellion: reasons for the rise and fall; consequences for Chinese society
The Tokugawa Shogunate’s rule in Japan: economic and social structure
Internal challenges; social and economic changes and reasons for discontent
Commodore Perry’s expedition and the crisis of the Bakumatsu period (1853–1868); reasons for the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate
8: British colonialism and emerging national identities in Oceania (1788–1919)
Indigenous societies and the impact of early colonial settlements; Treaty of Waitangi (1840)
Settlement schemes; immigration to Australia and New Zealand; early colonial settlements; land distribution; pastoral society; squatters and the Selection Acts
Reasons for, and impact of, tensions between indigenous people and the settlers
Social and economic impact of the gold rushes; growth of cities; emergence of the labour movement
Constitutional developments; growth of national identity; the federation movement; National Australasian Conventions; the achievement of dominion status in Australia (1901) and New Zealand (1907)
Political, social and economic impact of the First World War on Australia and New Zealand; Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs); significance of Gallipoli
The nature and impact of British administration in the Pacific Islands
9: Early modernization and imperial decline in East Asia (1860–1912)
Tongzhi restoration and Self-Strengthening Movement (1861–1894); Cixi
Impact of defeat in the Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895); Guangxu and the Hundred Days’ Reform (1898)
Boxer Rebellion (1900–1901); the late Qing reforms
Sun Yixian and the causes of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution; the reasons for its failure
Meiji restoration (1868) in Japan; the 1889 Constitution
Social, cultural and economic developments in Meiji Japan
The rise of Japanese military power; victory in the Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895) and the Russo- Japanese War (1904–1905)
Korean isolation: Queen Min; opening (1876); Tonghak Rebellion (1894); Japanese annexation (1910)
10: Nationalism and independence in India (1919–1964)
Impact of the First World War: demands for Home Rule
Significance of key political developments, including Amritsar massacre (1919); Government of India Act 1919; Simon Commission (1928); Round Table Conferences (1930–1932); response to Government of India Act 1935
Role and importance of key groups and individuals: Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League; Gandhi; Jawaharlal Nehru; Jinnah
Struggle for independence; non-cooperation movement; civil disobedience campaigns; Salt March (1930); Quit India campaign (1942)
Growth of Muslim separatism; “Two-Nation” theory; Lahore Resolution (1940)
Impact of the Second World War: Chandra Bose; the Cripps Mission (1942); weakening of British power; Mountbatten; achievement of independence; reasons for the partition of the South Asian subcontinent (1947)
Post-independence India: ethnic and religious conflicts; princely states; Kashmir; successes and failures of Nehru’s domestic policies
11: Japan (1912–1990)
The impact of the First World War and the post-war conferences
Taisho democracy: the growth of liberal values and the two-party system
Reasons for, and impact of, the rise of militarism and extreme nationalism: increasing influence of the army in politics; political coups and assassinations
Invasions of Manchuria (1931) and China (1937), and impact on relations with the West; Three Party/ Tripartite Pact (1940); US embargo (1940)
Japan and the Pacific War (1941–1945): decision to attack Pearl Harbor; initial successes; reasons for defeat
The US occupation (1945–1952): social, political and cultural changes; the reverse course (1950)
Reasons for Japan’s “economic miracle”; social, cultural and economic impact of globalization
12: China and Korea (1910–1950)
Rise of national identity in China: Yuan Shikai; Sun Yixian; 21 Demands (1915); new culture movement; Treaty of Versailles (1919); May Fourth movement (1919); effects of warlordism
Nationalist rule of China: Guomindang leadership and ideology; Jiang Jieshi; successes and failures of domestic policy during the Nanjing decade (1927–1937)
Rise of communism in China: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology; First United Front; Shanghai massacre (1927); Yan’an; Jiangxi Soviet; Long March; Mao Zedong
Impact of Japanese invasion of China; Manchuria (1931); Second United Front; Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945); Chinese Civil War (1946–1949); nature of conflict; reasons for communist victory
Impact of Japanese rule of Korea: social, political and economic effects of annexation (1910); impact of the Sino-Japanese War on Korea: Japanese use of forced labour, conscription and comfort women; division of Korea at 38th parallel (1945); Syngman Rhee; Kim Il-Sung
Taiwan and Republic of China (ROC): nature of Jiang Jieshi’s rule: martial law (1949); White Terror (1950); beginnings of Taiwanese independence movement
13: Impact of the world wars on South-East Asia
Impact of the First World War; Treaty of Versailles (1919)
Reasons for, and effects of, initial Japanese victories in South-East Asia (1940–1942)
The nature and impact of Japanese occupation
Growth of nationalism and role of independence movements during the war in Dutch East Indies/ Indonesia; Vietnam; Malaya: resistance and collaboration
Emergence and influence of leaders: Sukarno; Ho Chi Minh; Tunku Abdul Rahman
