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style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Price discrimination (old syllabus) HL">Price discrimination (old syllabus) HL</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The IB core">The IB core</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Extended essay">Extended essay</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The 5 year rule in economics ">The 5 year rule in economics </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Using the EE markbands ">Using the EE markbands </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Focus on the criteria ">Focus on the criteria </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Extended essay checklist">Extended essay checklist</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exemplar extended essay ">Exemplar extended essay </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Annotated extended essay sample 1 (grading criteria)">Annotated extended essay sample 1 (grading criteria)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Annotated extended essay sample 1">Annotated extended essay sample 1</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Annotated 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criteria)</a></li></ul></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Textbook">Textbook</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Contents page">Contents page</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Textbook approach to the new IB Economics examination specification">Textbook approach to the new IB Economics examination specification</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Chapter 1: Introduction to Economics">Chapter 1: Introduction to Economics</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.1: Introduction to Economics">Unit 1.1: Introduction to Economics</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.2: How do economists approach the world?">Unit 1.2: How do economists approach the world?</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Chapter 2: Microeconomics">Chapter 2: Microeconomics</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1: Demand theory">Unit 2.1: Demand theory</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.2: Supply theory">Unit 2.2: Supply theory</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.3: Competitive market equilibrium">Unit 2.3: Competitive market equilibrium</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.4(1): Behavioural economics (HL)">Unit 2.4(1): Behavioural economics (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.4(2): Business objectives (HL)">Unit 2.4(2): Business objectives (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5(1): Price elasticity of demand (PED)">Unit 2.5(1): Price elasticity of demand (PED)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5(2): Income elasticity of demand (YED) ">Unit 2.5(2): Income elasticity of demand (YED) </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.6: Price elasticity of supply (PES) ">Unit 2.6: Price elasticity of supply (PES) </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7(1): Governments in markets - tax and subsidy ">Unit 2.7(1): Governments in markets - tax and subsidy </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7(2): Governments in markets - price controls">Unit 2.7(2): Governments in markets - price controls</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8(1): Market failure – externalities">Unit 2.8(1): Market failure – externalities</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8(2): Market failure - merit goods and demerit goods ">Unit 2.8(2): Market failure - merit goods and demerit goods </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8(3): Government intervention to manage externalities, merit and demerit goods ">Unit 2.8(3): Government intervention to manage externalities, merit and demerit goods </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8(4): Common access (pool) resources">Unit 2.8(4): Common access (pool) resources</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.9: Public goods">Unit 2.9: Public goods</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.10:  Asymmetric information (HL)">Unit 2.10:  Asymmetric information (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11(1) Market power - Theory of production and costs (HL)">Unit 2.11(1) Market power - Theory of production and costs (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11(2) Market power - Perfect competition(HL)">Unit 2.11(2) Market power - Perfect competition(HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11(3) Market power - Monopoly(HL)">Unit 2.11(3) Market power - Monopoly(HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11(4) Market power - Monopolistic competition(HL)">Unit 2.11(4) Market power - Monopolistic competition(HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11(5) Market power - Oligopoly(HL)">Unit 2.11(5) Market power - Oligopoly(HL)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economics real world examples and extension material ">Economics real world examples and extension material </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Opportunity cost and production possibility curves">Opportunity cost and production possibility curves</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Demand theory">Demand theory</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The price mechanism">The price mechanism</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market demand and supply">Market demand and supply</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Demerit goods">Demerit goods</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market failure and climate change">Market failure and climate change</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market power">Market power</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Applying game theory">Applying game theory</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Chapter 3: Macroeconomics">Chapter 3: Macroeconomics</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1(1): Measuring the level of economic activity">Unit 3.1(1): Measuring the level of economic activity</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1(2): Measuring Economic Development">Unit 3.1(2): Measuring Economic Development</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.2(1): Variations in economic activity - aggregate demand (AD) ">Unit 3.2(1): Variations in economic activity - aggregate demand (AD) </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.2(2): Variations in economic activity - aggregate supply(AS)">Unit 3.2(2): Variations in economic activity - aggregate supply(AS)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3(1) Macroeconomic objectives: economic growth">Unit 3.3(1) Macroeconomic objectives: economic growth</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3(2) Macroeconomic objectives: unemployment ">Unit 3.3(2) Macroeconomic objectives: unemployment </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3(3) Macroeconomic objectives: inflation and deflation ">Unit 3.3(3) Macroeconomic objectives: inflation and deflation </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.4(1) Economics of inequality and poverty">Unit 3.4(1) Economics of inequality and poverty</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.4(2) Policies to improve equality, equity and poverty">Unit 3.4(2) Policies to improve equality, equity and poverty</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.5 Government management of the economy – monetary policy">Unit 3.5 Government management of the economy – monetary policy</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.6 Government management of the economy – fiscal policy">Unit 3.6 Government management of the economy – fiscal policy</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.7(1) Market based supply-side policies ">Unit 3.7(1) Market based supply-side policies </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.7(2) Interventionist supply-side policies ">Unit 3.7(2) Interventionist supply-side policies </a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economics real world examples and extension material ">Economics real world examples and extension material </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Measuring economic well-being">Measuring economic well-being</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inflation">Inflation</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inequality">Inequality</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inequity">Inequity</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Chapter 4: The Global Economy">Chapter 4: The Global Economy</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1 Benefits of international trade">Unit 4.1 Benefits of international trade</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.2/4.3 Trade protectionism">Unit 4.2/4.3 Trade protectionism</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.4 Economic integration ">Unit 4.4 Economic integration </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5 Exchange rates">Unit 4.5 Exchange rates</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.6 Balance of payments ">Unit 4.6 Balance of payments </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.7 Sustainable development">Unit 4.7 Sustainable development</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.8 Measuring development ">Unit 4.8 Measuring development </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.9 Barriers to economic development">Unit 4.9 Barriers to economic development</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.10: Economic growth and economic development strategies">Unit 4.10: Economic growth and economic development strategies</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economics real world examples and extension material ">Economics real world examples and extension material </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Foreign currency">Foreign currency</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exchange rates">Exchange rates</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Balance of payments">Balance of payments</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic development">Economic development</a></li></ul></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Units 1-2: Microeconomics">Units 1-2: Microeconomics</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Unit 1: Introduction to economics">Unit 1: Introduction to economics</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Introductory activity">Introductory activity</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.1: Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost">Unit 1.1: Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Factors of production">Factors of production</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic systems">Economic systems</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Public and private sectors">Public and private sectors</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.2: Economics as a social science">Unit 1.2: Economics as a social science</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Circular flow of national income">Circular flow of national income</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1: Review terms">Unit 1: Review terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Introduction to economics crossword">Introduction to economics crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1: Multiple choice quiz">Unit 1: Multiple choice quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1-2.3: Competitive markets - demand and supply">Unit 2.1-2.3: Competitive markets - demand and supply</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1: Demand">Unit 2.1: Demand</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Determinants of demand">Determinants of demand</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.2: Supply ">Unit 2.2: Supply </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Changes to supply and demand ">Changes to supply and demand </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Practise exercises">Practise exercises</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Gold exchange game: Demand and supply">Gold exchange game: Demand and supply</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.3: Competitive market equilibrium">Unit 2.3: Competitive market equilibrium</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Producer and consumer surplus">Producer and consumer surplus</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Veblen goods and super luxury goods">Veblen goods and super luxury goods</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Are Cryptocurrencies the new Tulipmania?">Are Cryptocurrencies the new Tulipmania?</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1-2.3: Multiple choice quiz">Unit 2.1-2.3: Multiple choice quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.4: Consumer and producer behaviour (HL only)">Unit 2.4: Consumer and producer behaviour (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Behavioural economics: Consumer biases / nudge theory (HL only)">Behavioural economics: Consumer biases / nudge theory (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Business objectives (HL only)">Business objectives (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1-2.4: Review terms ">Unit 2.1-2.4: Review terms </a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5-2.6: Elasticity">Unit 2.5-2.6: Elasticity</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5: Price elasticity of demand">Unit 2.5: Price elasticity of demand</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Determinants of price elasticity ">Determinants of price elasticity </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="PED elasticity and sales revenue?">PED elasticity and sales revenue?