DP Geography Questionbank

Patterns in resource consumption
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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.1.bp.7: “The ecological footprint is the best measure of the relationship between population...
- 18M.1.bp.4c: Explain two strengths and one weakness of one local or national strategy aimed at reducing the...
- 18M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why recycling rates differ greatly between countries.
- 18M.1.bp.4a: Describe the pattern of recycling rates shown on the map.
- 17N.1.bp.06: Discuss why resource conservation strategies may be more effective than population control in...
- 17N.1.bp.04c: Explain two limitations of one named source of renewable energy. Source of renewable...
- 17N.1.bp.04b: Briefly suggest what is meant by “unconventional” oil and gas.
- 17N.1.bp.04a.ii: Suggest two possible reasons for the trend you described in (a)(i). Reason 1: Reason...
- 17N.1.bp.04a.i: Describe the trend for currently-producing oil fields shown on the graph for the period 2015–2030.
- 17M.1.bp.7: Examine the changing importance of oil as an energy source.
- 17M.1.bp.4c: Explain the neo-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resource consumption.
- 17M.1.bp.4a: State and outline the units used to measure the global ecological...
- 17M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why the total ecological footprint of a country may grow very rapidly in the...
- 16M.1.bp.4c: Suggest three reasons why total oil stocks may change from one year to the...
- 16M.1.bp.4b: Referring to the graph, describe the trend in total oil stocks since the year 2000.
- 16M.1.bp.4a: State the year in which total oil stocks were at their peak.
- 12N.1.bp.6: Examine the changing importance of energy sources other than oil.
- 12N.1.bp.4ci and cii: (i) Outline a strategy at a local or national scale which is designed to reduce the consumption...
- 12N.1.bp.4b: Describe how the pattern of ecological footprints shown by the graph reflects economic development.
- 12N.1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- 12M.1.bp.6: Examine the relationship between energy consumption and environmental sustainability.
- 12M.1.bp.4d: Explain the anti-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resources.
- 12M.1.bp.4c: Suggest reasons why this country’s ecological footprint decreased in the 1980s.
- 12M.1.bp.4b: Describe how the ecological footprint of this country has changed.
- 12M.1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- 11N.1.bp.5: Discuss the ways in which the consumption of one or more resources can be reduced.
- 11N.1.bp.4c: Analyse how the global pattern of oil production has changed in recent decades.
- 11N.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why some areas of the world are unlikely to depend entirely on renewable...
- 11M.1.bp.4c: Explain the relationship between energy usage and ecological footprint for one or more countries.
- 11M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons for the changing importance of nuclear energy.
- 11M.1.bp.4a: Identify three fossil fuels.
- .1.bp.7: Examine why most countries want to reduce their dependence on oil.
- .1.bp.4c: Explain three benefits of a strategy designed to reduce resource consumption.
- .1.bp.4b: Describe what is meant by a neo-Malthusian view.
- .1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- 13M.1.bp.4a: Describe the trends shown by the graph.
- 13M.1.bp.6: “There is no truly sustainable solution to the world’s growing energy problems.” Discuss this...
- 13M.1.bp.4b(i): State one example of resource substitution.
- 13M.1.bp.4b(ii): Explain one benefit of the resource substitution you have chosen in (b)(i).
- 13M.1.bp.4c: Referring to examples, distinguish between waste recycling and waste reduction.
- 14N.1.bp.4c: Explain the neo-Malthusian view of the relationship between population size and resource...
- 14M.1.bp.4a: Describe the relationship shown on the graph.
- 14M.1.bp.4b: Explain two environmental benefits of recycling.
- 14N.1.bp.4a: With reference to the diagram, describe the movement of e-waste into and out of Asia.
- 14N.1.bp.6: “We still have the resources to live as wastefully as we want.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.1.bp.7: “The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unlikely to be achieved without a dramatic increase...
- 14M.1.bp.4c: Explain two disadvantages of one named source of renewable energy.
- 14N.1.bp.4b: Briefly explain the limitations of recycling as a strategy to reduce global resource consumption.
