IB School Leadership
For IB World Schools
Website by
Chris Wright
Updated 5 JIB Docs (2) Teamary 2023
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IBDP Biology
IBDP Business Management
IBDP Chemistry
IBDP Economics
IBDP English A Literature
IBDP English A: Language & Literature
IBDP English B
IBDP Environmental Systems & Societies
IBDP French B
IBDP Geography
IBDP German A: Language & Literature
IBDP History
IBDP Maths: Analysis & Approaches
IBDP Maths: Applications & Interpretation
IBDP Physics
IBDP Psychology
IBDP Spanish A
IBDP Spanish Ab Initio
IBDP Spanish B
IBDP Visual Arts
IBMYP English Language & Literature
IBMYP Resources
IBMYP Spanish Language Acquisition
IB Career-related Programme
Subject sites for IGCSE teachers
Start here
About the site
Adult Learning
IB approach to adult learning
How to facilitate adult learning
How do you plan professional development?
Professional Learning
Your toolkit
Toolkit of collaborative activities
A paragraph, sentence, phrase, word
Appreciative Inquiry
Artifact - Storytelling
Body Biography
Case Study
Compass points
Connect | Extend | Challenge
Cover Story
Diamond 9
Elevator Pitch
Essential Agreement
Gallery Walk
Genius Hour
Graffiti boards
Heart of the Matter
Jigsaw a document or book
K-W-L Chart
Ladder of Feedback
Learning Journal
Market Place
Newspaper article
Odd One Out?
Parking Lot - Issues
PechaKucha 20x20
Photo cards
Photo Montage
Place Mat
Plus, minus, interesting
Purple cow
Quotation | Notation | Reflection
Scavenger hunt
See, Hear, Feel
See, Think, Wonder
Six word memoir
Talking Points
Think Piece
Think Win-Win
Tweet it
Visual Metaphor
World Cafe
Toolkits for collaboration
Websites on leading, teaching and learning
Learning through COVID-19
Leading in a time of crisis
Well-being: looking after students, teachers and parents
Teaching & Learning
High quality remote | online learning
IB & COVID-19 Microsite
Return to school
Education in the future
Mission & Vision
Schools as 'Learning Organisations'
Schools - System Thinking
School Culture
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Are we inclusive?
Writing Vision and Mission Statements
Happy New Year
What is the purpose of your school?
How to write a mission statement
Is your school mission clear?
My Vision
How to write a vision statement
Does your vision drive your school forward?
Getting the branding right
Getting the culture right - A Case Study
Aligning Mission with IB
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Planning Process
Change Management
Culture change
Understanding the changing world
Lead the change
Are you a change leader?
Managing change across different cultures
Change Management Tools
Opening a new school
Checklist: Opening a new school
What is International Education?
US and Canada - Educational Landscape
Getting the vision right
Getting the values right
Getting teacher recruitment right
Getting staffing right
Getting professional development right
Getting the learning right
Getting the curriculum right
Information Systems
Getting the legal framework right
Getting the finances right
Getting marketing right
Getting accreditation / inspection right
Diary of an international head
What is leadership?
Leadership Resources
What's my big idea?
Communicating my big idea
Passionate Leadership
Leadership traits, behaviours and skills
Leadership styles
Exploring leadership through videos
Leadership vs Management
What makes school leadership effective?
Leading in a time of (great) change
Middle Leadership
Data-driven leadership
Leadership Lessons
Leadership Top Tips
My leadership
Case Study
Roles of a middle or senior school leader
The art of middle leadership
First 100 days of being a middle leader
Leaders influence others
Leaders lead high-performing teams
Leaders motivate people
Leaders communicate effectively
Culture and context
Developing a shared school culture
What is our school culture?
What's the impact of national cultures?
Impact of cultures on learning
IB Leadership Pathway
IB Approach to Leadership
IB Leadership Intelligences
IB Leadership Workshops
Discussion Scenarios
Recruitment & Development
Writing a job description - top tips
Appointing Heads of School
Appointing teachers and subject leaders
Applying for a teaching job
Preparing for a job interview
Induction of new staff
Staff Development
Appraisal | Performance Management
Appraisal of school leaders
Getting governance right
Governors' roles
Governors' Meetings
Governance - Case Studies
Helpful resources
Graduation Speeches
Leadership case studies
Leading in a time of political change
Leadership Thought Pieces
Applying to be a Head
Emotionally intelligent leadership
Leadership Network
New Year - Excellent think pieces to start the year
Teaching and Learning
How do students actually learn?
Creating the optimal conditions for learning
Student agency
How do we think? All about the brain
Learning and thinking differences
How do we engage | motivate students?
How does 'learning' happen in your school?
How do we help students who struggle?
How do we make learning memorable?
Student work - book scrutiny
Evidence informed teaching
Which teaching strategies are effective?
How do you become an expert teacher?
What does it mean to be a research-informed school?
Characteristics of high-performing schools
A Professional Development Programme for your school
What do you believe about 'teaching'?
Mindsets matter
Homework - to be or not to be?
Useful videos on pedagogy
My Philosophy of Teaching
A note on constructivism
Our '21st Century' Context
Learning for the 21st Century
What's worth teaching?
Skills for their future
Teaching for the 21st Century
All about pedagogy
Reggio Emilia approach
PISA assessments
What are we doing to our children?