</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5: Income elasticity of demand (YED)">Unit 2.5: Income elasticity of demand (YED)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.6: Price elasticity of supply">Unit 2.6: Price elasticity of supply</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Perfectly elastic / inelastic supply curves">Perfectly elastic / inelastic supply curves</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="A mathematical note about elasticity ">A mathematical note about elasticity </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Demand and supply crossword">Demand and supply crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5-2.6: Review terms">Unit 2.5-2.6: Review terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5-2.6: Multiple choice quiz ">Unit 2.5-2.6: Multiple choice quiz </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1- 2.5: Competitive markets quiz">Unit 2.1- 2.5: Competitive markets quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7: The role of government in microeconomics  ">Unit 2.7: The role of government in microeconomics  </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Indirect taxation">Indirect taxation</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="PED and the burden of tax (HL only) ">PED and the burden of tax (HL only) </a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Government subsidies ">Government subsidies </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7: Indirect tax and subsidy review terms">Unit 2.7: Indirect tax and subsidy review terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Price controls − maximum price ">Price controls − maximum price </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Minimum price ">Minimum price </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Minimum wage ">Minimum wage </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Labour market crossword">Labour market crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7: Price controls review terms">Unit 2.7: Price controls review terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure ">Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8: Merit goods ">Unit 2.8: Merit goods </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8: Demerit goods / negative externalities">Unit 2.8: Demerit goods / negative externalities</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market failure crossword">Market failure crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.9: Economics of the environment and public goods ">Unit 2.9: Economics of the environment and public goods </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.10: Asymmetric information (HL only)">Unit 2.10: Asymmetric information (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review sheet">Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review sheet</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review terms">Unit 2.8-2.10: Market failure review terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7-2.10: Multiple choice quiz ">Unit 2.7-2.10: Multiple choice quiz </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.7-2.10 Government failure revision quiz">Unit 2.7-2.10 Government failure revision quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Market power (HL only)">Unit 2.11: Market power (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Assessment map">Assessment map</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Production (HL only)">Production (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Revenue theory (HL only)">Revenue theory (HL only)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Costs of production (HL only)">Costs of production (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economies and diseconomies of scale (HL only)">Economies and diseconomies of scale (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Long run average cost curves (HL only)">Long run average cost curves (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Breakeven (HL only)">Breakeven (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic profit (HL only)">Economic profit (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market power crossword">Market power crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Revision exercise on cost and revenue (HL only)">Revision exercise on cost and revenue (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Costs, revenue and profit review sheet (HL only)">Unit 2.11: Costs, revenue and profit review sheet (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Multiple choice quiz (SL units)">Unit 2.11: Multiple choice quiz (SL units)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market structures (HL only)">Market structures (HL only)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Perfect competition (HL only)">Perfect competition (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Profit in perfect competition (HL only)">Profit in perfect competition (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Efficiency in perfect competition (HL only)">Efficiency in perfect competition (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Monopoly (HL only)">Monopoly (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Profit and revenue maximisation in monopoly (HL only)">Profit and revenue maximisation in monopoly (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="A comparison of monopoly and perfect competition? (HL only)">A comparison of monopoly and perfect competition? (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Monopolistic competition (HL only)">Monopolistic competition (HL only)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Oligopoly (HL only)">Oligopoly (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Game theory (HL only)">Game theory (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Market structures review sheet (HL only)">Unit 2.11: Market structures review sheet (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Diagram revision ">Unit 2.11: Diagram revision </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11: Multiple choice quiz (HL only)">Unit 2.11: Multiple choice quiz (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.12: The market’s inability to achieve equity (HL only)">Unit 2.12: The market’s inability to achieve equity (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="ancestor parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right fa-rotate-90"></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3: Macroeconomics ">Unit 3: Macroeconomics </a></li><ul class="level-1 expanded"><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1: Measuring economic activity and illustrating its variations">Unit 3.1: Measuring economic activity and illustrating its variations</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Calculating national income">Calculating national income</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="GDP / GNI as a measure of living standards">GDP / GNI as a measure of living standards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="National income statistics">National income statistics</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The business cycle">The business cycle</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1: Economic activity review sheet">Unit 3.1: Economic activity review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.2: Variations in economic activity—aggregate demand and aggregate supply">Unit 3.2: Variations in economic activity—aggregate demand and aggregate supply</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Aggregate demand and