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<meta name="description" content="Every five years after a school is authorized to be an IB World School they are asked to carry out an evaluation of the Diploma Programme. At the heart of this process is the self-study in which a school evaluates the extent to which it is meeting the programme standards and practices, and collects evidence to substantiate its judgments.“The aim of school evaluation is for the IB to ensure that the standards and practices...">
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<h1><a href="/leadership"><span style="">IB School Leadership</span></a></h1>
<p class="slogan hidden-phone"><span class="slogan"><em>For IB World Schools</em></span></p>
<p class="hidden-phone">Website by <strong>Chris Wright</strong></p>
<p class="hidden-phone">Updated 5 JIB Docs (2) Teamary 2023</p>
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Educational Landscape</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the vision right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the values right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting teacher recruitment right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting staffing right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting professional development right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the learning right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the curriculum right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Information Systems</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the legal framework right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting the finances right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting marketing right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Getting accreditation / inspection right</a></li><li ><a href="" >Diary of an international head</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership</a><ul class="level-1"><li ><a href="" >Introduction</a></li><li ><a href="" class="father">What is leadership?</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Leadership Resources</a></li><li ><a href="" >What's my big idea?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Communicating my big idea</a></li><li ><a href="" >Passionate Leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership traits, behaviours and skills</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership styles</a></li><li ><a href="" >Exploring leadership through videos</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership vs Management</a></li><li ><a href="" >What makes school leadership effective?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leading in a time of (great) change</a></li><li ><a href="" >Middle Leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >Data-driven leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership Lessons</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leadership Top Tips</a></li><li ><a href="" >My leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >Case Study</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">Roles of a middle or senior school leader</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >The art of middle leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >First 100 days of being a middle leader</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leaders influence others</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leaders lead high-performing teams</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leaders motivate people</a></li><li ><a href="" >Leaders communicate effectively</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">Culture and context</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Developing a shared school culture</a></li><li ><a href="" >What is our school culture?</a></li><li ><a href="" >What's the impact of national cultures?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Impact of cultures on learning</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">IB Leadership Pathway</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >IB Approach to Leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >IB Leadership Intelligences</a></li><li ><a href="" >IB Leadership Workshops</a></li><li ><a href="" >Discussion Scenarios</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">Recruitment & Development</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Writing a job description - 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Excellent think pieces to start the year</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" >Teaching and Learning</a><ul class="level-1"><li ><a href="" >Introduction</a></li><li ><a href="" class="father">How do students actually learn?</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Creating the optimal conditions for learning</a></li><li ><a href="" >Student agency</a></li><li ><a href="" >How do we think? All about the brain</a></li><li ><a href="" >Learning and thinking differences</a></li><li ><a href="" >How do we engage | motivate students?</a></li><li ><a href="" >How does 'learning' happen in your school?</a></li><li ><a href="" >How do we help students who struggle?</a></li><li ><a href="" >How do we make learning memorable?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Student work - book scrutiny</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">Evidence informed teaching</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Which teaching strategies are effective?</a></li><li ><a href="" >How do you become an expert teacher?</a></li><li ><a href="" >What does it mean to be a research-informed school?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Characteristics of high-performing schools</a></li><li ><a href="" >A Professional Development Programme for your school</a></li><li ><a href="" >What do you believe about 'teaching'?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Mindsets matter</a></li><li ><a href="" >Homework - to be or not to be?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Useful videos on pedagogy</a></li><li ><a href="" >My Philosophy of Teaching</a></li><li ><a href="" >A note on constructivism</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">Our '21st Century' Context </a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >Learning for the 21st Century</a></li><li ><a href="" >What's worth teaching?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Skills for their future</a></li><li ><a href="" >Teaching for the 21st Century</a></li><li ><a href="" >All about pedagogy</a></li><li ><a href="" >Reggio Emilia approach</a></li><li ><a href="" >PISA assessments</a></li><li ><a href="" >What are we doing to our children?</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" class="father">WHAT is well-being?</a><ul class="level-2"><li ><a href="" >WHY focus on well-being?</a></li><li ><a href="" >HOW can we teach well-being?