WHAT is well-being?
WHY focus on well-being?
HOW can we teach well-being?
Well-being and human flourishing
Well-being and student leadership
How to help students and staff facing trauma
Mental Health & Well-Being
Staff Well-Being
PS: Well-being and the secrets of a long life
Revision Strategies
Parent - Teacher Consultations
What is pedagogical leadership?
The role of subject leader and coordinator
Your role as a pedagogical leader
Pedagogical Leadership Workshop
Professional Learning (Development)
PD - Make it personal
Teacher journal clubs
Learning walks | sharing practice - Pineapple PD
School Improvement
School Improvement Tool
Case study - transforming a school from within
Thought Pieces
Learning is ...
Our Students Are Digital Natives
Provocation: Are they really learning?
What's the best way to revise?
Make learning real
The Teenage Brain
Knowledge vs. skills?
Thinking skills
Social-Emotional Learning
How do we build confidence in our students?
Take care explaining concepts
Collaboration & Teamwork
Learners: What makes an 'expert learner'?
Recalling information - revision
Making learning memorable
Our century: who are our students' thought leaders?
ATL - Working with staff
Establishing an ATL culture
ATL Toolkit
IB Approaches to Teaching
Teaching is based on inquiry
Teaching is focused on conceptual understanding
Teaching is developed in local and global context
Teaching is focused on effective teamwork and collaboration
Teaching is differentiated
Teaching is informed by assessment
IB Approaches to Learning
ATL skill progression - how to plan for it?
How well do you know your children - individually?
Which skills are important?
IB ATL: Social Skills
IB ATL: Communication Skills
IB ATL: Self-Management
IB ATL: Research Skills
IB ATL: Thinking Skills
IB World School
Introducing the IB World
IB Voices
In conversation with the IB Director General
10 slides series - introduction to IB big ideas
The IB in 10 slides
IB Learner Profile in 10 slides
International Mindedness in 10 slides
Approaches to Teaching - in 10 slides
Approaches to Learning in 10 slides
IB Leadership in 10 slides
Top video series
Top International Mindedness Videos
Top Leadership Videos
Top Learner Profile Videos
Top Teaching and Learning Videos
What is our Global Context?
Global Citizen - what does it mean?
Global Competencies
Be a digital global citizen
Global Issues
Global issues resource bank
An IB Education
What is an IB Education?
Knowledge - how do we make learning relevant?
IB Culture - Key Policies
Academic Integrity (Honesty) Policy
Admissions Policy
Assessment Policy
Inclusion Policy
Language Policy
Glossary of IB Terms
IB Continuum Schools
How do you promote | market the IB?
Case Study - Why choose IB as opposed to the national programme?
What are the challenges in being an IB School?
IB Programmes: PYP | MYP | DP | CP
Role of Head of School in an IB School
IB Mission
Education for sustainability
Live the mission - be the change
IB Learner Profile
Inquiry into the Learner Profile
Our Learner Profile
Living the IB Learner Profile
Staff Learner Profile
Leader Profile
Learner Profile Assemblies / Town Halls
IB Resources
International Mindedness
What is International-Mindedness?
What do we mean 'intercultural understanding'?
Global Engagement
Are you internationally-minded?
International-mindedness and the world of work
International Mindedness in my school
IB Resources
Service (Learning)
Toxic Service!
The Diploma Programme
Key documents
The Core
Diploma Subjects
DP Assessment
DP Coordinator's Handbook
Unit Planning
Teaching Tips
IB Coordinators
A quick guide for the DP coordinator
IB Coordinator - Job Description
Coordinator's Resource
NEW important IB workshops
The Big Picture
IB Mission
The IB Philosophy
International Mindedness
IB Learner Profile
Key IB terms
General Regulations
The role of the librarian
The role of the counsellor
My role as pedagogical leader
Induction of IB students
Curriculum Mapping
Approaches to Learning Workshop
Why do we have to teach ATL?
What are the ATL?
How do we embed ATL in the classroom?
Collaborative Planning
IB Workshops
FREE IB Professional Development - Webinars & Nanos
FREE online workshops
Workshops using a translator
IB Workshops for Authorization and Evaluation
Magpie Corner
Learner Profile
The Learning Environment
Global Issues
The Library
IB Authorization & Evaluation
Becoming an IB School
Standards and Practices
September 2020 Standards and Practices
IB World School Manager: What do they do?
What is IB Authorisation?
Getting ready for IB authorization
Role of the IB consultant
Tips for authorization
Verification Visit
Writing an action plan
Authorization - IB Workshops 2020
What is IB Evaluation?
Your IB evaluation guide for staff
New evaluation from September 2021
What's new about IB evaluation?
IB Evaluation 2020 - Key Terms
Writing your school profile
2021 IB Evaluation Crib Sheet
Writing your school profile
How do we plan for programme evaluation?
How do we carry out professional inquiry?
How professional inquiry supports programme development planning
Programme Development Plan (PDP)
Who will evaluate your school?
Evaluation Visit - The Interviews
IB workshops focused on evaluation
Evaluation - resources for the new evaluation
Multi-Programme Visit
Synchronized Evaluation Visit
Writing the evaluation report
Virtual Verification & Evaluation Visits
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