Uploading Visual Arts Checklist
Checklist for Uploading IB Visual Arts
Here it is, a simplified checklist for students to know exactly what they need to have ready for the Electronic Submission of all 3 components. Set your dates to deliver, allowing plenty of flex time, and good luck everyone!
Place your IB candidate number on all documents, not your name
Comparative Study
HL 10-15 screens plus 3-5 screens making connections to own artwork
SL 10-15 screens only
The CS is submitted as a PDF document, max file size 50 MB
A list of sources submitted as a separate doc, docx, pdf, rtf, 1 MB
From 2023 earlier submission dates for Comparative Study
With effect from the May 2023 assessment session, the IB is changing the submission dates for one coursework component in each of the Group 6 subjects to an earlier deadline of 15 March for May session candidates / 15 September for November session candidates.
Other component submission dates remain the same: Exhibition April 20/October 20, Process portfolio April 30/October 30
Process Portfolio
HL 13-25 screens
SL 9-18 screens
Submitted as one PDF max file size 50 MB
An additional slide listing Sources is required for the Process Portfolio. This page will not affect the number of screens submitted.
Remember to include the minimum number of art making forms for your level
Curatorial Rationale (text file DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF)
- HL Max 700 words
- SL Max 400 words
2 Exhibition Overview Photos ( image files JPG, JPEG, PNG, Max file size 5 MB)
- HL 8-11
- SL 4-7
Artworks Image files: JPG, JPEG, PNG, Video: F4V, M4V, MOV, MP4
Max file size 5 MB images/Video 500 MB, 5 minutes
Additional supporting photographs, 2 per artwork permitted but not required, use where needed, for example a detail of a large piece, a series, a sculpture, an installation
Exhibition texts for each artwork, include title, medium, size and a brief supporting text. Max 500 characters, save as document.
Download, print, uploading visual arts checklist
Incomplete work
Do not submit incomplete work. If work has not been completed 2 weeks prior to submission deadline teachers should contact support@ibo.org
Need more info?
For the finer details regarding each separate component go to the relevant site pages
E Submission Guidelines
The guidelines for electronic submission of student work are detailed below. Any further changes will be updated here as they are published.An overview of what you need to know:Action
E submission Comparative Study
The externally assessed components, The Comparative Study and the Process Portfolio are digitally uploaded and sent to IBIS where they are assessed by an external examiner.The CS is submitted as a PDF...
E submission Process Portfolio
The Process Portfolio is digitally uploaded on IBIS where it is assessed by an external examiner. Last date for uploading PP is April 30 (October 30 for schools in southern hemisphere) For general submission...
E submission for Exhibition
The materials for the internally assessed ( by you) Exhibition Component are e-submitted as a portfolio of individual files as specified in the following table. The option of submitting these as one PDF...