</a></li><li ><a href="" >Well-being and human flourishing</a></li><li ><a href="" >Well-being and student leadership</a></li><li ><a href="" >How to help students and staff facing trauma</a></li><li ><a href="" > Mental Health & Well-Being</a></li><li ><a href="" >Staff Well-Being</a></li><li ><a href="" >PS: Well-being and the secrets of a long life</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="" >Revision Strategies</a></li><li ><a href="" >Parent - 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At the heart of this process is the self-study in which a school evaluates the"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i><span>Email</span></a></li></ul></li><li><a class="" href="leadership/teaching-materials"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece colored"></i><span>Teaching materials</span></a></li></ul><div class="page-actions no-print navbar inline hidden-desktop"><div class="navbar-inner"><ul class="nav"><li><a class="presentation" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-desktop"></i></a></li><li><a class="print-section-blog" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-print"></i></a></li><li><a class="personal-notes" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-file-text"></i></a></li><li class="dropdown"><a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="#"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i></a><ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"><li><a class="" target="_blank" title="Share on Twitter" href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i><span>Twitter</span></a></li><li><a class="" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook" href=""><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i><span>Facebook</span></a></li><li><a class="" href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin-square"></i><span>LinkedIn</span></a></li><li><a class="" href=""><i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"></i><span>Google +</span></a></li><li><a class="" href="mailto:?subject=What is IB Evaluation?&body=Every five years after a school is authorized to be an IB World School they are asked to carry out an evaluation of the Diploma Programme. At the heart of this process is the self-study in which a school evaluates the"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i><span>Email</span></a></li></ul></li><li><a class="" href="leadership/teaching-materials"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece colored"></i></a></li></ul></div></div><h1 class="section-title">What is IB Evaluation?</h1><ul class="breadcrumb"><li><a title="Home" href=""><i class="fa fa-home"></i></a><span class="divider"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></span></li><li><a title="Go to: IB Authorization & Evaluation" href="">IB Authorization & Evaluation</a><span class="divider"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></span></li><li><span>What is IB Evaluation?</span></li></ul><div id="std-sidebox-task-added-msg"></div><section id="main-content"><div id="toc-1672964997" class="toc"><a href="#" class="toc-switcher" title="Show table of contents"><small><i class="fa fa-reorder"></i> Table of contents <span class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></span></small></a></div><h4><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/ib/evaluation.jpg" style="float: left; width: 200px; height: 107px;" />What is IB Evaluation?</h4><p>Every five years after a school is authorized to be an IB World School they are asked to carry out an evaluation of the Diploma Programme. At the heart of this process is the self-study in which a school evaluates the extent to which it is meeting the programme standards and practices, and collects evidence to substantiate its judgments.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">“The aim of school evaluation is for the IB to ensure that the standards and practices of each programme are being maintained, to acknowledge accomplishments and to provide guidance for school improvement. The IB is aware that for each school the implementation of an IB programme is a journey, and that the school will meet these standards and practices to varying degrees along the way. A continuum programme evaluation is also an opportunity to consider the development and impact of the IB programmes across the whole school.” (IB, Report on continuum programme evaluation)</span></p><p>This page offers tools for a school to undertake the self-study and to collect evidence of implementation against the IB standards and practices.</p><div class="blueBg"><h4>Important note:</h4><p>The current Standards and Practices came into effect in 2005. The current evaluation schedule came into place in 2010.</p><p>Revised Programme Standards and Practices cone into effect in September 2020. A new IB evaluation schedule is being introduced from September 2020. The new evaluation guide will be available from March 2020 for schools who will start their evaluation self-study in September 2020. The first evaluation visits to schools will start in September 2021.</p></div><hr class="hidden" /><h3>What does it mean to evaluate?</h3><div class="dottedBox"><p>The Learning Community</p><p>“All members of the learning community are open to new ideas and committed to seeking a broad range of views and opinions, encouraging open discussion and practising transparent decision-making processes. They demonstrate agency through collective ownership, responsibility and accountability for learning and teaching, and transform schools into dynamic learning communities. “ (PYP: from principles into practice - The Learning Community )</p></div><div class="blueBg"><h4><strong>Word Study</strong></h4><p>This activator encourages you to think about the meaning of 'evaluation' from different perspectives.</p><p>Think about the last time they underwent any type of significant evaluation prior to writing their thoughts to this question in a forum.</p><ul><li>What does it mean to evaluate something? (include feels like/sounds like/looks like)</li><li>To what extent is it important to consider culture and context?</li></ul><p>Discuss with colleagues:</p><p>● By discussing how has your own thinking about evaluation been further developed?</p><div class="dottedBox"><p>Here are some reflections from a group of IBEN site visitors:</p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"In French, the IB translate both "evaluation" and "assessment" by "évaluation". This means that a French-speaker will connect it to a grade, to an exam. This is scary for them. As an IBWS Manager, I always have to cool down schools and remind them that the evaluation is mainly formative instead of summative, especially with the new evaluation 2020."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"Each time a school is evaluated, the IBWS manager is evaluated by the school as well. When I receive a lower grade than expected, I question myself: what did I do wrong? Where did it not work?" </span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"One of the issue I have for example, is that "Preliminary review" has been translated by "Examen préliminaire". Schools read the word "exam", while this process is not an exam at all. But it creates anxiety."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"Evaluation versus inspection versus accreditation versus self reflection. I have made it a point during visits to clarify that we are not inspectors, especially when the team is introduced as such. However, this may well be the context the school operates within, especially if they are answerable to local authorities."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"I have always chosen to focus on the roots of the words - so, for evaluation process, I focus on 'value' and for appraisal, I focus on 'praise.' These words embody positive judgements and a consensus on achievement." </span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"'An evaluation is not an inspection, it's a health check.' If we transfer this to a school visit, it's a photograph of the school's programme development. And there are so many ways to interpret a photograph, so if you are not aware of the context in which this photograph was taken, you might not interpret it in the right way."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"IB evaluation can be an authentic experience of self-reflection, that helps the school celebrate what it does best, take a considered view of current practice and look forward to new challenges and ideas."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">“Look for what is there, rather than searching for what is not' – this puts the visiting team in the role of an appreciative professional inquirer (a model that we also suggest to schools as they approach their programme development planning. 