DP Geography Questionbank

Reducing disparities
Discuss the different ways in which disparities can be reduced with an emphasis on trade and market access, debt relief, aid and remittances.
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies designed to reduce disparities.
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- 18M.1.bp.2c: Explain, using examples, two ways in which increased trade may help reduce economic disparities...
- 18M.1.bp.2b: Identify which country on the map is most in need of debt relief and briefly justify your choice.
- 18M.1.bp.2a.ii: Briefly outline what is meant by foreign debt.
- 17M.1.bp.2c: Explain two reasons why remittances are often an effective way of reducing global...
- 17M.1.bp.2a: Describe the trends in the cost of sending remittances from the three regions shown on the graph.
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- 16M.1.bp.5: “Trade is always more effective than aid in reducing global disparities.” Referring to examples,...
- .1.bp.2c: Explain how trade and access to markets may reduce disparities.
- 11M.1.bp.2c: Explain how debt relief may help to reduce global disparities.
- 11N.1.bp.6: “It is impossible to eliminate disparities in wealth and development.” Discuss this statement.
- 12N.1.bp.2c: Explain how increased trade and market access can sometimes help reduce disparities between...
- 13M.1.bp.2c: Explain two ways in which remittances can help reduce disparities in the migrants’ country of...
- 14N.1.bp.2b: Briefly explain how debt relief can reduce global disparities.
- 14N.1.bp.5: Referring to one or more countries, discuss the view that internal (national) migration can...
- 13N.1.bp.2b: Referring to the graph, describe the trend in remittance flows since 1989.
- 14M.1.bp.5: “Investing in gender equality is the most effective strategy to promote economic and...
- 13N.1.bp.2a: Define the term remittances.
- 13N.1.bp.2c: Suggest three reasons why international financial aid is not always effective.
- 13N.1.bp.6: “Greater gender equality is the most effective way to reduce poverty and stimulate development.”...
- 15N.1.bp.2a: Describe how the percentage of total financial aid varies between the regions on the graph.
- 15N.1.bp.2b: Suggest two reasons why poor people in Sub-Saharan Africa do not receive very much financial aid...
- 15N.1.bp.2c: Explain how remittances can improve the quality of life of recipients.
- 15M.1.bp.2d: Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using debt relief to reduce global disparities.