Student Gallery
A growing collection of student work
Student Access: Select the specific examples you wish to make available to students or select all by ticking the boxes.
An opportunity to see work from other schools and witness different approaches to each of the the three assessed components. Some examples include work by the same student across all the components, which I think is very illuminating.
The work showcased here is ambitious and has received marks of either 7 or 6. By choosing work of a generally high standard this resource is intended to be inspirational and aspirational, showing students and teachers what is possible and marvelous about this course!
Academic Honesty
Only work that has already been assessed may be shared in this gallery. The examples are accessible to students using student access if you choose to make the page available. You can also project and discuss together, which represents a great opportunity for discussion. Please use with respect for the students' intellectual property.
The gallery is organized by component
How do I contribute student work?
If you wish you may propose your student's work for only one component, or for all three. Not all work submitted will automatically be included in the gallery. Student work is rigorously selected and formatted for viewing on this site. Contact me (the author) directly to share work on google drive. Please include the final mark given to your student's work, as a matter of interest, not as an assessment exercise.
This gallery is not intended as an exhaustive resource but as a curated selection that showcases a range of effective approaches to the assessed components.
Selected Pages

Exhibition Gallery 11 December 2022
In this section you will find slideshows of students' exhibition photos with exhibition texts and Curatorial Rationale.Recent...

Sofia F, Exhibition HL 11 December 2022
Sofia began to identify a personal sense of direction and focus for her work, in the summer before her final year of IB...

Process Portfolio Gallery 11 December 2022
In this section you will find examples of students' Process Portfolio screens. A selection of screens per student will be...

Comparative Study Gallery 3 June 2022
In this section you will find a range of examples of students' comparative studies. I have chosen to showcase aspirational...

Alina Exhibition SL 13 February 2022
"The act of repeating is predictable and comforting where process is prolonged and ending is deferred." (CR)I absolutely...

Lucia, Exhibition SL 13 September 2020
This Standard Level Exhibition is a fine example of a focused and coherent body of work that asks the question, where are...