Mission & Vision

  • What is mission and what is vision? How do they differ?
  • What makes a good mission and vision statement? How do we write them? How are they valuable to a school?
  • What is your mission and vision? To what extent is it distinctive?
  • Does your mission and vision provide a focus for the energies and direction of your school?
  • How do we demonstrate our ability to align the school mission to the IB mission and philosophy?
  • Tools for promoting your mission and vision.
  • What role does a strategy document have? How do we develop school strategy? What makes a strategic plan effective?
  • Tools for developing school strategy that you can use with governors, school leadership team and the faculty.
  • 20 questions to ask about your strategy.
  • How can leaders manage change? Tools for bringing about change.
  • Is your school culture one that embraces or resists change?
  • Think pieces to use with staff.
  • Case studies from schools.

Selected Pages


Getting staffing right 1 April 2017

There is nothing more important for any school than to ensure that it has recruited the very best people and that they will...


Getting the vision right 21 February 2017

The vision for your school is your glue and the foundation of your brand. It underpins the logic of your curriculum and...

Change Management 1 August 2022

"The notion of change is an extremely complex one and has been characterised as messy, uncertain, nearly chaotic, a disturbance,...

Strategic Leadership 11 May 2022

School leadership should be futures oriented and strategically driven. Developing and implementing a strategy is a central...

Writing Vision and Mission Statements 3 April 2021

Who are you and where are you going? These are two essential questions for all of us who work in schools.A mission is our...

Getting professional development right 27 March 2021

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn". (John Cotton Dana)All schools are learning organisations n which students...

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