supply">Aggregate demand and supply</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Components of aggregate demand">Components of aggregate demand</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Equilibrium in macroeconomics (neo-classical perspective)">Equilibrium in macroeconomics (neo-classical perspective)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Equilibrium in macroeconomics (keynesian perspective)">Equilibrium in macroeconomics (keynesian perspective)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="John Maynard Keynes">John Maynard Keynes</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Keynesian v free market debate ">Keynesian v free market debate </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Changes in the long run aggregate supply">Changes in the long run aggregate supply</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.2: Aggregate demand and supply review sheet">Unit 3.2: Aggregate demand and supply review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.5 and 3.6: Demand management - fiscal and monetary policy">Unit 3.5 and 3.6: Demand management - fiscal and monetary policy</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Government budget">Government budget</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Fiscal policy ">Fiscal policy </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Multiplier (HL only)">Multiplier (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Monetary policy  ">Monetary policy  </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Independent central banks">Independent central banks</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.5 and 3.6 review sheet">Unit 3.5 and 3.6 review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.7: Supply side policies">Unit 3.7: Supply side policies</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of supply side policies">The role of supply side policies</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market based and interventionist supply side policies ">Market based and interventionist supply side policies </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Aggregate demand and supply crossword">Aggregate demand and supply crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.7: Review sheet">Unit 3.7: Review sheet</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1-3.2 and 3.5-3.7: Multiple choice quiz  ">Unit 3.1-3.2 and 3.5-3.7: Multiple choice quiz  </a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1-3.2 and 3.5-3.7: Revision quiz">Unit 3.1-3.2 and 3.5-3.7: Revision quiz</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3: Macroeconomic objectives">Unit 3.3: Macroeconomic objectives</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unemployment">Unemployment</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of unemployment?">Types of unemployment?</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Equilibrium unemployment ">Equilibrium unemployment </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Disequilibrium unemployment">Disequilibrium unemployment</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unemployment review sheet">Unemployment review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inflation ">Inflation </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Measuring inflation (HL only)">Measuring inflation (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Costs of inflation and deflation">Costs of inflation and deflation</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inflation review sheet">Inflation review sheet</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unemployment v inflation trade off (HL only)">Unemployment v inflation trade off (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Macroeconomic objectives crossword">Macroeconomic objectives crossword</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3: Macroeconomic indicators revision quiz">Unit 3.3: Macroeconomic indicators revision quiz</a></li></ul><li class="ancestor parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right fa-rotate-90"></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.4: Economics of inequality and poverty">Unit 3.4: Economics of inequality and poverty</a></li><ul class="level-2 expanded"><li class="current" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Inequality">Inequality</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of spending and taxation on inequality ">The role of spending and taxation on inequality </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Consequences of economic growth">Consequences of economic growth</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic growth and inequality review sheet">Economic growth and inequality review sheet</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3-3.4: Multiple choice ">Unit 3.3-3.4: Multiple choice </a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4: Global economy">Unit 4: Global economy</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1: Benefits of international trade">Unit 4.1: Benefits of international trade</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Benefits of international trade">Benefits of international trade</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Absolute and comparative advantage (HL only)">Absolute and comparative advantage (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.2-4.3: Trade protection">Unit 4.2-4.3: Trade protection</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Barriers to trade (calculations are HL only)">Barriers to trade (calculations are HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Case study on Tata Steel">Case study on Tata Steel</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The Defence industry">The Defence industry</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1-4.3: Review sheet">Unit 4.1-4.3: Review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.4: Economic integration ">Unit 4.4: Economic integration </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic integration (some HL tasks)">Economic integration (some HL tasks)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="World trade organisation (WTO)">World trade organisation (WTO)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.4: Review sheet">Unit 4.4: Review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5: Exchange rates">Unit 4.5: Exchange rates</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Floating exchange rates">Floating exchange rates</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Fixed / managed exchange rate systems (some HL tasks)">Fixed / managed exchange rate systems (some HL tasks)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The market for foreign exchange">The market for foreign exchange</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5: Review sheet">Unit 4.5: Review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.6: Balance of payments">Unit 4.6: Balance of payments</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Balance of payments ">Balance of payments </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Current account (HL only)">Current account (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The