Terms & Conditions
This site is owned by InThinking. Unless otherwise stated, all material, together with its arrangement, is the property of InThinking and its designated content providers. As such, it is protected by copyright and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property.
If you believe that any material on this website infringes any copyright that you own or control, please notify our legal department.
Subscriber agreement
- The annual subscription entitles registered teachers at your school to access the site for one year from the time of payment.
- Each user has a unique user name and password which allows them to be logged on to one computer at a time.
- Passwords are for the exclusive use of teachers at your school. Any evidence that passwords have been circulated to other people will result in your school being permanently blocked from the site without any refund.
- All material on the site is the copyright of InThinking and must not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcasted, or transmitted in any way, except for use within your school for the period of the subscription.
- You must not adapt or alter any of the material on the site or use it for any purpose other than your own personal, non-commercial use.
- While we appreciate constructive feedback, any comments you submit may be removed at our discretion. Comments that are libellous, abusive, or offensive, will result in your being banned from the site.
Data Protection Policy
- All information relevant to subscriptions and users is stored on a private server in Ireland (EU). This server uses encryption and conforms to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- We only require names and emails of users. Optionally, they can also give their country, number of years teaching IB, and number of students taught (for internal anonymous statistics).
- We do not store credit card information.
- We do not sell or share any information from our users with third parties.
- We do not engage in any profiling or automated decision-making.
- Users can exercise their right of access, rectification, and erasure by contacting us directly.
- Teachers, students, or parents can request the deletion of data at any time via email or using our contact form.
- We only collect student data about academic tasks, grades etc. This can only be accessed by teachers and students (or parents if they request it).
- User activity data is kept while the account is active. It is removed – deleted, not anonymised ‐ 6 months after a subscription expires, but it can be deleted at any time if requested.
- In the unlikely event of a data security breach, all relevant customers will immediately be notified. (Please contact us if you suspect any such breach.)
We use own and third party cookies in our website. If you do not know what cookies are, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit https://www.aboutcookies.org for detailed guidance.
Session Cookie
We use a session cookie to control and verify your log-in. This is strictly necessary to access restricted pages. If cookies are disabled then the user session cannot be established and you will not be able to get full access.
Why do I get redirected to the home page when I log in?
If you experience problems logging in and getting redirected to the home page at www.thinkib.net, you will need to check your browser's cookie configuration and allow cookies in our site. Follow these links to get help enabling cookies under Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or MS Internet Explorer.
More information on session cookies and what they are used for can be found at www.allaboutcookies.org.
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to understand how the site is being used in order to improve your user experience. User data is all anonymous. Find out more about Google Analytics' position on privacy at http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html