Remote Exhibition Documentation

Exhibition from home....

Here's what you've all been asking about, If your school is closed and you are submitting your artwork from home here are a few things you should know.

A compromised exhibition space does not compromise the marking!

Examiners are advised to be understanding of the circumstances and the less than perfect set up will not influence the marks.

IBO states

"Should planned visual arts exhibitions be cancelled, schools may wish to explore alternative options such as holding the exhibition at an alternative venue and/or for individual students to make their own arrangements. Schools should bear in mind that the space where an exhibition is presented does not influence the marking and must not constitute any bias."

Photograph the work as a "collection"

The two required exhibition overview photographs are intended to help the examiner understand the scope and scale of the work, they are not assessed, but they are indeed very helpful.

If students have the art works at home with them, set up an ad hoc exhibition ; lay out the works on the floor, the wall, and photograph it all together. This is purely informative. If the artwork is stuck in a school and all you have are the photos (we hope you have photos!) then you can simply create a document of thumbnail photos of all the work, a sort of "at a glance" overview

"A candidate who is unable to set up a formal exhibition due to quarantine issues can instead photograph the artworks they have selected for their exhibition all together as a collection. The collection must include only those pieces that the candidate will submit and upload as individual pieces for assessment. The two images of the collection can be uploaded as exhibition photographs, alongside the individual images of the required number of artworks."

What exactly is a Collection?

I took these photos in my studio this morning of 8 paintings, to simulate what an IB art student might do when documenting artwork from home. Only include the works presented for assessment.

Here are 2 possibile options for exhibition overview photos

1. A physical collection of works any way you can photograph them to give a sense of scale and relationship among the pieces.

2. Thumbnail images

If you don't have access to the original artworks, ( locked away in school) or you are including installation, time based or other difficult to photograph in house work, you can create a document composed of thumbnail ( small) images of the body of work, preferably to scale, as seen below. Save as an image file.

exhibition labels do not have to be included in the overview, they can be uploaded directly to  Exhibition Texts  

No need for virtual gallery

 There is no need to invest time in creating a virtual exhibition using a virtual gallery programs, this is not particularly helpful to the examiner. Use that time instead for your artwork!

(checked with IB Visual Arts examinations officials)

The role of the Curatorial Rationale 

Use the CR as a chance to explain your intentions for your exhibition, how, in better circumstances you would have set this show up. By all means explain the original exhibition concept!

"The actual set up of the exhibition is not assessed and, in their curatorial rationale, the candidate can refer to how they would have done this. In their supporting comments, the teacher should explain that the IB has been consulted and approved the upload of the exhibition in its current format."

Teachers still have to authenticate work remotely

Make sure that you see the students work in a virtual meeting and that you can attest it is their own work. We are relying on your professional judgement and knowledge of your students.

In their supporting comments, the teacher should explain that the IB has been consulted and approved the upload of the exhibition in its current format. Please contact to notify the IB if your school is closed.

"Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of an IB education and should be embedded throughout the learner journey and school ethos. Teachers should follow normal procedures to authenticate work to the best of their knowledge and reiterate the importance of academic integrity with their students. The IB expects teachers to use best endeavor, but also recognizes the difficulties faced as the result of remote working. The IB will undertake additional checks for plagiarism and collusion."

Flexibility is the name of the game right now

These are exceptional times and we have to be flexible with regards to documenting the work as there are many variables that make capturing all of the work in photographic form impossible for some.

For example, including video work may be difficult in overview photos, if possible, include the projection, if not, explain it in the rationale. And don't worry, it will be OK.

Useful site pages

E submission for Exhibition

The materials for the internally assessed ( by you) Exhibition Component are e-submitted as a portfolio of individual files as specified in the following table. The option of submitting these as one PDF...

Additional Supporting Photos

When compiling your portfolio for the E submission for Exhibition In certain instances you may decide to include up to two additional photographs of each submitted work. These extra photos are not necessary...

Preparing for an IB Art Exhibition

NEWS "Should planned Visual Arts exhibitions be cancelled schools may wish to explore alternative options such as holding the exhibition at an alternative venue and/or for individual students to make...

Curatorial Rationale

The Curatorial Rationale is similar to an artists’ statement, but refers specifically to the work selected for this exhibition rather than the general artistic output. It is required for Part 3, The...

Exhibition Assessment

The Exhibition is Internally Assessed by you the teacher and externally moderated.The Exhibition and Curatorial Rationale comprise 40% of the final gradeBoth SL and HL students select and present their...

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