'Feedback to feedforward'”.<span style="color: rgb(32, 31, 30); font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web (West European)", "Segoe UI", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;"></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"From a coaching perspective it is the approach that I do not know your situation better than you know it yourself, but I can help you through my questioning and probing to articulate things that you have maybe not been able to articulate on your own. Once those are articulated, the next step is to identify how and what is going to be addressed in next steps. I believe that in the Evaluation Leader and Programme Leader roles, we need to convey strongly that we don't know their organization better than they do. This is when real growth can occur, because if we invite schools to draw on our experience our expertise, the collaborative process begins, hopefully leading to a positive experience for the school. An important part in this growth process is the ability to help the schools better understand themselves.”"</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">“Our role is to support schools with appreciative, constructive, contextual feedback."</span></p><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"It's so positive to see a few noticeable shifts in the 2020 process: <strong><em>school readiness -</em></strong> the school drives the process, decides which PDP to share, determines the timing for the preliminary review to a large extent; <strong><em>school agency</em></strong> - focus on supporting the school’s ongoing efforts to develop the programme, not on the school reporting the outcome of their actions to the IB; <strong><em>school journey</em></strong> – with the preliminary review added as a stage and the self-study in two parts, the reflective process is even more significant than the outcome, and the purpose of the visit has shifted too. With these points in mind, would peer reflection express more accurately what we are aiming for?"</span></p></div></div><h3>Why is the 5 year evaluation important?</h3><div class="blueBg"><p><strong>Key concepts</strong></p><p>The following three concepts are central to evaluating the IB programmes:</p><h4>Integrity | Fidelity | Sustainability</h4><p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">"Across a wide range of educational research there is growing recognition that teachers do not implement educational programs as originally intended (Century et al, A framework for measuring fidelity of implementation, American Journal of Evaluation, 31(2), 2010). Instead teachers implement programs in different ways (Lamont et al, Innovative methods in evaluation, American Journal of Evaluation, 39(3),2018), adopting different 'implementation styles' depending on the priority they place on concepts like the program's compatibility with their prior professional experiences (compatibility), the complexity of the program requirements (complexity), and the relative advantage they see the new requirements as having over what they currently do (relative advantage)." ‘<em>Supporting successful programme evaluation at the IB’</em>, Mason, S., Calnin, G., & Mehoke, S, page 34, 2019.) </span></p></div><p>The aim of the 5 year evaluation is for the IB to <strong>ensure that standards and practices are being maintained.</strong> It is a process of formal <strong>reflection</strong> involving all stakeholders: a chance to identify major achievements and practices that need further development. It is one <strong>aspect of the continuous improvement</strong> that starts during the process of becoming authorized as an IB World School. It results in a <strong>clear action plan</strong> for taking the next steps in developing the programme in your school.</p><p>The formal process of carrying out a self study can take up to a whole year. It is a significant piece of work which should involve all stakeholders within the school community. It is a great opportunity to make the Diploma Programme a key focus for whole school discussions, gain commitment from all stakeholders to the programme, and as such can allow a school to take significant steps forward in developing the programme. When done well it can lead to an improvement in teaching and learning.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">“The greatest value of the evaluation visits is not so much the team visit itself, it is in the self-study which each school undertakes in the year or so before the visit. This provides a great opportunity for self-reflection, awareness of weaknesses as well as strengths, and planning to address the perceived weaknesses. In many schools, the entire community is involved in some aspect of the self-study, not always in the area of personal expertise. The self-study is typically completed several months before the team visit - and one frequently finds that, come the visit, those plans are already being worked on, some issues may already be resolved. The visit takes place to validate the self-study and the school's conclusions, perhaps to find (with the eyes of the outside observer) weak areas that the school has not appreciated and sometimes to suggest strengths which again the school has not fully appreciated.” (John Royce, Workshop Leader AEM region)</span></p><div class="blueBg"><h3>Key information</h3><p>The key document that explains the evaluation process is <strong><em>Guide to programme </em></strong><strong><em>evaluation </em></strong><em>(2015)</em><strong><em> </em></strong>which can be accessed from the IB Portal. This contains (a) a description of the evaluation (and self-study) process, (b) a description of roles within the school and the IB, and (c) a list of information needed to complete the self-study and documentation that needs to be uploaded to <strong>My School.</strong></p><p><em><strong>Programme standards and practices</strong> (2014) </em>describes the practices common to all four IB programmes (PYP, MYP, DP and CP). It is the 'rule book' against which an IB school can measure their success in implementing the DP programme. This document forms the basis of verification (authorization) and five year evaluation processes. Click <a href="">here</a> to access it.</p><h4>Date for your evaluation</h4><p>The date for your programme evaluation can be found on your <strong>My School</strong> page. Your IB regional office will contact you in advance of the date of submission of your self-study providing any additional details.</p><p>You may request from the IB regional office a change in date if you wish to align evaluations of multiple IB programmes in your school, or synchronize the evaluation process with, for example, CIS visits.</p></div><h3><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/programme-delivery/stakeholders.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 356px; float: right;" />What is the evaluation process?</h3><div class="dottedBox"><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;">“As a team we agree to provide appreciative, constructive, contextual feedback and individually create positive interactions to contribute to an effective evaluation experience for the school. As peers in this process, we respect and consider the school’s journey, their readiness and agency.” (IBEN educator)</span></p></div><p>Upon receipt of an authorization/evaluation report, the school begins working on the five-year evaluation cycle. All IB World Schools running the Diploma programme participate in an IB evaluation every five years.The IB recognizes that each school is on a journey in its implementation of the Diploma Programme, and a school will meet IB expectations to varying degrees depending on their context. The evaluation process allows the IB to work alongside the school in its on-going implementation of the programme.