DP Geography Questionbank

Irrigation and agriculture
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Examine the environmental impact of agriculture and irrigation on water quality: salinization, agro‑chemical run-off, the pollution of groundwater and the eutrophication of lakes, rivers and wetlands.Directly related questions
- 17N.2.sl.02c: Discuss the environmental consequences of eutrophication and the pollution of aquifers.
- 17N.2.sl.01b.i: Explain how irrigation can lead to salinization.
- 16N.2.bp.2b: (i) State one component of agricultural run-off that contributes to the eutrophication of lakes...
- 16M.2.bp.1c: Examine how the environmental impacts of agriculture and irrigation on water quality vary from...
- .2.bp.2d: Referring to one or more examples, examine the environmental effects of ground water abstraction...
- 17N.2.sl.01b.ii: Explain two consequences of salinization for farmers.
- 11N.2.bp.1c: “Eutrophication is the most damaging agricultural impact on water quality.” Discuss this statement.
- 12N.2.bp.1b: Explain two environmental impacts of agriculture on water quality.
- 14M.2.sl.1b: Explain two ways in which agriculture and/or irrigation on flood plains can affect water quality.
- 14M.2.hl.1b: Explain two ways in which agriculture and/or irrigation on flood plains can affect water quality.
- 13N.2.hl.2c: “Of all the impacts of agriculture on water quality, salinization is the most damaging.” Discuss...
- 13N.2.sl.2c: “Of all the impacts of agriculture on water quality, salinization is the most damaging.” Discuss...
- 15N.2.sl.1a: State and briefly outline what environmental problem A and environmental problem B could be.
- 15N.2.hl.1a: State and briefly outline what environmental problem A and environmental problem B could be.
- 15M.2.sl.1b: Outline two possible reasons for the conflict shown.
- 15M.2.hl.1b: Outline two possible reasons for the conflict shown.