Marshall-Lerner condition / J curve (HL only)">The Marshall-Lerner condition / J curve (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Units 4.1-4.6: Multiple choice quiz ">Units 4.1-4.6: Multiple choice quiz </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1-4.6: Multiple choice quiz II">Unit 4.1-4.6: Multiple choice quiz II</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1-4.6: International trade crossword">Unit 4.1-4.6: International trade crossword</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.7: Sustainable development ">Unit 4.7: Sustainable development </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Water scarcity activity">Water scarcity activity</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Sustainable development">Sustainable development</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.8: Measuring development ">Unit 4.8: Measuring development </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Measuring development">Measuring development</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economic development ">Economic development </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.7-4.8: Review sheet">Unit 4.7-4.8: Review sheet</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Unit 4.9: Barriers to development">Unit 4.9: Barriers to development</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Barriers to development in International trade">Barriers to development in International trade</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.10: Economic growth and/or economic development strategies">Unit 4.10: Economic growth and/or economic development strategies</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of domestic factors">The role of domestic factors</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of international trade and development">The role of international trade and development</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of foreign direct investment (FDI)">The role of foreign direct investment (FDI)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of foreign aid ">The role of foreign aid </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Multilateral development assistance">Multilateral development assistance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of international debt">The role of international debt</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The balance between markets and intervention">The balance between markets and intervention</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.9 - 4.10: Review sheet">Unit 4.9 - 4.10: Review sheet</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Assessment">Assessment</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Internal assessment ">Internal assessment </a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="How to write your IA? (student handout)">How to write your IA? (student handout)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="How to interpret the assessment criteria?">How to interpret the assessment criteria?</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Grading practise ">Grading practise </a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Sample 3a">Sample 3a</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Sample 3b">Sample 3b</a></li></ul></ul></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Assessment markbands">Assessment markbands</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exam style questions">Exam style questions</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Paper 1 style examination questions">Paper 1 style examination questions</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.11-2.12 questions">Unit 2.11-2.12 questions</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Paper 1 guidance on essay writing">Paper 1 guidance on essay writing</a></li></ul></ul></nav> </div> </div> </div> </div><div style="margin-top: 20px;"><style type="text/css">
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        <h1 class="section-title">Inequality</h1>
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                <h2><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics-2/download(5).jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 222px; float: right;" />Introduction</h2><p>This lesson focuses on the level of income equality in the country.&nbsp; A good way to start this lesson off is with the simple question: &#39;has income inequality, within your country, got better or worse in the last decade?&#39;&nbsp; The answer, for most nations will be that society has got less equal, not more.&nbsp; While there have been significant reductions in absolute poverty in this period, the richest members of the society have got increasingly wealthy while the incomes of many families on low and middle incomes have remained largely the same.</p><p>The next part of this question, which has a TOK element is &#39;does this matter&#39;?</p><hr class="hidden" /><div class="blueBg"><h3><strong>Enquiry question</strong></h3><p>What is the difference between equity in the distribution of income and equality in the distribution of income?&nbsp; How is inequality measured?</p></div><div class="blueBg"><p><strong>Lesson time: </strong>2 hours</p><p><strong>Lesson objectives: </strong></p><p>Explain the difference between equity in the distribution of income and equality in the distribution of income.</p><p>Analyse data on relative income shares of given percentages of the population, including deciles and quintiles.</p><p>Draw a Lorenz curve and explain its significance.</p><p>Explain how the Gini coefficient is derived and interpreted.</p><p><strong>Teacher notes:</strong></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>1. Beginning activity</strong> - start with the beginning activity which can take just 15 - 20 minutes minutes to discuss, depending on how many times you wish to complete the activity.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>2</strong>. <strong>Processes - technical vocabulary </strong>-<strong> </strong>students can learn the content watching the two videos on activity 2, reading the key terms and then completing the first tree activities<span style="color:#FF0000;">, which should take around 20 minutes.&nbsp; </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>3. Applying the theory</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> to TOK</strong></span> <span style="color:#FF0000;">- activity 4 includes three TOK questions on this topic.&nbsp; I suggest your classes research one of these topics and then present their findings to the class.&nbsp; (40 minutes)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>4. Developing the theory </strong>- activities 5 and 6 look at the technical calculations of inequality - how is it measured.&nbsp; (15 minutes) </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>5. Group discussion</strong> - activity 7, patterns of global inequality (10 minutes)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>6. </strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Reflection</strong> <strong>activity </strong>-&nbsp; activity 8 c</span><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"></span></strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">ontains an example of a paper one type question.