</p><p>IB schools are evaluated by carrying out a self-study in which they assess the extent to which they are implementing the IB standards and practices as they relate to the Diploma Programme. The <a href="">IB standards and practices</a> form the basis of the self-study. The self-study should be evidence based and draw on existing school documentation and actual practice in the day to day life of the school. The IB organization then evaluate the evidence in the self study and provide feedback to the school.</p><p>The IB will contact the school 10-12 months before documentation needs to be submitted to inform them that they have to complete their self-study. Although the Head of School bears ultimate responsibility for the self-study process it is the DP Coordinator who organizes and leads the process. It is important that the process is collaborative: it should involve all key stakeholders within the school community: governors, administrators, pedagogical leaders, staff - teachers, librarians, assistants - parents, students, alumni and wider community members (where appropriate). Schools often form mixed stakeholder groups to evaluate and provide evidence against each of the practices in Stand A (Philosophy) and Standard B (Organization). Involving all stakeholders provides the school with a great opportunity to develop ownership of the Diploma Programme. Standard C (Curriculum) is completed by the collaborative involvement of all IB staff and pedagogical leaders. These stakeholder groups need to decide how they are going to gather evidence to support the implementation of the IB requirements as laid out in the standards and practices. Quantitative and qualitative evidence can be gathered through interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and documentation.</p><p>The IB may contact the school to arrange a visit (at the school's expense) once they have received the self-study documentation.The purpose of the visit is to verify the school's self-assessment. Around three months after the submission of documentation (and the visit) the IB send a report to the school. As with the authorization report the evaluation report contains recommendations, commendations and (where necessary) matters to be addressed.</p><div class="blueBg"><h3>Sample timescale</h3><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>Read documents</td><td>August</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Plan the outline of the project</td><td>August</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Project communication</td><td>August</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Schedule time to answer questions under each section</td><td>September</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Organize stakeholder groups per section</td><td>September</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Stakeholder groups meet</td><td>February</td><td>Stakeholder Groups</td></tr><tr><td>Development of action plans</td><td>May</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr><tr><td>Write final conclusions</td><td>May</td><td>Head of School</td></tr><tr><td>Upload documents to IB docs</td><td>June</td><td>DP Coordinator</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="blueBg"><h4>Documents to be submitted to the IB</h4><p>The IB requires that the following documentation is submitted ahead of the every evaluation cycle:</p><h4>For ALL programmes</h4><ul class="branded"><li>School mission and vision statements</li><li>School brochure and promotional literature concerning the implementation of the programme</li><li>School organization chart showing the pedagogical leadership team (including the coordinator) and reporting lines</li><li>Job description for programme coordinator</li><li>Budget</li><li>Collaborative planning description/schedule</li><li>Language policy (all programmes)</li><li>Assessment policy (all programmes)</li><li>Special educational needs/Inclusive education policy (MYP/DP/CP only)</li><li>Academic honesty policy (MYP/DP/CP only)</li><li>Admissions policy or description of selection process (DP and CP only)</li><li>Sample schedules for each grade/year of the programme</li><li>Examples of school reports to parents from different grade levels</li></ul><h4><strong>Programme documents</strong></h4><h4>PYP</h4><ul><li>Programme of inquiry</li><li>Three completed unit planners or equivalent from each grade level per year</li></ul><h4>MYP</h4><ul><li>Approaches to learning chart</li><li>Curriculum and assessment documentation</li><li>A description of how standardization of assessment in subjects takes place</li><li>A description of how the personal and/or community project is organized and managed.</li></ul><h4>DP</h4><ul><li>Calendar of school deadlines for student submission of internal and external assessment components</li><li>A description of the supervision of extended essays</li><li>CAS handbook and samples of CAS experiences</li></ul><h4>CP 1</h4><ul><li>CRS accreditation/certification documentation</li><li>Sample schedule for each CRS offered as part of the CP</li><li>Career-related study (CRS) outline for each career-related course of study the school offers</li><li>Outlines: Personal and professional skills (PPS) course, language development, service learning, reflective project.</li></ul><p>Note: these requirements are changing with effect September 2020. They will then include:</p><h4>For all programmes</h4><ul class="branded"><li>School mission and vision statements</li><li>School strategy or strategic plan</li><li>School brochure and promotional literature concerning the implementation of the programme</li><li>School organization chart showing the pedagogical leadership team (including the coordinator) and reporting lines</li><li>Job description for head of school (or leader with authority over the programme) and programme coordinator</li><li>Budget</li><li>Collaborative planning description/schedule</li><li>Internal complaints procedures</li><li>Policies (Access or admissions, inclusion, language, academic integrity, assessment)</li><li>Sample schedules for each grade/year of the programme</li><li>Examples of school reports to parents from different grade levels </li></ul><h4><strong>Programme documents</strong></h4><h4>PYP</h4><ul><li>Programme of inquiry</li><li>Three completed unit planners or equivalent from each grade level per year</li></ul><h4>MYP</h4><ul><li>Approaches to learning chart</li><li>Curriculum and assessment documentation</li><li>A description of how standardization of assessment in subjects takes place</li><li>A description of how the personal and/or community project is organized and managed.</li></ul><h4>DP</h4><ul><li>Calendar of school deadlines for student submission of internal and external assessment components</li><li>Subject outlines showing how the courses meet IB requirements, including how TOK and CAS are addressed.</li><li>A description of the supervision of extended essays</li><li>CAS handbook and samples of CAS experiences</li></ul><h4>CP 1</h4><ul><li>CRS accreditation/certification documentation</li><li>Sample schedule for each CRS offered as part of the CP</li><li>Career-related study (CRS) outline for each career-related course of study the school offers</li><li>Outlines: Personal and professional skills (PPS) course, language development, service learning, reflective project.</li></ul><h4>CP 2</h4><ul><li>CRS accreditation/certification documentation</li><li>Sample schedule for each CRS offered as part of the CP</li><li>Career-related study (CRS) outline for each career-related course of study the school offers</li><li>Outlines: Personal and professional skills (PPS) course, language development, service learning, reflective project.</li><li>Subject outlines showing how the courses meet IB requirements, including how TOK and CAS are addressed.