The reasons for Indonesian independence (1949)
Case study on one country in South-East Asia (other than one already named in this section): political, social and economic effects of the First World War and the Second World War
14: The People’s Republic of China (1949–2005)
Consolidation of the communist state (1949–1961) under Mao Zedong; key policies; land reforms; rectification campaigns; Hundred Flowers campaign (1956)
Transition to socialism; successes and failures in economic developments (1949–1961); First Five-Year Plan; Great Leap Forward; Second Five-Year Plan
Social developments; women’s rights; health; education
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: causes; Gang of Four; political, social and cultural impact
Foreign policy and foreign affairs 1949–1976; Sino-American relations; establishment and breakdown of Sino-Soviet relations; China as a regional and global power
Power struggle following the death of Mao Zedong; Hua Guofeng, the re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping and the defeat of the Gang of Four
China under Deng Xiaoping (1976–1997); economic developments; Four Modernizations; political developments; causes and effects of Tiananmen Square (1989); Jiang Zemin
15: Cold War conflicts in Asia
Malaya: Emergency (1948–1960): the Malayan Communist Party (MCP); British/Commonwealth response; nature of conflict; resolution and legacy
Korea: Korean War (1950–1953): causes; international responses; outcome; economic and political impact on the Korea peninsula
Vietnam: League for the Independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh); Ho Chi Minh; French Indo-China War (1946–1954); Vietnam War (1956–1975): causes; nature of conflict; international involvement; outcome; economic and political effects on Vietnam
Cambodia: failures of Sihanouk’s rule; Khmer Rouge ideology; Pol Pot; impact of Vietnam War; nature and impact of Khmer Rouge’s regime; invasion by Vietnamese, and civil war; international response; 1993 elections
Afghanistan: reasons for, and impact of, Soviet invasion (1979); nature of conflict; international involvement; withdrawal of Soviet troops (1989); civil war (1989–1992)
16: Developments and challenges in South Asia after 1947
Foreign policy and economic developments under Nehru: relationship between India and Pakistan; Indo-Pakistani Wars—1947, 1965, 1971; causes and results; independence of Bangladesh (1971)
India: social, political and economic developments and challenges under Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Rao
Pakistan 1947–1991: nation building; social, political and economic developments and challenges; friction between East and West Pakistan; cultural and linguistic differences; constitutional referendum (1991); Jinnah; Ayub Khan; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Zia-ul-Haq; Benazir Bhutto
Bangladesh: nation building; social, political and economic developments and challenges
Ceylon/Sri Lanka: nation building; social, political and economic developments and challenges; conflict between Sinhalese and Tamils; 1971 uprising; civil war; Sirimavo Bandaranaike
17: Developments in Oceania after the Second World War (1945–2005)
Social and cultural developments; changing role of women; growth of national identity
Immigration to Australia and New Zealand after the war, and the development of multicultural societies
Policies and achievements of governments in Australia: Curtin; Chifley; Menzies; Whitlam; Fraser; Hawke/Keating
Policies and achievements of governments in New Zealand: Fraser; Holyoake; Muldoon; Lange; Bolger
Attitudes and policies towards indigenous peoples in Australia and New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand: foreign policy and international alignments
Economic policies and realignment: Britain joining the EEC (later European Union); the rise of Asian economies
Reasons for, and results of, the emergence of independent Pacific Island states
18: Social, cultural and economic developments in Asia (excluding China, Japan and India) (1980–2005)
Impact of globalization: causes and effects of economic growth; technological development; urbanization; demographic changes; changes in standards of living; economic and social impact of the tourist industry
Immigration/emigration: causes and effects
Social issues and developments: changes in social structures; gender roles; the environment; education; health reforms; impact of technology on society
Religion: role of religion in society; religious conflict and tensions
Cultural change: nature of, and changes in, traditional arts and culture; cultural impact of globalization; nature and role of the media
Emergence of, and responses to, terrorism
HL option 4: History of Europe
1: Monarchies in England and France (1066–1223)
Pre-Norman England and the impact of the Norman invasion
Normans in England: William I, Duke of Normandy (King of England 1066–1087); establishment of authority; domestic and foreign policies; Domesday Book; Henry I (1100–1135)
Angevin Commonwealth: Henry II (1154–1189); policies in England, Ireland and Gascony
The Duchy of Normandy and its relations with France: rivalry and wars between the dukes of Normandy, as kings of England, and the kings of France; role played by John, Richard I, Henry II and Phillip II; effects in England and France
Extension of the royal demesne and power in France under the Capetians (1108–1223); expansion of Capetian power under Louis VI, Louis VII and Philip II, the nature of their governments, and reasons for their success in expanding royal authority
