Anastasia CS, HL

Comparing Venus

This Comparative Study looks at 3 paintings of The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, Boucher and Bouguereau. The works were painted at least 100 years apart, and are different enough contextually to provide cultural contrast. She explores how the art historical period of each piece has influenced the symbolical, classical and contextual understanding of the work.

Although this CS is quite dense with text, it is pleasingly arranged and easy to follow. She uses ornate picture frames to enclose the text, in keeping with the sumptuous nature of her subjects, but keeps the backgrounds plain.

This CS received 37 points

HL Criterion

Be sure to check out Anastasia's Exhibition Gallery! You will see the piece she used for Criterion F  CS, HL Connections  and how it relates to the rest of her work. Here is a nice example of how a CS can contribute to personal artistic development. Anastasia's exhibition work looks at aspects of violence, and this CS, with its' investigation of artworks devoted to the goddess of love and beauty, may seem quite the opposite -  but through this process she questions ideals of feminine beauty. The CS investigation is a learning and developmental process that can influence and enrich a students own art, as well as understanding of art history. The inclusion of art historical references became a significant part of her way of working.

Slideshow Overview

View a slideshow of this CS, click on each slide to enlarge


Sources page

Anastasia consulted an extensive list of sources for her research. It helps to choose art historical pieces where there is plenty of published material.

Anastasia CS Sources page

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