Course Components
A deep dive into the three components that make up the course
This section of the site takes a closer look into each of the key course components, with exercises, activities, and support material for understanding and teaching these tasks.
This section also includes the IB CORE
Theory of Knowledge links and lessons, thought provoking questions, activites, fun stuff.
The Extended Essay supervising an essay, guidelines, tips, topics and great examples
The three components
1. The Comparative Study 20% (External Assessment)
2. The Process Portfolio 40 % (External Assessment)
3. The Exhibition 40% ( Internal assessment by teacher, external moderation by examiner)
The current curriculum, first exams in 2016, has three assessed components. But the cake is not evenly divided.. The Comparative Study is assessed at 20%, while the other 2 elements are 40% each of the final grade. Find out about the next Curriculum under Review here
A one page Overview of Requirements can also be found here
Part 1: Comparative Study
An independent critical and contextual investigation that explores artworks, objects and artifacts from differing cultural contexts
The CS is not an extended essay: it is an investigative comparison that should strike a balance between visual and written content . There are many forms this could take.
The requirements for the CS
The pages submitted examine and compare at least three artworks at least two of which need to be by different artists.
The work selected for comparison should come from contrasting contexts (local, national, international and/or intercultural). Ideally students should see one of the works firsthand.
Acknowledge sources!
This is assessed on screen and should be presented accordingly.
SL 10-15 screens, HL 10-15 screens + 3-5 screens which analyze the extent to which their work has been influenced by the art and artists examined.
For examples, assessment and discussion of the CS go to these pages
The Comparative Study
The Comparative Study is an independent, critical and contextual investigation that explores artworks from differing cultural contexts. The CS is one of the 3 assessed components required by the Visual...
CS Assessment Criteria
There are 5 assessed criteria, with the addition of one more for HL (F). These criteria address the areas of learning within this component (part 1 CS) that are expected of the student: critical thinking...
Comparative Study Gallery
In this section you will find examples of students' comparative studies. The gallery begins with a few examples only, and will grow over time as teachers share their students work after assessment.
Part 2: The Process Portfolio
A documentation of the students artistic experience during the course, both visual and written.
Students compile carefully selected materials which show their experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities during the two-year course. Pages from the Visual Journal can be included here, as can unresolved pieces, documenting the development of ideas and artwork. This is submitted as a digital file and viewed on screen therefor a landscape format ( horizontal) is preferable.
SL students submit 9–18 pages ( screens)
HL students submit 13–25 pages (screens)
For discussion, assessment and examples of the PP go to these pages
Process Portfolio
The Process Portfolio, or PP, is 40 % of the final mark and it is the testimony of the student's artistic journey during the course. It is not intended to be of polished, refined, or even resolved work;...
PP Asssessment Criteria
On this page you will find There are 5 assessment criteria for the PP, for a total of 34 marks A Skills, techniques and processes: 12 marksB Critical investigation: 6 marks
Process Portfolio Gallery
In this section you will find examples of students' Process Portfolio screens. Only a selection of screens per student will be available to view, not the full submission, and only to you the teacher....
Part 3: The Exhibition
Students present a body of work accompanied by reflection showing critical understanding and awareness of context.
Students submit for assessment a selection of resolved artworks from their final exhibition. The selected pieces should show evidence of their technical accomplishment during the visual arts course and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication.
The assessed requirements are a written "curatorial rational" that explains the work chosen for the exhibit and the intentions behind the work, and a small body of artworks, appropriately documented, with exhibition texts for each piece. This is also submitted as a digital file and viewed on screen.
How is this all Assessed?
Assessment is divided into 3 parts as detailed below -follow links to site pages for each component for more detailed discussion, or go to Assessment pages
Part 1,The Comparative Study for points 20% Externally Assessed
compare and contrast the work of (at least 2) different artists from different cultural contexts (HL students will also include a reflection of how this relates to their own work)
SL 10-15 screens
HL 10-15 screens & 3-5 screens comparing own work
Part 2, Process Portfolio for points 40% Externally Assessed
the students journey of art‐making: their engagement with different media and techniques, documentation of process, reflections on artists & artworks and the development of ideas.
SL: 9‐18 pages/screens submitted.
HL: 13‐25 pages/screens submitted.
Part 3, The Exhibition with a Curatorial Rationale for points 40% Internally Assessed by Teacher
Students reflect on their chosen body of work and provide a rationale for the decisions regarding the selection of certain pieces for exhibition.
SL: 4‐7 artworks, exhibition text and a curatorial rationale of max 400 words
HL: 8-11 artworks, exhibition text & curatorial rationale max 700 words
For examples, assessment and discussion of the Exhibition go to these pages
The Exhibition
In the current visual arts curriculum Part 3, The Exhibition is 40% of final grade.This component is Internally Assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by an examiner.The final exhibition is the...
Exhibition Assessment Criteria
It is Internally Assessed by you the teacher and externally moderated.Both SL and HL students select and present their own original, resolved artworks accompanied by exhibition texts and a written curatorial...
Exhibition Gallery
In this section you will find examples of students' exhibition photos with texts and extracts from their Curatorial Rationale.For each student represented a selection of studio work is shown, not the...
Another important aspect of the Exhibition is the emphasis on curatorial skills, see these pages
Curatorial Practice
Curatorial practice is a bit of a buzzword lately, with courses and programs in Curatorial Studies offered at Art Colleges and Universities all over the world. The IB, in line with 21st century skills...
Curatorial Rationale
The Curatorial Rationale is similar to an artists’ statement, but refers specifically to the work selected for this exhibition rather than the general artistic output. It is required for Part 3, The...
The IB Art for schools
Many teachers have commented that schools still expect the IB Art show to be a massive event decorating the school and showing off the student work to parents and the school community.Well, it is a very...
Selected Pages

The Comparative Study 10 November 2022
The Comparative Study is an independent, critical and contextual investigation that explores artworks from differing cultural...

The Exhibition 15 December 2022
In the visual arts curriculum The Exhibition is 40% of final grade.This component is Internally Assessed by the teacher...

Process Portfolio 22 November 2022
The Process Portfolio, or PP, is 40 % of the final mark and it is the testimony of the student's artistic journey during...
Visual Journal 14 November 2022
This is the student's personal record of their artistic journey and we want them to feel free to choose what form it takes...

Overview of Requirements 10 November 2022
What follows is an overview of the regular assessment requirementsYou might also want to go to the pages on E submission...

TOK: The 12 concepts 8 December 2021
You may not have noticed but TOK has changed it's framework... The main difference is that the new TOK curriculum is focused...