Comparison of the nature of royal government in England and France
2: Muslims and Jews in medieval Europe (1095–1492)
Reasons for hostility to Muslims: the Crusades; fear of Muslim power; Christian doctrine and teaching
Reasons for Christian opposition to the Muslim states in Spain: religious motivation; economic ambition
Continuous conflict between the Christian-ruled and Muslim-ruled states in Spain: results: warfare on the borders between Christian and Muslim states, for example, the Mediterranean and the Balkans; loss of economic activity and loss of cultural and intellectual diversity; growth of anti-Muslim feelings
The role and contribution of Jews in medieval Europe: finance; trade; participation in royal bureaucracy and scholarship
The reasons for persecution of Jews: religious hysteria during the Crusades; official and/or popular anti-Semitism and scapegoating; belief in Jewish culpability for the Black Death
Impact of persecution of Jews: massacres; expulsion; segregation from society
Impact of Jewish persecution on society: loss of skill and ability in economic, intellectual and cultural life
3: Late medieval political crises (1300–1487)
Succession crises in England: Edward II (1307–1327); Richard II (1377–1399)
The Hundred Years War 1337–1360 and 1369–1389: causes, course, impact and significance
The Hundred Years War 1415–1453: reasons for the re-emergence of war; importance of Aquitaine; reasons for the outcome; impact in England and France
The rise and fall of ducal Burgundy (1363–1477)
Crisis of monarchy and challenges to royal authority in 15th-century England and France: Wars of the Roses and the War of the Public Weal
Nature of kingship and challenges: England—Henry VI (1422–1461); Edward IV (1461–1483); France—Louis XI (1461–1483)
The Wars of the Roses: causes; events; impact on England, including impact on government and royal authority
4: The Renaissance (c1400–1600)
Origins, causes and development of the Renaissance in Italy; social and political situation in Florence
Forms of government in Italian city states: Milan; Florence; Venice
The importance of patronage: role and significance of Lorenzo de Medici and Ludovico Sforza; papal patronage
Cultural and intellectual developments: art, literature, architecture and political writings
The northern Renaissance: spread to Burgundy and Germany
Case study of the spread and impact of the Renaissance to one European country not already mentioned in this section
5: The Age of Exploration and its impact (1400–1550)
Motives for exploration and reasons for its increase in the 15th century: religion and exploration; national and personal rivalries; the quest for knowledge; opening up of new trade routes for luxury goods
Enablers of exploration: patronage, including role and significance of Henry the Navigator; developments in shipbuilding, cartography and navigation
Portuguese exploration of the west coast of Africa: significance; consequences
Exploration and the New World: significance; consequences
Exploration and the Indian Ocean: significance; consequences
The significance and impact of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
Impact on Europe to 1550: economic impact on Europe; the “Columbian Exchange”
6: The Reformation (1517–1572)
The state of the Catholic church in Europe at the start of the 16th century, and reasons for criticism
The religious ideas and impact of Luther and Calvin
Reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany to 1547, including the attitudes of the German princes
Religion and conflict in Germany: the Peasants’ War; the Schmalkaldic League and the Peace of Ausburg (1555)
The role, spread and impact of Protestant ideas in any one of England, Scotland, France or the Netherlands: religious factors; aims and role of rulers; economic reasons; popular sentiments; religious conflicts
The Catholic Reformation: spiritual movements; the Jesuits and other Catholic orders; clerical education and discipline; the Council of Trent (1545–1563)
7: Absolutism and Enlightenment (1650–1800)
The goals and development of Enlightenment ideas; the Scientific Revolution
Case study of Enlightenment ideas and their political impact in any two of Germany, England, Scotland, France, Spain, the Dutch Republic or Italy)
Case study of any two absolutist monarchs: nature of their rule; extent of their power; foreign policy
Case study of any two enlightened despots: policies and their impact; extent of change
Social and economic change in the Enlightenment era; growth of cities; agricultural change
Monarchy, patronage and the arts; the Baroque movement
8: The French Revolution and Napoleon I (1774–1815)
Crisis of the Ancien Régime: role of the monarchy, specifically Louis XVI; intellectual, political, social, financial and economic challenges
Monarchy to republic: causes and significance of the Revolution; the 1791 Constitution; the fate of the monarchy; the terror; Robespierre; the Thermidorean reaction
The political, social and economic impact of the Revolution; French revolutionary wars (1792–1799)
Establishment of, nature of, and collapse of the Directory (1795–1799)
Rise and rule of Napoleon (1799–1815); impact of Napoleon’s domestic and foreign policies on France
Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815); collapse of the Napoleonic Empire; military defeat; the Hundred Days
9: France (1815–1914)