</li></ul><h4>2020 Evaluation Schedule</h4><p>From September 2020 a new evaluation schedule comes into play. The documentation then required is contained on this checklist:</p><p><iframe frameborder="0" height="580" scrolling="no" src="/media/ib/leadership/pdf-files/evaluation-2020-documentation-checklist.pdf" width="780"></iframe></p></div><div class="yellowBg"><h3><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/programme-delivery/characteristics.jpg" style="float: right; width: 200px; height: 111px;" />Activity 1: What characterizes a good self-study</h3><p><a href="leadership/page/20916/brainstorming" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Brainstorming">Brainstorming</a>: Use the above text to brainstorm a list of characteristics that a self-study should process.</p></div><h3>Collecting evidence</h3><p>The stakeholder focus groups need to collect evidence of where the school is meeting the requirements of implementing the Diploma Programme as defined by the <a href="">IB standards and practices. </a>The evidence should represent the entire five year period under review.</p><div class="blueBg"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/change-management/top-tips.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 206px;" /></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><ul class="branded"><li><strong>Knowledge: </strong>Diploma Coordinator needs to get to know all the documents well in advance of beginning the process. This takes a good amount of time.</li><li><strong>Provide structure</strong>: e.g. have boxes labeled against each of the main Standards and Practices on a shelf in a public professional place so that all stakeholders can 'drop in' any evidence of it being practiced. This means that the self-study groups have some material to work with. Talk through all the types of evidence that 'would count / could be used'.</li><li>The Administrator / Head of School needs to be kept informed throughout so that they understand both the significance and magnitude of the job. Consider whether the Diploma Programme Coordinator needs additional secretarial support. Head of School 'drop in' on the self-study groups to hear their findings so that they have an overview of the implementation of the programme. Doing this half way through the process will provide the opportunity to put in place extra professional development or support.</li><li><strong>Time: plan well ahead</strong>. The self study is a wonderful opportunity to engage all the school community in thinking about the DP. Ideally it is a year long process - meetings need to be scheduled and protected. Create a calendar and communicate it to all concerned. Structure your continual professional development (CPD) programme for that year around key aspects of being an IB World School, maybe focusing on areas that need refreshing and revisiting.</li><li>Delegate to committees / self-study focus groups. Carefully <strong>plan who will be in each focus group</strong>. It is a good opportunity to get people involved who have been on the fringes of the IB as well as people who are leaders within the Diploma Programme. Consider who is best to bring insights to each standard. Are there other IB programmes in the school (PYP,MYP, CP) - could you use people from these programmes in your DP self-study?</li><li>Carry out a <strong>skills audit</strong> to ensure that each group has complimentary skills to bring.</li><li>Use an <a href="leadership/page/21138/essential-agreement" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Essential Agreement">Essential Agreement </a>about how you are going to act to ensure there is open communication and a high level of honest evaluation.</li><li><strong>Be creative in the types of evidence you collect:</strong> below (in activity 2) are a number of tools you can use to collect evidence. Make sure you <strong>document the process</strong> as well as the outcome by taking a photo of the collaborative work. The methods you used to gather information needs to be included in the supporting documents submitted to the IB.</li><li>Spend time <strong>discussing the evaluative terms </strong>you are going to use when you make judgments about the level of implementation to ensure there is a high degree of consistency. Do you agree what the following terms mean:<br />- Emerging<br />- Developing<br />- Demonstrating<br />- Excelling?</li><li>Double use: I am a great believer in maximizing the value of any exercise. Why not use the self-study process to have valuable and exciting in-depth explorations of some of the key aspects of your work - e.g. your teaching and learning policy, your mission and vision?</li><li><strong>Be honest: </strong>if something is not in place make sure that your action plan shows actions you are taking to address the issue.</li><li><strong>Be objective:</strong> try to be as objective as possible in the final description you give of the school. Make sure you read the whole document through before submitting it, ensuring that all questions and sections have been completed. It is sometimes helpful to ask someone who is not connected with the school to read your final document through.</li><li><strong>Keep a copy</strong> of all materials submitted (just in case things get lost!).</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><h3>Summary of what needs to be revisited:</h3><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/programme-delivery/evaluation2.jpg" style="width: 600px; height: 376px;" /></p></div><h3>Tools for collecting evidence</h3><div class="yellowBg"><h3>Activity 2: How do we collect evidence?</h3><h4>Which tools will you use to collect evidence?</h4><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><h4>Tool</h4></td><td style="text-align: center;"><h4>How to use it</h4></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: center;"><a href="leadership/page/21517/world-cafe" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » World Cafe">World Cafe</a></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/world-cafe.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 150px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>A good tool to use when you wish the different study focus groups to come together and collaborate on key IB themes. You could use this tool when considering:</p><ul class="branded"><li>How the Learner Profile is embedded in the life of the school.</li><li>How international mindedness is nurtured.</li><li>The embedding of key policies (e.g. academic honesty, language development, admissions - i.e. access arrangements and inclusion).<hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: center;"><a href="leadership/page/20975/photo-montage" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Photo Montage">Photo Montage</a></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/change-management/photo-montage.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 132px;" /></p></td><td><p>A way of collecting evidence from multiple perspectives. Think carefully about which practice from the standards and practices this would be best suited to. For example, evidence of:</p><ul class="branded"><li>how<strong> international mindedness</strong> and the <strong>learner profile</strong> is promoted among all members of the school community;</li><li>the extent to which the written curriculum promotes <strong>student's awareness of individual, local, national and world issues; </strong></li><li>the extent to which teaching and learning uses a<strong> range of strategies</strong><hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><p><a href="leadership/page/20915/see-hear-feel" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » See, Hear, Feel">See, Hear, Feel</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/hear-see-feel.