RecommendationsSubmit recommendation
School Leadership
Whether you are a new or experienced educational leader, this site has a wealth of stimulating ideas and is a great resource for deepening your understanding.
Maths: Applications & Interpretation
InThinking is an invaluable resource. It not only provides great information and helpful tools; the mock assessments and problems are incredibly beneficial in making my own mock exams and DP1 final exams.
Spanish A
La página de Lengua y Literatura pone a disposición de alumnado y profesorado unos materiales muy valiosos para la preparación de las pruebas, lo que facilita enormemente la labor docente.
Visual Arts
The IBDP Art site is brilliant. I use it all the time. Being new the to IBDP and having only 3 students it has been a lifeline
German A: Language & Literature
Ich finde den Subject Site sehr wertvoll und greife sehr oft darauf zurück. Vor allem finde ich es toll,
dass alles sehr übersichtlich aufgebaut ist: Alles ist auf einem Fleck und man muss nicht herumsuchen. Deine Tipps für die einzelnen Assessments finde ich auch ganz toll und bespreche sie mit meinen Schülern.
English B
For a nervous first-time IB teacher, InThinking was there for me when there wasn't a lot of choice regarding teachers' reference materials. Now 5 years later, I still find myself coming back for teaching ideas and confirmation that I haven't gone crazy!
Environmental Systems & Societies
I really love that you have so many activities and video that would engage in classes. All the teaching material are ready to use; and the tests and annotated marking of works are super helpful!
Incredibly useful resource site - has probably saved me hundreds of hours planning. Plenty of links, worksheets and interactive resources that support the new IB course.
Spanish Ab Initio
Lo primero decir que la página es muy completa y útil.
Una de las cosas que echo en falta son los nombres o más información de las tareas cuando están en borrador.
Solo aparece el tipo de actividad (compresión auditiva, comprensión de lectura...), pero no aparece el nombre por lo que no se sabe cuál de ellas es. Si haces click en cualquiera de ellas, te aparece una ventana para editar los detalles de la tarea pero no sabes de qué tarea se trata. Estaría muy bien tener/ver algo más de información y no solo el tipo de comprensión que es.
This website allows teachers and students to have more information than just in the textbook and gives them the opportunity to practise IB style questions with each lesson unit. The video links are a great resource and the handouts practical.
A well planned site with lots of informations in Physics!
English Language & Literature
For teachers teaching L&L, I highly recommend this website. Lots of detailed information and lesson plans. Kate Beatty thank you!
English A: Language & Literature
As a new IB teacher InThinking has been an invaluable life line. Great ideas, easy to access and gives clarity on the course when I have been feeling overwhelmed. Thank you.
English A Literature
The site offers an engaging and imaginative approach to IB English - clear and informative it would be of use to both new and experienced teachers alike.
Spanish B
I have used several of the resources on this site! In addition, the site organization has helped me to better grasp how to organize my coursework... I wish I had more free time to search on the site! I'm grateful that our school paid the subscription fee as it has been very useful.
John Crane provides an invaluable resource for all IB Psychology teachers. The site provides up to date studies and relevant material in the current news. It has become my go-to source for IB specific materials.
Maths HL & SL
I highly recommend any IB Mathematics teacher who is seeking expert guidance on how best to teach either Standard Level or Higher Level Mathematics in today's classroom to subscribe to the InThinking website. It is an invaluable resource for both experienced and new IB teachers.
Business Management
I have been looking up at the InThinking for BM and I just wanted to say that this resource is so so good. So much of visual stimulation and engaging material. It's got me gripped. I love the way you develop your content. Thanks again for these fantastic materials. Very, very helpful.
Finally an InThinking site for IB History – and what a great one! Full of superb teaching ideas, materials and practical advice. Both my students and myself have benefited immensely from the wealth of guidance and inspiration on the site. Highly recommended for anyone teaching IB History!
Maths Studies
This site is such a fantastic one stop shop for IB Math Studies resources. I really appreciate the depth and variety of both materials and ideas offered. The materials that I have tried are thoughtful and engaging for students. I also like the dynamic nature of the site where a desire for improvements and new ideas are implemented.
French B
This resource has been truly effective in helping me prepare and execute my oral exams! Merci mille fois!
Such Wonderful resources, seriously love it - your site makes me want to come and work at your school
Your site is very helpful, I use the resources and ideas a lot. The discussions on philosophy and how to teach some concepts are great as I have only one chemistry colleague and he is in his first year.
Spanish Language Acquisition
I have used several of the resources on this site. In addition, the organization of the site has helped me to better understand how to organize my work at all different levels.
The variety of activities for the different levels and IB criteria with their corresponding corrections are helpful in creating lessons in class.
Another advantage of this platform is the fact that students can also use it by creating specific classes and autocorrect activities that complete the work done in class. It is amazing how students love this platform for grammar, vocabulary and preparation for e-assessment exams.
Thanks for your hard work !!!!