
Assessment, assessment, assessment.....

In this section of the website you will find a full discussion of the Visual Arts assessment criteria for each component of the visual arts curriculum, as well as rubrics, tables, pdfs, student friendly descriptors and other resources used for marking student progress.


Assessment criteria at a glance

all the basic assessment info on one sheet, handy for teachers. Download or print here

IB Visual Arts Assessment Guide one page

Assessment mark band descriptors all components

If you are looking for a detailed breakdown of the assessment criteria with mark band descriptors for all 3 components, look no further, 

Mark band descriptors all components

Selected Pages


Internal Assessment 10 October 2022

Internal Assessment ( IA) is the part of the course assessed by the teacher, in our case for Visual Arts, Part 3, The Exhibition....

PP Assessment 16 November 2022

On this page you will find There are 5 assessment criteria for the PP for a total of 34 marks A Skills, techniques and processes:...

Exhibition Assessment 16 November 2022

The Exhibition is Internally Assessed by you the teacher and externally moderated.The Exhibition and Curatorial Rationale...

Assessment Updates 24 September 2022

This page is the place to go to find out about any changes to the usual Visual Arts assessment procedures and requirements....

E Submission Guidelines 24 August 2022

The guidelines for electronic submission of student work are detailed below. Go to Assessment Updates for the latest changes...

Group 6 Grade Descriptors 15 August 2022

These descriptors refer to all subjects in Group 6 and are not specific to Visual Arts only. They apply to all the art forms...

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