DP Geography Questionbank

Biodiversity and change
Explain the concept and importance of biodiversity in tropical rainforests. Examine the causes and consequences of reduced biodiversity in this biome.Directly related questions
- 18M.1.bp.6: “Population growth is the greatest threat to our planet’s soil quality and biodiversity.”...
- 17M.1.bp.3d: Explain two consequences of the reduction of biodiversity in some tropical...
- 17M.1.bp.3c: Suggest two reasons why forest cover in some countries has increased in recent years. Reason...
- 17M.1.bp.3b: Distinguish between forest cover and biodiversity.
- 17M.1.bp.3a: Identify the country shown on the graph with the lowest percentage of forest cover.
- 16N.1.bp.7: Examine the relationship between environmental change and human migrations.
- 16M.1.bp.3c: Explain two ways, other than food production, in which soil provides valuable environmental...
- 11M.1.bp.7: “Of all the environmental challenges we face, soil degradation is the most serious.” Discuss this...
- 11N.1.bp.3a: State one physical factor and one human factor not shown on the diagram that contribute to a loss...
- 11N.1.bp.3b: Explain how any one of the factors given on the diagram contributes to a loss of biodiversity in...
- 11N.1.bp.3c: Explain three reasons why biodiversity in tropical rainforests should be preserved.
- 13N.1.bp.5: Examine the negative environmental impacts of economic development on water and biodiversity.
- 14N.1.bp.3c: Explain the importance of maintaining biodiversity in tropical rainforests.
- 14M.1.bp.6: “Rapid population growth is the main cause of soil degradation and reduced biodiversity.” Discuss...
- 15N.1.bp.3a: Rank the three countries with the largest areas of rainforest from highest to lowest.
- 15N.1.bp.3b: Referring to the data in the table, describe the trend in rainforest loss between the 1990s and...
- 15N.1.bp.3c: Explain three reasons why it is important to maintain the biodiversity of tropical rainforests.
- 15M.1.bp.5: Examine the reasons for and against preserving the biodiversity of tropical rainforests.