&nbsp; Allocate 10 minutes for this activity. </span></span></p></section></div><div class="greenBg"><h4><em>Key terms:</em></h4><p><strong>Wealth </strong>- the available assets that a person owns which may include property, stocks and <img alt="" height="240" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics-2/equity-and-equality.png" style="float: right;" title="" width="352" />shares, personal savings or easily tradable valuable items such as gold or Jewellery.</p><p><strong>Income </strong>- the amount that an individual receives from income (if they have a job) from rent on land or property, interest on their savings in the bank or profit on stocks and shares that they may earn.&nbsp; These monies when added together collectively make up the individual&rsquo;s income or <u>gross income</u>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Net income</strong> - a person&#39;s gross income minus taxes paid.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Equality</strong> - fairness in terms of providing each member of society with the same opportunities to be successful - access to healthcare, education and training e.t.c.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Equity</strong> - recognises that each individual&nbsp;has different advantages and skills and allocates the&nbsp;required&nbsp;resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.</p><p><strong>Relative poverty </strong>- the condition in which people lack the minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live.&nbsp; A person is described as relatively poor if they ear less than 50% of the mean wage in the country.</p><p><strong>Lorenz curve</strong> - developed by Max Lorenz in 1905 and illustrates the level of income inequality within an economy.</p><p><strong>Gini coefficient</strong> - a formulae developed by Corrado Gini in 1912, it measures the level of income inequality within a society, but in numerical form.&nbsp; Nations given a Gini coefficient of between 0 and 1, with 1 being the most unequal and 0 representing a nation where ever citizen earned the same.</p><p><strong>Universal basic income </strong>-<strong> </strong>a governmental public programme for a periodic payment delivered to all on an individual basis without means test or work requirement.&nbsp; The income provided would be unconditional, automatic, non-withdrawable, paid on an individual basis and delivered as a right.</p><p><strong>Positive discrimination </strong>- the act of favouring someone based on a &quot;protected characteristic&quot;. This could be: Hiring someone with a disability in order to fulfil a quota.</p></div><p>The activities on this page are available as a PDF file at: <a href="/media/ib/economics/files/economic-indicators/income-inequality-activities.pdf" target="_blank" title="Student handouts"><img class="ico" src="" /> Income inequality</a></p><div class="pinkBg"><h4><strong><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/micro-economics-2/chocolate-bar.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 300px; float: right;" />Beginning activity</strong></h4><p>Bring to your class a large bag of sweets and divide your class into groups of 4.&nbsp; Give each group some sweets and you may decide to provide each group with the same number of sweets or instead have each group represent different nations e.g. rich, middle income and poor.&nbsp; For each group assign each member to an income quartile - the richest 20%, the next richest e.t.c.</p><p>The game starts with the richest person in the group deciding how many of the nations sweets they would like them for themselves.&nbsp; They may choose to select only their fair share or they may choose to take all of them,&nbsp; Next, if there are any sweets left the second wealthiest individual can decide how many they would like.&nbsp; This continues until there are no sweets left to allocate.&nbsp;</p><p>This activity also works well with just two people in each group.</p><p>You can repeat this exercise as many times as you feel appropriate.&nbsp; Review this game after the exercise.</p></div><div class="pinkBg"><h4><strong>Activity 1: Wealth and income</strong></h4><p>Are wealth and income connected meaning is it the case that a person with a high disposable income will also be wealthy?&nbsp; Do wealthy people generally have high incomes?</p></div><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics-2/download(4).jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 224px; float: left;" title="" /><span style="color:#FF0000;">There is not an automatic correlation between wealth.&nbsp; Some individuals or households may be asset rich (i.e. wealthy) but cash or income poor.&nbsp; Examples of this might be a retired couple who own their own property and perhaps a portfolio of shares but live a fairly simple existence on a relatively low income.&nbsp; At the other end of the scale we could include high earning young professionals, recently graduated from university (with a considerable college debt) who have not yet purchased their first property and have minimal savings.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">In time of course the young professional, providing that there career progresses well and they are sensible with their salary, will end with a property and perhaps sizeable assets in the long term.&nbsp; Similarly the cash poor but asset rich retired couple can also cash in their assets to improve their disposable income.</span></p></section><div class="pinkBg"><h4><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics/u.s._income_-_changes_by_income_group_1979-2011.png" style="width: 350px; height: 201px; float: right;" title="" /><strong>Activity 2: Income inequality</strong></h4><p>(a) The following chart which illustrates the changes to all income groups in the USA since 1980.&nbsp; Describe what has happened to the incomes of the different wage earners in the country and describe the impact that this had on the level of income inequality in the economy?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">While all income earners enjoyed a rise in living standards in that period, the gains from growth were significantly greater among the wealthiest income groups, for example, the lowest quintile saw a rise of 46%&nbsp;in their real income levels.&nbsp; By contrast, the wealthiest quintile saw real wages rise by almost 200%.</span></p></section><p>(b) Watch the following short youtube video, which features an interview with former president Barack Obama and then summarise why he believes that inequality grew in this period, including when he was President.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="//" width="640"></iframe></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Barack Obama highlights two main reasons for the growth of income inequality in the USA.&nbsp; He started by saying that taxes, during his presidency, were neither high nor particularly progressive.&nbsp; Countries with lower levels of income inequality will generally have high progressive income tax rates.&nbsp; Secondly there was a trend for many businesses to pay their top executives according to company performance.