DP Geography Questionbank

Disparities and change
Identify and explain the changing patterns and trends of regional and global disparities of life expectancy, education and income.
Examine the progress made in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in poverty reduction, education and health.
Directly related questions
- 17M.1.bp.5: Discuss the main reasons why attempts to reduce socio-economic disparities sometimes fail.
- 16M.1.bp.2a: Identify the two goals towards which India had made more progress than South Asia in 2012. 1. 2.
- 11M.1.bp.6: Examine the view that rapid population growth will prevent some countries from meeting their...
- 11N.1.bp.2b: Suggest two reasons why developing regions have made good progress towards meeting the MDG to...
- 11N.1.bp.2c: Explain how progress in education can help regions advance towards meeting one other MDG (other...
- 11N.1.bp.6: “It is impossible to eliminate disparities in wealth and development.” Discuss this statement.
- 11N.1.bp.7: Examine the view that gender inequalities are a major obstacle to development.
- 12M.1.bp.5: “Migration reduces disparities in wealth and development.” Discuss this statement.
- 12N.1.bp.2ai and aii: (i) State which region has met its target. (ii) Identify the year when this region first met its...
- 12N.1.bp.2b: Suggest two reasons why some regions may not meet their 2015 target.
- 13M.1.bp.5: “The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have not improved life for the world’s poorest people.”...
- 14M.1.bp.2b: State any two other Millennium Development Goals that are not represented in these graphs.
- 14N.1.bp.7: “The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unlikely to be achieved without a dramatic increase...
- 14M.1.bp.2c: Suggest two reasons why primary school enrollment as a percentage has increased.
- 14M.1.bp.2d: Explain two reasons why aid may not help reduce disparities.
- 14M.1.bp.2a: (i) With reference to the graph, identify which sub-target was furthest from being met in...
- 14M.1.bp.5: “Investing in gender equality is the most effective strategy to promote economic and...
- 13N.1.bp.6: “Greater gender equality is the most effective way to reduce poverty and stimulate development.”...
- 13N.1.bp.7: “A falling fertility rate is always beneficial to a country.” Discuss this statement.
- 15N.1.bp.6: “Global climate change will increase disparities in development.” Discuss this...
- 15M.1.bp.6: The third Millennium Development Goal is to “promote gender equality and empower women”. To what...
- 15M.1.bp.7: Discuss the extent to which two or more named countries or regions have met their Millennium...