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 50px;" /></p></td><td><p>A useful tool for making a subject visible by asking what do they hear, see and feel. Think about the practices which are not always visible but are part of the culture of things - the way you do things. For example, you could use this tool in collecting evidence of:</p><ul class="branded"><li>how <strong>open communication</strong> is in the school</li><li>how <strong>access </strong>to the IB programme is promoted</li><li>whether <strong>governance and leadership</strong> support the implementation of the DP</li><li>the extent to which staff collaboratively plan together to <strong>agree on expectations</strong> for students' learning</li><li>know if teaching and learning <strong>reflects IB philosophy</strong>, and the IB approaches to teaching and learning</li><li>know if teaching and learning promote the understanding and practice of <strong>academic honesty</strong><hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: center;"><a href="leadership/page/20991/elevator-pitch" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Elevator Pitch">Elevator Pitch</a></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/elevator-pitch.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 114px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>The Elevator Pitch is a communication tool aimed at helping you articulate your message. The elevator pitch asks you to create a message in a very short time scale so make it clear, concise, compelling, credible, concrete and conversational. An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea or product. It is a great tool to help you focus on key ideas and concepts and can be used in the self-study process to really think through what you mean about something. For example, you could use this tool in collecting evidence for:</p><ul class="branded"><li>how the schools' <strong>mission</strong> aligns with that of the IB philosophy</li><li>how<strong> international mindedness</strong> and the <strong>learner profile</strong> is promoted among all members of the school community</li><li>how <strong>language learning</strong> is promoted, including mother tongue</li><li>how <strong>access </strong>to the IB programme is promoted</li><li>how the <strong>admissions policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>how the <strong>language policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>how the <strong>special educational needs policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>how the <strong>assessment policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>how the <strong>academic honesty policy</strong> aligns with IB philosophy<hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><p><a href="leadership/page/21136/cover-story" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Cover Story">Cover Story</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/cover-story.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 215px;" /></p></td><td><p>A cover story is a magazine article that is illustrated or advertised on the front cover. It is a way of communicating a message using both words and images. It is a useful tool to use in the self-study process since it focuses groups on what is at the heart of a subject. For example this tool could be used in:</p><ul class="branded"><li>communicating your strategic goals (for the next five years)</li><li>distilling and then communicating the key achievements since authorization or the last evaluation</li><li>distilling and then communicating the key areas for development in the on-going journey of implementing the Diploma Programme<hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><p><a href="leadership/page/21438/gallery-walk" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Gallery Walk">Gallery Walk</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/change-management/gallery-walk-2.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 133px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>This discussion tool enables people to share knowledge and understanding. Each member of the stakeholder focus group could be asked to write down a set number of indicators for a particular standard and/or practice. These can be collated as a group and posted on to chart paper. The stakeholder groups could then carry out a gallery walk to look at the evidence and add other examples. In this way there is a cross fertilization of information from the stakeholder groups on some of the whole school issues, and a school consensus can be reached.This tool is particularly useful when trying to collect evidence for:</p><ul class="branded"><li>assessing alignment of the schools' <strong>mission</strong> with that of the IB philosophy</li><li>knowing how<strong> international mindedness</strong> and the <strong>learner profile</strong> is promoted among all members of the school community</li><li>assessing how <strong>open communication</strong> is in the school</li><li>knowing how <strong>language learning</strong> is promoted, including mother tongue</li><li>assessing whether <strong>governance and leadership</strong> support the implementation of the DP</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>admissions policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>language policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>special educational needs policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>assessment policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>assessing whether the <strong>academic honesty policy</strong> aligns with IB philosophy<hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><p><a href="leadership/page/20932/market-place" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Market Place">Market Place</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/market-place.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 125px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>The Market Place is a useful collaborative learning tool to collate evidence and share knowledge and practice. In the context of the self-study process it is a useful way of collating evidence both horizontally and vertically and could be used in whole staff meetings or sharing with other stakeholder groups.For example, you could use this tool in collecting evidence for:</p><ul class="branded"><li>knowing how<strong> international mindedness</strong> and the <strong>learner profile</strong> is promoted among all members of the school community</li><li>knowing how <strong>language learning</strong> is promoted, including mother tongue</li><li>assessing the extent to which <strong>Theory of Knowledge</strong> is integrated into each subject</li><li>assessing the extent to which staff collaboratively plan together to incorporate <strong>differentiation</strong> for students' learning needs and styles</li><li>assessing the extent to which staff collaboratively plan together to <strong>embed the Learner Profile</strong> in their lessons</li><li>assessing the extent to which staff collaboratively plan together to <strong>develop language</strong> across the curriculum</li><li>knowing the extent to which the written curriculum promotes <strong>student's awareness of individual, local, national and world issues</strong></li><li>assessing the extent to which the written curriculum provides opportunities for <strong>reflection on human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives</strong><hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><p><a href="leadership/page/21434/six-word-memoir" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Six word memoir">Six word memoir</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/6-word-memoir.