Teaching & Learning

What is e-learning and how do we do it?

This page provides you with an intoduction to distance | e-learning.

E-learning refers to remote learning where the student is not physically in the classroom with the teacher. Online learning in a virtual classroom is a way of delivering teaching content interactively over the internet.  Although students can manage the tasks and learning engagement in their own time it is not ‘self-paced’, in as much as the teacher establishes a timetable when tasks should be completed. 

This page was originally written as a blog in response to schools temporarily closing as a result of the virus Covid-19.  However, e-learning | distance learning is a valuable extension of classroom activities.

I learnt the value  - as well as necessity - of e-learning when I was director of a school in the Middle East at a time of civil war. One Friday night two thirds of my students flew back home, and for the next six months we had to teach using online tools.

The page is written in the form of an advice and top tips list for: SCHOOL LEADERS | TEACHERS | STUDENTS | & PARENTS.

Check out  IB Voices - leadership discussions free to access - helpful short podcasts discussing key aspects of remote learning in this time of pandemic.

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