DP Geography Questionbank

Coastal margins
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.2.bp.3c: “Coastal hazard management always creates more problems than it solves.” Discuss this statement,...
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iv: State one landform likely to be produced by longshore drift at X.
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iii: State the direction towards which longshore drift is most likely to occur at X on the diagram.
- 17N.2.sl.04a.ii: Briefly describe one landform associated with an advancing coast.
- 17N.2.sl.04a.i: State two causes of a negative change in sea level.
- 17M.2.bp.4b: Explain two conflicts that may arise as a result of aquaculture.
- 16N.2.bp.4a: (i) State one natural cause and one human cause of sand dune degradation. (ii) Identify two ways...
- 16N.2.bp.3a: (i) Identify two of the landforms shown in the diagram. (ii) Outline how wave action could lead...
- 16M.2.bp.4c: Compare the importance of coastal processes and lithology for the formation of two or more...
- 16M.2.bp.3c: To what extent have the management strategies adopted to resolve human pressures on one named...
- 12N.2.bp.3b: Explain why cliffs are often found along retreating coasts.
- 12N.2.bp.3a: Identify two reasons shown on the diagram why some coasts advance.
- 11N.2.bp.4bi+bii: Using map evidence, explain one likely conflict between types of human activity in: (i) Area...
- 11N.2.bp.4a: Using map evidence, describe the effects of deposition in Area A.
- 11M.2.bp.3c: Examine the conflicts which arise from competing land uses in coastal margins.
- .2.bp.4c: Using a case study, evaluate the management strategies adopted to resolve the pressures on a...
- 13M.2.bp.3c: Compare the conflicts that arise in coastal areas from habitat restoration schemes with those...
- 14N.2.hl.3b: Briefly explain the formation of: (i) one coastal landform resulting mainly from erosion; (ii)...
- 14N.2.hl.4c: “To provide sustainable fish yields we must stop overfishing the oceans and promote aquaculture...
- 14N.2.hl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 14N.2.sl.3b: Briefly explain the formation of: (i) one coastal landform resulting mainly from erosion; (ii)...
- 14N.2.sl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 14N.2.sl.4c: “To provide sustainable fish yields we must stop overfishing the oceans and promote aquaculture...
- 14M.2.hl.4a: (i) State which of these photographs shows an advancing coast. (ii) Identify one landform in the...
- 14M.2.sl.4a: (i) State which of these photographs shows an advancing coast. (ii) Identify one landform in the...
- 14M.2.hl.3a: (i) Define the term littoral drift (longshore drift). (ii) Briefly describe one named feature...
- 14M.2.sl.3a: (i) Define the term littoral drift (longshore drift). (ii) Briefly describe one named feature...
- 13N.2.hl.3a: Using map evidence, describe two depositional landforms found on this coastline.
- 13N.2.hl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 13N.2.sl.3a: Using map evidence, describe two depositional landforms found on this coastline.
- 13N.2.sl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 15N.2.sl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 15N.2.hl.4a: Describe two physical and/or human features shown in the photograph that suggest this is an...
- 15N.2.hl.3a: Identify and briefly describe two coastal landforms in area X marked on map B.
- 15N.2.sl.3a: Identify and briefly describe two coastal landforms in area X marked on map B.
- 15N.2.hl.3c: Evaluate the contribution that subaerial processes and wave action make to the development of...
- 15N.2.sl.3c: Evaluate the contribution that subaerial processes and wave action make to the development of...
- 15N.2.sl.4a: Describe two physical and/or human features shown in the photograph that suggest this is an...
- 15N.2.hl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 15M.2.sl.3b: Explain two ways in which wind action helps different coastal landforms to develop.
- 15M.2.sl.4b: Explain two conflicts that could arise from attempts to manage cliff failure.
- 15M.2.hl.3b: Explain two ways in which wind action helps different coastal landforms to develop.
- 15M.2.sl.4a: State two subaerial processes that may affect the cliff in the photograph and briefly outline how...
- 15M.2.hl.4b: Explain two conflicts that could arise from attempts to manage cliff failure.
- 15M.2.hl.4a: State two subaerial processes that may affect the cliff in the photograph and briefly outline how...
Sub sections and their related questions
Physical characteristics
- 11N.2.bp.4a: Using map evidence, describe the effects of deposition in Area A.
- 12N.2.bp.3a: Identify two reasons shown on the diagram why some coasts advance.
- 12N.2.bp.3b: Explain why cliffs are often found along retreating coasts.