The Bourbon restoration, the Congress of Vienna and its impact on France
The reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X: politics and society (1815–1830)
Revolution of 1830 and the July Monarchy of Louis Philippe; reasons for the collapse of the July monarchy
1848 Revolution: Second Republic, repression and the emergence of Louis-Napoleon and the Second Empire
Napoleon III and the Second Empire: domestic policies; stability; opposition; periods of reform; foreign policies, including Crimean War and interventions in Italy and Mexico
Third Republic (1871–1914): stability and crises 1871–1890—problems in establishing the Republic and Boulangisme; 1890–1914—Dreyfus, growth of political extremes, corruption
10: Society, politics and economy in Britain and Ireland (1815–1914)
Social protest (1815–1848): Peterloo; Chartism—reasons for emergence and failure; Peel and the repeal of the Corn Laws—reasons and consequences; the Irish Famine
Extension of the franchise: reasons for, and consequences of, the Reform Acts (1832, 1867 and 1884–1885); impact on the political parties
Victorian society c1840–c1900: the condition of the working class during the Industrial Revolution; urban poverty, social reforms
Disraeli, Gladstone and Salisbury: domestic policies; the Irish Question
Early 20th-century Britain: the emergence of the Labour Party; Lloyd George and social reforms—the “People’s Budget” and the Parliament Act
Pre-war unrest and protest in Edwardian Britain: women’s suffrage, Ireland, trade unions
11: Italy (1815–1871) and Germany (1815–1890)
Italy (1815–1849): impact of the Congress of Vienna on Italy, Austrian dominance, role of Metternich; nationalism and liberalism; attempted revolutions in Italy between 1820 and 1844; Mazzini and Gioberti; role of the papacy; 1848–1849 Revolutions—causes, nature, defeat and consequences
Germany (1815–1849): impact of the Congress of Vienna on Germany; nationalism and liberalism in the Vormärz period; economic and social change before 1848; 1848–1849 Revolutions—causes, nature, defeat and consequences
Unification of Italy (1849–1871); Cavour and Garibaldi; the role of foreign influence
The rise of Prussia and the decline of Austria (1815–1866); the Zollverein
Bismarck, Prussia and final unification: diplomatic, economic, military reorganization; Wars of Unification; the 1871 Constitution
Germany (1871–1890): Bismarck’s domestic policies, including the Kulturkampf and the anti-socialist campaign; consolidation of the new German state and the role of Prussia within it
12: Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924)
Alexander II (1855–1881): the extent of reform
Policies of Alexander III (1881–1894) and Nicholas II (1894–1917): economic modernization, tsarist repression and the growth of opposition
Causes of the 1905 Revolution (including social and economic conditions and the significance of the Russo-Japanese War); consequences of the 1905 Revolution (including Stolypin and the Dumas)
The impact of the First World War and the final crisis of autocracy in February/March 1917
1917 Revolutions: February/March Revolution; provisional government and dual power (Soviets); October/November Revolution; Bolshevik Revolution; Lenin and Trotsky
Lenin’s Russia/Soviet Union; consolidation of new Soviet state; Civil War; War Communism; New Economic Policy (NEP); terror and coercion; foreign relation
13: Europe and the First World War (1871–1918)
European diplomacy and the changing balance of power after 1871; imperial expansion in Africa and Asia, and its impact on European diplomacy; the Congress of Berlin and European Alliance system
Foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II: domestic conditions that impacted on German foreign policy; its impact/influence on other countries, including Britain, France, Russia and Austria-Hungary
Causes of the First World War: short- and long-term causes; relative importance of causes; the Alliance system; the decline of the Ottoman Empire; German foreign policy; Austria-Hungary, Russia and Balkan nationalism; the arms race and diplomatic crises; the July Crisis of 1914
Impact of the First World War on civilian populations of two countries from the region between 1914 and 1918
Factors leading to the defeat of Germany and the other Central Powers, and to the victory of the Entente Powers: strategic errors; economic factors; entry and role of the US; domestic instability in the Central Powers
14: European states in the inter-war years (1918–1939)
Weimar Germany: constitutional, political, economic/financial and social issues (1918–1933); initial challenges (1918–1923); “Golden Era” under Stresemann (1924–1929); the crisis years and the rise of Hitler (1929–1933)
Hitler’s Germany (1933–1939): consolidation of power; Hitler’s pre-war domestic policies, including economic, social and political policies; nature of the Nazi state; the extent of resistance to the Nazis
Italy (1918–1939): rise of Mussolini; consolidation of power; Mussolini’s pre-war domestic policies, including economic, social and political policies; nature of the fascist state
Spain (1918–1939): political, social and economic conditions in Spain; the Primo de Rivera regime; polarization and political parties under the Second Republic; Azaña and Gil Robles; causes of the Civil War; foreign involvement; reasons for nationalist victory under Franco
Case study of domestic political, economic and social developments in one European country (other than Germany, Italy or Spain) in the inter-war years.
