Sofia F, Process Portfolio HL

This Process Portfolio takes us on a journey through Sofia's development of concepts and imagery through a range of technical experiments from printmaking, embossing, relief, trompel'oiel, photography, transfer, and various mixed media techniques. She is interested in sequences and story telling, often working in series and reworking images with different graphic approaches. Throughout this portfolio one senses above all her relentless research and trialing of materials to find appropriate visual solutions. 

She used keynote to create this presentation and scored 31/34 ( which makes it a 7)


You can see Sofia F's Exhibition work and her Comparative study in the student gallery (coming soon)

Citing Sources

This PP provides a clear example of how to reference sources at point with a full citation on the sources screen

Tip: Note how she indicates on each screen that all work not referenced is her own, saving space instead of labelling each image.

(View sources slide larger in slideshow below, last screen)

Gallery slideshow

click on each image to see larger or view fullscreen


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