Internal Assessment

    Internal Assessment for Exhibition

    Internal Assessment ( IA) is the part of the course assessed by the teacher, in our case for Visual Arts, Part 3, The Exhibition. Although you are marking the student work you will be in turn be moderated externally.

    By 20 April/20 October ( southern hemisphere) teachers/coordinators are required to complete the following on IBIS under the IAPG section. 

    I recommend that Teachers enter the marks for the IA component (Exhibition) and the Predicted Grades by the 10th April (10 October for November Session schools). Although in theory you have until the 20th, this allows you time to check the samples uploaded by students and make sure everything is in order before submitting the uploaded files 10 days later to IBIS. ( 20April/October 20) 

     Grade Boundaries for each component at standard and higher level are set during the previous May session grade awards, but tend to be unvaried.

    Follow these tips for Internal Assessment 

    •  Enter the candidate’s total mark for the Exhibition Assessment out of 30, on the IA marks screen. ( Exhibition points add up to a max of 30 points).
    • Refer to the mark bands for each individual criteria found on Exhibition Assessment page
    • To select a sample of your students work for moderation, choose the "Select the sample" option and IBIS will generate the sample request. If you only have 5 students they will all be selected. Your marked samples will be viewed by a moderator who will decide if your IA marks are "within tolerance" INSIDE TIP: samples are selected by an algorithm that chooses the middle score, one high score, one low score, one middle low and one middle high. If you generate your sample early you can upload only this work and leave the others for later.
    • You will need to select and submit IA samples on IBIS BEFORE  you can upload any IA work to the screens, so make sure you do that first!
    • In the case of the internally assessed component, the teacher’s validation of the work applies to the work of all students and not just to the sample work submitted.
    • Extra Moderation Samples: Although you only need to submit your sampled students work, In the case that further moderation samples are requested, be sure you have the students exhibition-portfolios on file and ready to go so you can easily submit them when asked.

    If you need help accessing IBIS for the first time talk to your DP Coordinator who will provide you with a personal password. They will also be able to tell you your schools' internal deadlines for IA and predicted grades.

    Teacher comments and marks

    When you submit your sample of candidate work for the exhibition component you will be required to complete ‘Criteria marks and teacher marking comments’ with a short statement that supports the marks you gave and refers to the assessment criteria. You will be asked for the individual marks for each each criterion A, B, C, D, as seen in the screenshot below.

    The ‘Criteria marks and teacher marking comments’ file element document will be required for all candidates.

    File types accepted for the ‘criteria marks and teacher marking comments’ file element document: o DOC,DOCX,PDF,RFT

    Examiner Tip: Comments can be very helpful to the examiner and you should use this opportunity to enlighten, do try to keep your comments relevant to the criteria but do not simply cut and paste the criteria.... this is not particularly helpful and pretty dull to read.

    Comments that help the examiner are both honest and insightful.

    Length of teacher comment

    IBO has informed me that the teacher comments box on the internal assessment mark entry and sample selection screen is limited to 2000 characters (including spaces). They also specified that if this is insufficient you can add your comment to the "students work" ( I assume the candidate statement?)  "The option of adding a teacher comments document will require you to add it to the candidate's work. There should be one file that is uploaded, containing the candidate's work and the teacher's comments attached at the end of the work. Please note that the attached document must be clearly labeled as teacher's comments. This is so that the examiner does not mistake it for the candidate's work. "

    Predicted Grades

    Predicted grades from each subject are used to help predict the overall IB Visual Arts grade for each student and are used for University applications as well. You want to try to predict as accurately as possible the overall grade you think your student will receive for Visual Arts. Schools are now allocated PGs based on previous performance. For more details go to Predicted Grades page

    • Submit predicted grades on the IBIS predicted grade screen (via your DP coordinator.)
    • For predicted grades refer to the Group 6 Grade Descriptors (1-7 marks)
    • Predicted grades are for the whole course, not just the internally assessed exhibition component

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    All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.