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 285px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>A Six-Word Memoir is a focused way of telling a story in six words. The 'story', in relation to the self-study process, could be to capture the schools' understanding of a key policy, IB term or concept. For example, you could use this tool in collecting evidence for:</p><ul class="branded"><li>knowing whether the <strong>admissions policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>language policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>special educational needs policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing whether the <strong>assessment policy </strong>aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>assessing whether the <strong>academic honesty policy</strong> aligns with IB philosophy</li><li>knowing if teaching and learning <strong>reflects IB philosophy</strong>, and the IB approaches to teaching and learning</li><li>knowing if teaching and learning promote the understanding and practice of <strong>academic honesty</strong></li><li>knowing if teaching and learning <strong>addresses the diversity of student's language needs</strong></li><li>assessing the extent to which teaching and learning develops the IB <strong>learner profile attributes</strong><hr class="hidden" /></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><p><a href="leadership/page/20993/visual-metaphor" title="Introduction to this site » Leadership Toolkit » Visual Metaphor">Visual Metaphor</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/visual-metaphor.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 154px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>A visual metaphor uses a visual representation (an image, picture, diagram, sketch, photo collage) to help you to communicate your message in a meaningful way that helps build understanding and familiarity on what your school understands by some of the key IB concepts in the Diploma Programme. For example, you could use this tool in collecting evidence to:</p><ul class="branded"><li>knowing if the school's written curriculum<strong> </strong><strong>reflects IB </strong><strong>philosophy</strong></li><li>knowing if teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of <strong>academic honesty</strong></li><li>knowing if assessment at the school <strong>reflects IB assessment policy</strong></li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><p><a href="leadership/page/21022/padlet" title="Introduction to this site » Digital technologies for collaborative learning » Padlet">Padlet</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/padlet.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 196px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;">Padlet is an online virtual bulletin board that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. You could use this tool within your stakeholder focus groups to capture discussions, ideas from brainstorms, multiple perspectives. It is a way of capturing the conversations and discussions that the focus groups have. These conversations are valuable pieces of evidence to show the IB that collaborative planning takes place in your school.<hr class="hidden" /></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><p><a href="leadership/page/21078/blogs" title="Introduction to this site » Digital technologies for collaborative learning » Blogs">Blogs</a></p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/basics/blog.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 129px;" /></p></td><td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>Blogs are online collections of a people's thoughts and discussions. They are a way of sharing knowledge and having discussions. Like padlet's, above,you could use this tool within your stakeholder focus groups to capture discussions, ideas from brainstorms, multiple perspectives. It is a way of capturing the conversations and discussions that the focus groups have. These conversations are valuable pieces of evidence to show that collaborative planning takes place to the IB.</p><hr class="hidden" /></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="yellowBg"><h3><strong><img alt="" src="/media/ib/leadership/programme-delivery/checklist.jpg" style="float: right; width: 381px; height: 380px;" />Checklist of issues addressed during an Evaluation Visit</strong></h3><div class="blueBg"><h4>Example from a school</h4><p>A useful guide from the point of view of an established IB Coordinator is given on the website IB Coordinator Resources. Click<a href=""> HERE</a> - and use the menu bar to scroll down for differerent pages on: <a href="">overview of the process </a>| <a href="">steps of the process</a> | <a href="">self-study action plan and timeline</a> |<a href=""> self-study indicators</a> | <a href="">leading section A and B of the self-study </a>| <a href="">leading sections C1-C4 of the self-study</a> | <a href="">self-study evidence folders</a> | <a href="">evidence, comments and grade form</a> | <a href="">meetings and minutes</a> | <a href="">units of work</a> | <a href="">charts</a> | <a href="">previous recommendations</a> | <a href="">parent questionnaires</a> | <a href="">policies</a> | <a href="">assessment date calendar</a> | <a href="">self-study questionnaire</a> | <a href="">sample student schedules</a> | <a href="">self-study process overview</a> | <a href="">unit plans</a>.</p></div><ul class="branded"><li><strong>Class visits: </strong></li></ul><p style="margin-left:18.0pt;">During the evaluation visit IB visitors will visit a number of lessons. This provides them with an opportunity of observing the schools’ approach to teaching and learning. The DP document ‘Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme’ provides a good lens through which to observe classes. For example, to what extent do classroom observations demonstrate:<br /><br />Inquiry based learning<br />Focused on conceptual understanding<br />Local and global contexts<br />Effective teamwork and collaboration<br />Differentiation to meet needs of all students<br />Formative and summative assessment<br /><br />What opportunities are there for students to demonstrate their:</p><p style="margin-left:18.0pt;">Thinking skills<br />Communication skills<br />Social skills<br />Self-management skills<br />Research skills</p><p style="margin-left:18.0pt;">I would suggest that you work collaboratively with teachers to ‘flesh out’ what these ATL look like when they are being demonstrated in class. In this way staff can gain confidence and collective responsibility for developing an IB approach to teaching and learning. Visiting teams will be looking for evidence of approaches for teaching and learning in practice - how does a teacher facilitate student learning? An obvious thing visitors look for is how a teacher engages with students to facilitate their learning? How do they engage students? How do they use space in the classroom to do so?</p><ul class="branded"><li><strong>Embedding the IB</strong>: What has your journey been during last five years – what’s changed, developed, grown? What have been your challenges in embedding the IB and what are your current challenges?</li><li><strong>Access to IB</strong>: How do all students – whether they are part of an IB programme or not – benefit from being part of an IB World School? If appropriate, how do you prepare students to access the Diploma Programme (e.g. study skills, access to language of instruction etc.).</li><li><strong>Professional Development</strong>: Check that all staff have received appropriate professional development taking into account requirements of being trained when subject reviews have taken place – certificates of attendance will be checked against subject review dates as contained in IB Coordinator’s notes.