Exhibition Gallery

Student Examples

In this section you will find slideshows of students' exhibition photos with exhibition texts and Curatorial Rationale.

Recent examples include the entire submission, in others a selection of studio work is shown.

This gallery is growing and expanding as teachers share their students work after assessment. If you have an interesting, unusual or exciting student exhibition you would like to showcase here, please do! Teachers love to see what other schools are getting up to. Go to Contributing Student Work to the Gallery 

Featured Exhibitions

Margherita, HL Exhibition

It gives me particular pleasure to showcase Margherita's work here. She was a student of my dear friend and esteemed colleague Nicola Shears, and she came to my summer IB art course at la Vigna Art Studios...

Regina, Exhibition HL

The lure of verisimilitude Many students try to make realistic drawings based on photographs, which more often than not result in stiff, lifeless "copies". I always encourage drawing from life rather...

Sofia, Exhibition HL

Here is an example of a student who curated an exhibition experience for the viewer through the use of lighting, colors and methods of display to communicate her intentions. Her overall concept was the...

Sophie, Exhibition HL

Another exceptional student, Sophie has made a sophisticated body of work around the concept of the feminine, exploring this topic well beyond conventional stereotypes. She also considers the exhibition...

Sumnima, Exhibition HL

This HL Exhibition work presents an interesting and different example of a student who was not a naturally technically adept artist when she first started the course and did not have previous art experience...

Viola, Exhibition HL

Student Viola V chose to focus on her childhood fear of dolls, exploring the uncomfortable and uneasy feelings she associated with this."My body of work is all connected by the theme of portraying childhood...

Zere, Exhibition HL

Zere created her exhibition with a very specific and intentional group of lens based photographs of young arab males posing in specific locations. This collection of photos entitled “He Who Tells a...

Lucia, Exhibition SL

This Standard Level Exhibition is a fine example of a focused and coherent body of work that asks the question, where are we going? both with regards to the social and economic situation in her home country,...

Kashish, Exhibition SL

Kashish received a mark of 27/30 for her Exhibition component at Standard Level. ( 7) She completed the minimum number of pieces required, but each piece shows considerable time invested in materials...

Paramveer, Exhibition HL

This student contacted me himself about being in the student gallery and I am very pleased to share his work. Paramveer worked ambitiously to create an immersive exhibition experience which leads the...

Alberta, Exhibition HL

Alberta's work addresses social protest with a focus on "the crowd" as a source of imagery. She starts with her own photographs taken at various demonstrations about Climate Change, Refugees, and Womens...

Stefanie Exhibition SL

A big thank you to Lucie Weideman and her student Stefanie O at the International School of Augsburg.This Standard Level exhibtion takes a more experimental symbolic approach and it is important to read...

Alina Exhibition SL

"The act of repeating is predictable and comforting where process is prolonged and ending is deferred." (CR)I absolutely love the direction this standard level student took in her investigations. Her...

SS Exhibition HL

This student, whom I will call SS, shares a very personal experience of the loss of her mother during the course. She was able to channel her grief into her artwork, and explore her feelings through materials...

Isabella Exhibition,HL

Isabella presents a selection of art works ranging from painting on canvas to sculpture, digital graphics and photography. The pieces focus on urban solitude and the delicate nature of the built environment....

Nicoletta, Exhibition HL

Nicoletta addresses some complex and disturbing topics in her work which evolves around religious trauma and "Divine Metamorphosis" as she entitles the exhibition. She draws on sources from historical...

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