- 13N.1.bp.4a: Identify Country A.
- 13N.1.bp.4b: Briefly describe what is meant by the OPEC cartel.
- 13N.1.bp.4c: Explain two geopolitical impacts of the rise in global oil consumption since 1990.
- 14M.1.bp.7: “The world is far too dependent on oil.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 13N.1.bp.4d: Suggest two reasons why sources of renewable energy have become more important in many countries...
- 13N.1.bp.7: “A falling fertility rate is always beneficial to a country.” Discuss this statement.
- 15N.1.bp.4a: State the minimum ecological footprint in global hectares for a country with a GNI of US$20 000...
- 15N.1.bp.4b: Referring to the graph, describe the relationship between GNI per person and ecological footprint.
- 15N.1.bp.4c: Suggest one reason why country A does not fit the general pattern.
- 15N.1.bp.4d: Using examples, distinguish between recycling and resource substitution.
- 15N.1.bp.5: “Falling fertility rates are no guarantee of reduced resource consumption.” Discuss...
- 15N.1.bp.7: “Only high-income countries can effectively develop sustainable sources of energy.” Discuss this...
- 15M.1.bp.4b: Explain the pattern of regional ecological footprints in 2010.
- 15M.1.bp.4a: State which two regions had the most sustainable ecological footprint in 1975.
- 15M.1.bp.4c: Explain the anti-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resources.
- 16N.1.bp.4a: Referring to the graph, describe the trend in global biomass extraction between 1980 and 2010.
- 16N.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why the total resource consumption per capita decreased between 1980 and...
- 16N.1.bp.4c: Suggest two disadvantages of recycling materials as a strategy to reduce resource consumption.
- 16N.1.bp.6: Examine the geopolitical and environmental impacts of the production and/or consumption of fossil...
Sub sections and their related questions
Patterns of resource consumption
- .1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- .1.bp.4b: Describe what is meant by a neo-Malthusian view.
- 11M.1.bp.4c: Explain the relationship between energy usage and ecological footprint for one or more countries.
- 12M.1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- 12M.1.bp.4b: Describe how the ecological footprint of this country has changed.
- 12M.1.bp.4c: Suggest reasons why this country’s ecological footprint decreased in the 1980s.
- 12M.1.bp.4d: Explain the anti-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resources.
- 12N.1.bp.4a: Define ecological footprint.
- 12N.1.bp.4b: Describe how the pattern of ecological footprints shown by the graph reflects economic development.
- 13N.1.bp.7: “A falling fertility rate is always beneficial to a country.” Discuss this statement.
- 14M.1.bp.7: “The world is far too dependent on oil.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 14N.1.bp.4c: Explain the neo-Malthusian view of the relationship between population size and resource...
- 14N.1.bp.6: “We still have the resources to live as wastefully as we want.” Discuss this statement.
- 15M.1.bp.4a: State which two regions had the most sustainable ecological footprint in 1975.
- 15M.1.bp.4b: Explain the pattern of regional ecological footprints in 2010.
- 15M.1.bp.4c: Explain the anti-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resources.
- 15N.1.bp.4a: State the minimum ecological footprint in global hectares for a country with a GNI of US$20 000...
- 15N.1.bp.4b: Referring to the graph, describe the relationship between GNI per person and ecological footprint.
- 15N.1.bp.4c: Suggest one reason why country A does not fit the general pattern.
- 15N.1.bp.5: “Falling fertility rates are no guarantee of reduced resource consumption.” Discuss...
- 16N.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why the total resource consumption per capita decreased between 1980 and...
- 17M.1.bp.4a: State and outline the units used to measure the global ecological...
- 17M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why the total ecological footprint of a country may grow very rapidly in the...
- 17M.1.bp.4c: Explain the neo-Malthusian view of the relationship between population and resource consumption.
- 18M.1.bp.7: “The ecological footprint is the best measure of the relationship between population...
Changing patterns of energy consumption
- .1.bp.7: Examine why most countries want to reduce their dependence on oil.
- 11M.1.bp.4a: Identify three fossil fuels.
- 11M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons for the changing importance of nuclear energy.