&nbsp; This benefited many wealthy households, whose incomes rose in line with the sharp rise in company profits over the previous two decades.</span></p></section><p>(c) Describe the social and economic costs associated with increased inequality?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">As a general rule there are probably more costs than benefits arising from greater levels of income inequality in the economy.&nbsp; <img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics-2/trump-640x457.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 214px; float: left;" />While Conservative commentators will correctly identify that the wealthiest households in society have largely deserved their rich financial rewards through hard work and risk taking, the impact on the remaining groups in society must not be ignored either.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Vast income gaps are likely to encourage resentment among other members of the society which can result in higher levels of crime and other social problems.&nbsp; The lowest income groups may also feel disenfranchised at the real or perceived injustices in the society and simply give up.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">There is also the very reasonable economic argument which states that low income consumers generally have a higher MPC than high income households and reduced wealth amongst this sub group reduces economic activity in the economy.</span></p></section><p>(d) So in conclusion, does income inequality matter providing that everyone is getting a little richer?</p><p style="text-align: center;"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="//" width="640"></iframe></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The video includes two different perspectives, on one hand Andy Green claims that despite the rise in national income the lower and middle class are barely any better off than 10 years ago.&nbsp; By contrast, Joel Griffith quotes former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who claimed that many &#39;would be happy for the poor to the be poor providing the wealthy are also less rich&#39;.&nbsp; </span></p></section><p>(e) Why did Andy Green describe taxation as the price we pay for a civilised society?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"></span><span style="color:#FF0000;">The basis for this argument is that tax revenue pays for improved social services, education, law enforcement e.t.c. meaning that everyone benefits.</span></p></section></div><div class="blueBg"><h4><strong>Activity 3: Link to TOK (equity v equality of opportunity)</strong></h4><p>1. How far should the state go in correcting for social advantage, for example, should governments devote more resources to schools in poorer neighbourhoods than wealthier ones?&nbsp;</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">If so, how much tax should the wealthiest individuals pay in order to provide equity for all?</span></p></section><p>2. Should the state attempt to correct for the uneven distribution of natural abilities such as IQ by devoting proportionally more resources to children of less than average IQ?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">If so, to what extent should the government go to in order to correct this?</span></p></section><p>3. What is meant by a fair distribution of income.</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">For example, is it fair that the wealthy pay more tax than poorer households.&nbsp; Alternatively does fair mean everyone pays the same?</span></p></section></div><div class="pinkBg"><h4><strong><img alt="" src="" style="width: 320px; height: 320px; float: right;" />Activity 4: Measuring inequality using the Lorenz curve</strong></h4><p>The diagram to the right illustrates the Lorenz curve for two nations, Germany and USA.</p><p>(a) According to the diagram which of the two nations has the greater level of inequality?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The USA, for example, the poorest 20% of households own just 7% of the total income of the country.&nbsp; By contrast in Germany the bottom 20% collectively own 10% of the total income - making it more equal. </span></p></section><p>(b) Why does the blue line represent the line of perfect equity.</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">According to this line everyone in the nation earns the same.&nbsp; For instance the poorest 20% of the population possess exactly 20% of the nation&#39;s wealth.</span></p></section><p>(c) Does any nation have perfect equity?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">There are no examples of this in the world &ndash; even communist countries such as Cuba or N. Korea reward workers differing amounts based on their position in those societies, though possibly at lower extremes that in many other economies.</span></p></section><p>(d) How are nations with smaller income inequalities represented on a Lorenz curve?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The further to the left of the line of equality that a Lorenz curve lies, the smaller the level of <u>inequality</u> in that nation.</span></p></section></div><div class="greenBg"><p><strong>Note about drawing the Lorenz curve</strong></p><p>The Lorenz curve is a difficult concept for some IB students to understand and is best learnt through practise.&nbsp; A difficult area is in labelling the diagram accurately.&nbsp; As an examiner I will sometimes see Lorenz curves diagrams with the axis drawn around the wrong way.&nbsp; Students are also advised to include either numbers on their diagram to illustrate the examples on the diagram.</p></div><div class="pinkBg"><h4><strong><img alt="" src="" style="width: 320px; height: 320px; float: left;" />Activity 5: Gini coefficient</strong></h4><p>The Gini coefficient measures inequality in a numerical form and is calculated by the formulae A / (A+B).&nbsp; Each nation is ranked on the Gini scale from 0 to 1.</p><p><em>Examples of Gini coefficients</em></p><p>If the richest 1% of the population owned 50% of the nation&#39;s wealth / income this would mean a Gini coefficient of 50%.</p><em>Other Gini coefficients</em><br />&nbsp;<p>African continent 0.52 - 0.7</p><p>Mid ranking nations 0.3 - 0.4</p><p>Lowest Gini coefficient&nbsp;was&nbsp;in Europa and ranged from 0.25 - 0.36.</p><p><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics-2/54d6d5e510656.image.jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 240px; float: right;" title="image:" />(a) Explain possible reasons for different levels of income inequality between nations?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The different levels of income inequality between nations can be explained by some or all of the following reasons:</span></p><ul><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">The level of progressive taxation</span></li><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">The level of government spending especially on transfer payments</span></li><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">The level of minimum wage (if appropriate) in the economy</span></li><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">The type of government, for instance left leaning liberal governments would be more inclined to promote greater income equality and poverty reduction measures.