- 13N.2.hl.3a: Using map evidence, describe two depositional landforms found on this coastline.
- 14M.2.hl.3a: (i) Define the term littoral drift (longshore drift). (ii) Briefly describe one named feature...
- 14M.2.sl.3a: (i) Define the term littoral drift (longshore drift). (ii) Briefly describe one named feature...
- 14M.2.hl.4a: (i) State which of these photographs shows an advancing coast. (ii) Identify one landform in the...
- 14M.2.sl.4a: (i) State which of these photographs shows an advancing coast. (ii) Identify one landform in the...
- 14N.2.hl.3b: Briefly explain the formation of: (i) one coastal landform resulting mainly from erosion; (ii)...
- 14N.2.sl.3b: Briefly explain the formation of: (i) one coastal landform resulting mainly from erosion; (ii)...
- 13N.2.sl.3a: Using map evidence, describe two depositional landforms found on this coastline.
- 15M.2.hl.3b: Explain two ways in which wind action helps different coastal landforms to develop.
- 15M.2.sl.3b: Explain two ways in which wind action helps different coastal landforms to develop.
- 15M.2.hl.4a: State two subaerial processes that may affect the cliff in the photograph and briefly outline how...
- 15M.2.sl.4a: State two subaerial processes that may affect the cliff in the photograph and briefly outline how...
- 15N.2.hl.3a: Identify and briefly describe two coastal landforms in area X marked on map B.
- 15N.2.sl.3a: Identify and briefly describe two coastal landforms in area X marked on map B.
- 15N.2.hl.3c: Evaluate the contribution that subaerial processes and wave action make to the development of...
- 15N.2.sl.3c: Evaluate the contribution that subaerial processes and wave action make to the development of...
- 15N.2.hl.4a: Describe two physical and/or human features shown in the photograph that suggest this is an...
- 15N.2.sl.4a: Describe two physical and/or human features shown in the photograph that suggest this is an...
- 16M.2.bp.4c: Compare the importance of coastal processes and lithology for the formation of two or more...
- 16N.2.bp.3a: (i) Identify two of the landforms shown in the diagram. (ii) Outline how wave action could lead...
- 16N.2.bp.4a: (i) State one natural cause and one human cause of sand dune degradation. (ii) Identify two ways...
- 17N.2.sl.04a.i: State two causes of a negative change in sea level.
- 17N.2.sl.04a.ii: Briefly describe one landform associated with an advancing coast.
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iii: State the direction towards which longshore drift is most likely to occur at X on the diagram.
- 18M.2.bp.3a.iv: State one landform likely to be produced by longshore drift at X.
Management strategies
- 11M.2.bp.3c: Examine the conflicts which arise from competing land uses in coastal margins.
- 11N.2.bp.4bi+bii: Using map evidence, explain one likely conflict between types of human activity in: (i) Area...
- 13M.2.bp.3c: Compare the conflicts that arise in coastal areas from habitat restoration schemes with those...
- 13N.2.hl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 14N.2.hl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 14N.2.sl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 14N.2.hl.4c: “To provide sustainable fish yields we must stop overfishing the oceans and promote aquaculture...
- 14N.2.sl.4c: “To provide sustainable fish yields we must stop overfishing the oceans and promote aquaculture...
- 13N.2.sl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 15M.2.hl.4b: Explain two conflicts that could arise from attempts to manage cliff failure.
- 15M.2.sl.4b: Explain two conflicts that could arise from attempts to manage cliff failure.
- 15N.2.hl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 15N.2.sl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 17M.2.bp.4b: Explain two conflicts that may arise as a result of aquaculture.
- 18M.2.bp.3c: “Coastal hazard management always creates more problems than it solves.” Discuss this statement,...
Case study
- .2.bp.4c: Using a case study, evaluate the management strategies adopted to resolve the pressures on a...
- 11M.2.bp.3c: Examine the conflicts which arise from competing land uses in coastal margins.
- 13N.2.hl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 14N.2.hl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 14N.2.sl.3c: “Management strategies for coastlines are generally ineffective.” Discuss this statement with...
- 13N.2.sl.4d: Discuss the conflicts that occur from attempts to manage coastal hazards.
- 15N.2.hl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 15N.2.sl.4c: “There are no simple solutions for the conflicts that arise over the use of coastal areas.”...
- 16M.2.bp.3c: To what extent have the management strategies adopted to resolve human pressures on one named...