DP Geography Questionbank

Atmosphere and change
Describe the functioning of the atmospheric system in terms of the energy balance between solar and longwave radiation. Explain the changes in this balance due to external forcings (changes in solar radiation, changes in the albedo of the atmosphere and changes in the longwave radiation returned to space). Discuss the causes and environmental consequences of global climate change.
Directly related questions
- 18M.1.bp.3b: Suggest two reasons why global climate change may lead to an increase in agricultural production...
- 18M.1.bp.3a: Describe how the estimated impact of climate change on agricultural production varies with latitude.
- 17N.1.bp.03d: Explain two environmental consequences of global climatic change (global warming). Consequence...
- 17N.1.bp.03c: Briefly describe the difference between stratospheric ozone and tropospheric ozone.
- 17N.1.bp.03b: Outline what is meant by “albedo”.
- 17N.1.bp.03a: State which external forcing shown on the graph has the greatest impact on temperature in the...
- 17M.1.bp.6: “Climate change will only increase global disparities in wealth.” Discuss this statement.
- 16N.1.bp.7: Examine the relationship between environmental change and human migrations.
- 16M.1.bp.7: “Ensuring adequate water supplies is a greater environmental challenge for the world than...
- .1.bp.6: “The causes of global climatic change are essentially human.” Discuss this statement.
- 11M.1.bp.3a: State one natural external forcing which could have influenced the changes in temperature shown...
- 11M.1.bp.3b: Referring to the graph, describe how temperature has changed since 1850.
- 11M.1.bp.3c: Explain three possible environmental consequences of global climate change since 1950.
- 11M.1.bp.7: “Of all the environmental challenges we face, soil degradation is the most serious.” Discuss this...
- 12M.1.bp.3a: Identify which country or region has the lowest emissions of CO2 per person.
- 12M.1.bp.3b: Explain why some countries have higher CO2 emissions per person than others.
- 12M.1.bp.3c: Explain the relationship between atmospheric greenhouse gases and the temperature of the Earth’s...
- 12N.1.bp.3a: Identify the two most cost-effective options shown on the graph.
- 12N.1.bp.3b: Explain how deforestation may contribute to global warming.
- 12N.1.bp.3c: Explain two possible environmental consequences of global climate change.
- 14M.1.bp.3c: Explain the energy flows involved in the greenhouse effect.
- 14M.1.bp.7: “The world is far too dependent on oil.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 15N.1.bp.6: “Global climate change will increase disparities in development.” Discuss this...
- 15M.1.bp.3a: Describe the trend of CO2 emissions in Asia between 1990 and 2010.
- 15M.1.bp.3b: Suggest two reasons why CO2 emissions in Europe have decreased since 1990.
- 15M.1.bp.3c: Distinguish between global climate change and the enhanced greenhouse effect.
- 15M.1.bp.5: Examine the reasons for and against preserving the biodiversity of tropical rainforests.