</span></li></ul></section><p>(b) Why might a household be living in poverty as a result of low income levels?</p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><ul><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">They may have been born into a low income household</span></li><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">They may have not finished high school or possess other qualifications</span></li><li><span style="color:#FF0000;">They may be suffering from poor health which prevents them from working.</span>&nbsp;</li></ul></section></div><p>Further reading on the Gini coefficient and income inequality can be found at: <a href="/media/ib/economics/files/macro-economics/uk-income-inequality-article.pdf" target="_blank" title="Key study"><img class="ico" src="" /> Equality trust</a></p><div class="pinkBg"><h4><strong>Activity 6: Patterns of equality throughout the world</strong></h4><p>The map below shows the pattern of inequality around the world.&nbsp; What patterns emerge from this map?</p><p><img alt="" height="361" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics/gini.png" width="778" /></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Northern European nations appear to have the lowest Gini coefficients in the world, followed by other parts of the West.&nbsp; This is likely to be because those nations have high levels of tax and generous welfare benefits / education and health spending e.t.c.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The American continent and many Asian nations are next with the greatest level of inequality witnessed on the African government.</span></p></section></div><div class="blueBg"><h4><strong>Activity 7: Link to the paper one assessment</strong></h4><p>Examples of relevant paper one questions on income equality include:</p><p>(a) Using a Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient, explain how income inequality is measured.&nbsp; <em>[10 marks]</em></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><div><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Command term: Using</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><img alt="" src="" style="width: 320px; height: 320px; float: right;" /></strong><em>Key terms to define: Gini coefficient, income inequality</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Income inequality is measured by the gini coefficient, a formulae developed by Corrado Gini in 1912 and illustrated via a Lorenz curve (diagram 1).&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> The Gini coefficient is calculated by the formulae: A / A+B and a Gini coefficient of zero would mean that everyone in a nation has the same income.&nbsp; At the other end of the extreme a Gini coefficient of one (or 100%) would represent a society with maximal inequality of income or where only one person (probable the king or president) has all the income and the rest of the society earns nothing. &nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Similarly, a case where the richest 20% of any society earned 80% of national income would mean a Gini coefficient of at least 60%.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">In the Lorenz curve included the nation has a relatively equal distribution of income, with the lowest 40% of households enjoying approximately 20% of total income.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Gini coefficients are generally lower, i.e. income distributed more equally when</span> <span style="color:#FF0000;">the impact of taxes and transfer payments, such as out of work benefits are included.</span></p></div></section><p>(b) Using real world examples, evaluate the view that government policies aimed at reducing income inequality will always reduce economic efficiency.&nbsp; <em>[15 marks]</em></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><div><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Command term: Evaluate</span></strong></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Key terms to define: Income inequality, economic efficiency</span></em></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">The command term evaluate requires a response that addresses the question: is it inevitable that government policies aimed at reducing income inequality will always reduce economic efficiency.</span></p><p>A relevant real world example might&nbsp;be an assessment&nbsp;of where such policies have been used. This might include, for instance, a comparison of two countries such as Sweden and USA, which adopt different policies as regards inequality.</p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Responses should include the following:</span></em></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"></span><span style="color:#FF0000;">A discussion of different policies that can be employed to reduce income inequality. Examples include a greater use of progressive taxes and transfer payments.&nbsp; In other words governments can reduce income inequality by increasing progressive taxes, the burden of which falls primarily on high income households as well as increasing government spending on transfer payments.&nbsp; Transfer payments include public sector wages, pensions, sickness payments and out of work benefits.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/economics/images/macro-economics/ppf-equality.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 300px; float: left;" />A recognition that such policies will improve income equality but may well reduce efficiency in the economy by providing a disincentive to work or set up a business.&nbsp; This is because the burden of progressive taxes will fall heaviest on those who benefit from working hard to increase their disposable income.&nbsp; At the same time transfer payments, paid out of taxation, will often benefit households on low incomes disproportionately.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">A diagram showing a production possibility frontier (diagram 1), with point A drawn on the edge of the PPF curve and representing an economy running efficiently and point B lying within the boundary of the PPF.&nbsp; The loss of economic efficiency, resulting from a rise in progressive taxes and transfer payments, would be represented by a move from point A to point B on the diagram.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">A comparison of the positive and negative impacts of different policies designed to promote income equality.&nbsp; This should include an evaluation on the impact on different stakeholders.&nbsp; Relevant stakeholders might include entrepreneurs (who may be discouraged from starting a business as a result of higher taxes), low paid workers, high paid workers as well as the recipients of social benefit payments.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">Alternatively responses might include an example of where a government has implemented poverty reduction policies and seen a fall in inequality as a result.</span></p></div></section></div><script>document.querySelectorAll('.tib-teacher-only').forEach(e => e.remove());</script>
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