</li><li><p><strong>IB Coordination</strong>: What’s the journey of the last five years been like – opportunities + challenges + plans for development (e.g. staffing changes, team building and their professional development; embedding the IB philosophy and DP Core).</p></li><li><p><strong>IB Global network</strong>: How have you developed your IB network – links with other IB schools, online professional communities, joint project working e.g. Group 4 Project. What have been the benefits?</p></li><li><p><strong>Facilities</strong>: A tour of the school is always including in the agenda for the evaluation visit. Ths is to ensure that the standards and practices in Standard B are being met. The evaluation team will certainly refer to any recommendations made in your last visit (verification or evaluation) to see if actions have been taken where necessary.</p></li><li><p><strong>Handbooks and Guides</strong>: Because the IB evolves and courses are reviewed it is important that school handbooks reflect the changes. This is especially tricky when changes will affect one cohort but not both cohorts (e.g. the new Extended Essay has specific changes which affect students to be examined in 2018 but these changes do not apply to students being examined in 2017).</p></li><li><p><strong>Parents</strong>: The visiting team will have a meeting with parents selected by the school. This will often be a very general conversation exploring their understanding and involvement in the IB DP. For example, the team may ask open questions such as: "If we were perspective parents how would you market the school - what's the single best thing about the school / the IB Diploma Programme? What would you say is currently the schools' biggest challenge in terms of the Diploma Programme?"</p></li><li><p><strong>Educational support</strong>: The visiting team will ask to see educational support staff. It is for each school to decide which members of staff should be present at this meeting. Issues normally discussed will include arrangement for access, counseling and SEN support.</p></li><li><p><strong>Meeting with students</strong>: will often focus on how the learner profile, TOK and CAS are embedded, exploring what students are learning. It is also an opportunity to explore approaches to teaching and learning.The visiting team will explore how students choose subjects, whether the curriculum meets their needs and requirements, and how they are supported in their learning. It is an opportunity to triangulate what is in the self-study, what has been seen in class visits and heard in the various subject meetings. Students may also be asked to talk about their choice of Extended Essay subjects and how they are supported in the writing of them.</p></li><li><p><strong>TOK Coordinator</strong>: Questions around the design of the TOK course, the use of the knowledge framework, how TOK works with subject teachers about embedding TOK thinking into the subject groups. How does the Coordinator understand the value of distinguishing between personal and shared knowledge? How do they teach this and make the links with constructivist view of knowledge and meaning making?</p></li></ul><p><strong>The Exit Meeting</strong></p><p>At the end of the visit the visiting team will attend an exit meeting, normally with the Head of School and the IB Diploma Coordinator in order to feed back their findings. This meeting is essentially an information giving session. Whilst the visiting team is willing to receive questions which seek to clarify the findings it is not a time to re-open discussions and enter into debate.</p><p>The IB visiting team leader will read through the key findings and the responses to these findings, but will not indicate whether these responses are commendations, recommendations or matters to be addressed. This is because the report needs to be submitted on line to the IB where it is moderated. It is the IB Director General who will send the school the report which will indicate commendations, recommendations and matters to be addressed, The report is normally received in school within four to six weeks of the visit.</p></div><div class="panel panel-has-footer" style="box-shadow: rgba(0, 34, 51, 0.3) 0px 10px 30px -15px; border-color: rgb(7, 103, 124);"><div class="panel-heading" style="background-color: rgb(7, 103, 124);"><a class="expander pull-right" href="#"><span class="fa fa-plus"></span></a><div><p>IB Evaluation Report</p></div></div><div class="panel-body"><div><p>The IB evaluation report is sent to the school after the visit | completion of the evaluation.</p><p>The report includes the following:</p><ul class="branded"><li>School, programme and leadership information</li><li>Letter to head of school</li><li>Checklist of compliance with basic elements of the self-study process</li><li>Commendations for school practices that address the Programme standards and practices in ways that solve challenges faced by the school and/or outstanding implementation</li><li>Recommendations for the school on further developing the programme</li><li>Matters to be addressed (MTBAs) that identify areas within a school's practice which, if not addressed immediately, will jeopardize the integrity of the programme and thus the school's entitlement to be considered an IB World School</li><li>Findings that describe the practices at the school (as many as 116 separate items).</li><li>Indication of the evidence to be provided by the school in case of MTBA</li><li>A conclusion for each standard.</li></ul></div></div><div class="panel-footer" style="background-color: rgb(245, 249, 250);"><div><h4>Note:</h4><p>The evaluation schedule is changing in 2020. See <a href="leadership/page/32087/how-is-ib-evaluation-changing" title="IB Coordinators » Authorization & Evaluation » Evaluation - IB Workshop 2020 » How is IB evaluation changing?">How is IB evaluation changing?</a> to see how the report will change.</p></div></div></div></section></article><section id="media-extras"><div class="page-actions no-print navbar inline hidden-desktop"><div class="navbar-inner"><ul class="nav"><li><a class="presentation" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-desktop"></i></a></li><li><a class="print-section-blog" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-print"></i></a></li><li><a class="personal-notes" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-file-text"></i></a></li><li class="dropdown"><a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="#"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i></a><ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"><li><a class="" target="_blank" title="Share on Twitter" href=""><i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i><span>Twitter</span></a></li><li><a class="" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook" href=""><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i><span>Facebook</span></a></li><li><a class="" href=""><i class="fa fa-linkedin-square"></i><span>LinkedIn</span></a></li><li><a class="" href=""><i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"></i><span>Google +</span></a></li><li><a class="" href="mailto:?subject=What is IB Evaluation?&body=Every five years after a school is authorized to be an IB World School they are asked to carry out an evaluation of the Diploma Programme. At the heart of this process is the self-study in which a school evaluates the"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i><span>Email</span></a></li></ul></li><li><a class="" href="leadership/teaching-materials"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece colored"></i></a></li></ul></div></div><div style="border-top: solid 1px #eee;border-bottom: solid 1px #eee;padding: 4px 0 4px 0;line-height: 1em;color: #666;font-size: .8em"><small><em>All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.</em></small></div></section><section id="comments"></section></div><!-- /#main-column -->
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