- 11N.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why some areas of the world are unlikely to depend entirely on renewable...
- 11N.1.bp.4c: Analyse how the global pattern of oil production has changed in recent decades.
- 11N.1.bp.5: Discuss the ways in which the consumption of one or more resources can be reduced.
- 12M.1.bp.6: Examine the relationship between energy consumption and environmental sustainability.
- 12N.1.bp.6: Examine the changing importance of energy sources other than oil.
- 13M.1.bp.6: “There is no truly sustainable solution to the world’s growing energy problems.” Discuss this...
- 13N.1.bp.4a: Identify Country A.
- 13N.1.bp.4b: Briefly describe what is meant by the OPEC cartel.
- 13N.1.bp.4c: Explain two geopolitical impacts of the rise in global oil consumption since 1990.
- 13N.1.bp.4d: Suggest two reasons why sources of renewable energy have become more important in many countries...
- 14M.1.bp.4c: Explain two disadvantages of one named source of renewable energy.
- 14M.1.bp.7: “The world is far too dependent on oil.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 14N.1.bp.6: “We still have the resources to live as wastefully as we want.” Discuss this statement.
- 14N.1.bp.7: “The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unlikely to be achieved without a dramatic increase...
- 15N.1.bp.5: “Falling fertility rates are no guarantee of reduced resource consumption.” Discuss...
- 15N.1.bp.7: “Only high-income countries can effectively develop sustainable sources of energy.” Discuss this...
- 16M.1.bp.4a: State the year in which total oil stocks were at their peak.
- 16M.1.bp.4b: Referring to the graph, describe the trend in total oil stocks since the year 2000.
- 16M.1.bp.4c: Suggest three reasons why total oil stocks may change from one year to the...
- 16N.1.bp.4a: Referring to the graph, describe the trend in global biomass extraction between 1980 and 2010.
- 16N.1.bp.6: Examine the geopolitical and environmental impacts of the production and/or consumption of fossil...
- 17M.1.bp.7: Examine the changing importance of oil as an energy source.
- 17N.1.bp.04a.i: Describe the trend for currently-producing oil fields shown on the graph for the period 2015–2030.
- 17N.1.bp.04a.ii: Suggest two possible reasons for the trend you described in (a)(i). Reason 1: Reason...
- 17N.1.bp.04b: Briefly suggest what is meant by “unconventional” oil and gas.
- 17N.1.bp.04c: Explain two limitations of one named source of renewable energy. Source of renewable...
Conservation strategies
- .1.bp.4c: Explain three benefits of a strategy designed to reduce resource consumption.
- 11N.1.bp.5: Discuss the ways in which the consumption of one or more resources can be reduced.
- 12N.1.bp.4ci and cii: (i) Outline a strategy at a local or national scale which is designed to reduce the consumption...
- 13M.1.bp.4a: Describe the trends shown by the graph.
- 13M.1.bp.4b(i): State one example of resource substitution.
- 13M.1.bp.4b(ii): Explain one benefit of the resource substitution you have chosen in (b)(i).
- 13M.1.bp.4c: Referring to examples, distinguish between waste recycling and waste reduction.
- 14M.1.bp.4a: Describe the relationship shown on the graph.
- 14M.1.bp.4b: Explain two environmental benefits of recycling.
- 14N.1.bp.4a: With reference to the diagram, describe the movement of e-waste into and out of Asia.
- 14N.1.bp.4b: Briefly explain the limitations of recycling as a strategy to reduce global resource consumption.
- 15N.1.bp.4d: Using examples, distinguish between recycling and resource substitution.
- 16N.1.bp.4c: Suggest two disadvantages of recycling materials as a strategy to reduce resource consumption.
- 17N.1.bp.06: Discuss why resource conservation strategies may be more effective than population control in...
- 18M.1.bp.4a: Describe the pattern of recycling rates shown on the map.
- 18M.1.bp.4b: Suggest two reasons why recycling rates differ greatly between countries.
- 18M.1.bp.4c: Explain two strengths and one weakness of one local or national strategy aimed at reducing the...