Joanna, Process Portfolio HL
Top Score
Thanks to Joanna and her teacher Rachel Kirby at UWC Costa Rica for sharing this very engaging process portfolio. Joanna received 34 out of 34 for this portfolio, full marks! Even though she got a 5 on her CS her overall grade for IB was a 7, well done Joanna! You can look at the PP screens in the slideshow below.
Slideshow of Joanna's Portfolio
click on each image to see larger picture with comment
Sources slide
Cite in text at point of use then be sure to include a final slide with complete list of References ( this is not included in the overall screen count)

PP Joanna -34 PDF of the entire Portfolio ( reduced file size)
Related Site Pages
Ideas and Intentions in the PP
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Critical Investigation
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Reviewing, Reflecting, Refining
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PP Asssessment Criteria
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