15: Versailles to Berlin: Diplomacy in Europe (1919–1945)
Peace settlements (1919–1923): Versailles; Neuilly; Trianon; St Germain; and Sèvres/Lausanne—aims, issues and responses
The League of Nations and Europe: successes and failures; the search for collective security; developments in the successor states of central and eastern Europe
Italian and German foreign policies (1919–1941): aims, issues and extent of success
Collective security and appeasement (1919–1941): aims, issues and extent of success; role of British, French and Russian/Soviet foreign policies (1919–1941); Chamberlain and the Munich Crisis
Causes of the Second World War and the development of European conflict (1939–1941); the wartime alliance (1941–1945); reasons for Axis defeat in 1945 and for Allied victory; role of economic, strategic and other factors
Impact of the Second World War on civilian populations in any two countries between 1939–1945
16: The Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia (1924–2000)
Soviet Union (1924–1941): Stalin and the struggle for power (1924–1929); defeat of Trotsky; Stalin’s policies of collectivization and the Five-Year Plans; government and propaganda under Stalin; the purges and the Great Terror
The impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945); post-war Soviet Union (1945–1953): political and economic developments
Khrushchev and Brezhnev: domestic policies and foreign relations
Transformation of the Soviet Union (1985–1991): Gorbachev (aims, policies and extent of success); political developments and change
Collapse of the Soviet Union; post-Soviet Russia to 2000; role and policies of Yeltsin; political and economic developments to 2000
17: Post-war western and northern Europe (1945–2000)
Breakdown of the wartime alliance; emergence of the Cold War and its impact on Germany; division of Germany
Post-war problems and political and economic recovery in western Europe: devastation and debt; reconstruction of France and West Germany (1945–1963) and the impact of the Marshall Plan; role of Adenauer; the German “economic miracle”; role of de Gaulle; “Les Trente Glorieuses” in France
West Germany (1963–1990): domestic policies; challenge of Baader Meinhof Group/Red Army Faction; reunification, role and policies of Kohl; social and cultural change in West Germany from 1949 to 1990
Spain: Franco’s regime and the transition to, and establishment of, democracy under Juan Carlos up to 1982; political, economic and social developments in Spain (1982–2000)
Case study of political, social and economic changes in one western or northern European country (other than France, the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain) between 1945–2000
18: Post-war central and eastern Europe (1945–2000)
Soviet domination: motives, extent and nature of Soviet control in central and eastern Europe (1945–1955); politics, economies (COMECON) and the Warsaw Pact (1945–1955); Yugoslavia’s challenge to Soviet control under Tito
Support and cooperation, repression and protest (1945–1968): East Germany; Poland; Hungary; Czechoslovakia
Acceptance of, and opposition to, Soviet control in central and eastern Europe (1968–1989): East Germany; Poland; Hungary and Czechoslovakia; Romania and Bulgaria; role of Walesa and Havel
The collapse of Soviet control in central and eastern Europe; causes, developments and consequences
Balkan conflicts in the 1990s: reasons for, and consequences of, the conflicts; role and policies of Milosevic
Case study: the economic, social and political challenges of the post-communist era in any one central or eastern European country (1989–2000)